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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. i didn't see my brother's username on that list, but I don't remember exactly what it was. He couldn't ahve had more than 3 posts, and he now lives in Seattle... I think he'd still drop in every so often if I reminded him though.
  2. I just overheard the range guy saying something about him being able to SELL 50 rd mags, but they were like fireworks; you can buy them, but you can't use (load) them in Ohio. 30 or 33 is the legal limit (again, according to what I overheard the range guy say) What I wondered about (law student reflex) is if loading 10 rounds into the 50 round mag is still illegal, or if it's that 34th bullet that makes it illegal. I think of the magazine round limit in the same manner as a speed limit - you're not to exceed 65mph on the highway; but that doesn't mean you can't have a vehicle CAPABLE of 150. It's USING it beyond the expressed limit that constitutes the crime; not having the potential. ...at least that's how I'd try to argue it if the NRA were footing the bill. I'm thinking the ruger 10 round mags are good enough. I'll start off with the one, and then buy 2-4 more when the weather gets nice enough to shoot outside. How often do I need to clean the rifle and magazines anyway? Every 100 rounds? every 500? Any time the gun is going to sit in my closet for a month? i haven't bought any kind of cleaning kit.
  3. redkow97

    Range Visit

    I'd consider a hi-point as a first handgun. Cheap way to find out if you actually enjoy that type of shooting. What's not to like? They definitely get a bad rap with LEO's and (I assume) range employees, but I don't shoot nearly as often as any of those people. It would be like someone coming on here and saying they wanted to race a Hyosung 250 or 650... Most of us would probably say, "they're total crap," but they're a cheap way to get into the sport. Either you learn from your "mistake," or you don't have the problems everyone warns you about. for $130, that's a mistake I could live with. Unless i'm remembering wrong, the larger caliber hi-points aren't much more expensive either. a .45 might be in my future
  4. BOOM. Aren't these illegal (to load) in Ohio?
  5. any recommendations on the high capacity magazines? Particular brand to use or avoid? the internets tell me to just buy multiple of the stock ruger 10-round mags. You can get them for about $15 each if you buy in pairs. Seems reasonable.
  6. <right-click> "copy image location." send email to coworker who is away from desk. Open email. Copy into address bar. <right-click> "set as desktop background." My work for the day is done.
  7. Isn't being in a union basically an admission that at some point, your "experience" stops making you better at a given job? My uncle's big into the machinists' union, and some of the "victories" he touted at Christmas dinner seemed like losses for people who had any desire to buy American.
  8. in grade school, one of my classmate's had a birthday party and his dad got pulled over on the way home ...with 4 or 5 kids in the car. I want to say he was drunk, but I can't confirm that. I do know for a fact that he hadn't had a license in several years; was arrested on the spot, and everyone's parents were called to pick them up. thankfully I wasn't friends with that kid, but EVERYONE knew about it at school.
  9. yeah, i'm none too pleased... It's no secret that I like riding with NESBA, but at this point I'll only see them at BeaveRun. I'm really hoping they add some Summit dates to the calendar. Might start my season with them in May at New Jersey, but man does that drive suck balls...
  10. definitely planning on it. My uncle/cousin have a small arsenal of guns that I'm supposedly welcome to borrow. Wish I had my own land outside Cuyahoga county... The thrift store I went to the other day had "all TV's $5."
  11. I'm just saying it wouldn't be my first choice - it's definitely not a BAD choice at that price. Not trying to dissuade anyone from buying, but being educated before making a purchase is important. That's definitely a disposable bike, but it has basically NO add-ons. No suspension upgrades, doesn't say anything about stainless brake lines; it doesn't even have track bodywork... Riding it wouldn't be bad, but fixing it after a crash would be sinking in more money than it's worth.
  12. Stopped in, bought my range bag, and had a quick chat with the Stonewall staff. Their bulk ammo prices are about $10 a box higher than Walmart, which I stopped by later. I'm officially armed and dangerous Man was Stonewall busy! I don't think there was a wait for range stalls, but they were definitely close to full, with most stalls being shared. I overheard one guy paying $139 for his range time and ammo. Totally justified purchasing a .22 for me. ha. He couldn't have been there more than a couple hours, so over $100 of that was ammo...
  13. I don't mean to bash on that generation GSXR, but the 2004 model was a HUGE improvement. If you've already got an '03, then ride the wheels off it, but if someone's looking to pick up a track bike, '03 or older GSXR would not be at the top of my list - they just handle like tanks compared to the other Japanese I-4's from the same model year. that does seem to be a very reasonable price for that bike though, and it would be hard to find an '03 R6, 600RR, or 636 for that amount.
  14. can someone confirm or debunk somethign I heard on the radio? the day of the shooting, I heard a report that the one woman tried to wrestle away his mag while he was reloading. she did, but he had another. After he reloaded though, I heard a report that the gun jammed, and THAT is when he was wrestled to the ground. Those high capacity mags have a tendency to jam more often, don't they? So this 31 round mag (or whatever) they're harping on may actually have contributed to STOPPING the guy (in a weird, roundabout way)?
  15. a little girl's life was TAKEN by an individual who was failed by the mental health system long before any firearms entered the equation. But yes, I agree that people will make the wrong connection and it will cause more negative publicity than it's worth.
  16. well I want to buy a range bag for it anyway, so I'm going to stop by after work and talk to them. Bad34 was saying that there's 1 cranky staffer, but everyone else is pretty cool. "hi, I'd like to buy one of your overpriced bags, possibly some ammunition, and patronize your range regularly when it's warm enough to store my rifle in the trunk of my car while I'm at work" should make them happy, but cranky is cranky
  17. does this mean I can't use brass jacketed ammo? No hollow-points either? From Stonewall's range rules page: "All rifle ammo will be inspected. Soft point or lead round nose only. No steel core, armor piercing or full metal jackets." I might drop in there just to see what they sell on sight and then buy there to be safe. $20/hour is pricey though. Maybe they'll only charge the handgun rate for a .22?
  18. I don't think there is a good way to pull it out. If it's fallen through, the ice around it is pretty weak. I wouldn't want to go near it. Assuming you could find someone willing to get a tow strap hooked up, that's still not going to lift it up and back onto the surface of the ice. at best, it gets pulled to shore, breaking through the ice along the way, and drowning itself even further...
  19. I haven't bought a scope yet, but I anticipate putting one on.
  20. sweet. next Q: will the $17 walmart case fit a scope, or do i have to get the $30 model for that?
  21. does it really matter what ammo I use? any reason i should buy from Dick's or Walmart rather than online? Should I NOT buy boxes of 550 before seeing how the gun likes smaller quantities of a given round?
  22. I have always heard that, but in researching it on the ruger 10/22 in particular, there seems to be an even split claiming that it's either harmless, or damaging. The manual actually suggests dry-firing with an empty magazine to learn good habits as far as safe handling.
  23. are there particular brands of ammo to avoid? I'm on ableammo.com browsing stuff... Until I find something I like, I was planning on not buying 500+ at a time. Is it even worth buying online, or should I just get whatever's on the shelves at Walmart?
  24. I have always heard that, but in researching it on the ruger 10/22 in particular, there seems to be an even split claiming that it's either harmless, or damaging. The manual actually suggests dry-firing with an empty magazine to learn good habits as far as safe handling.
  25. Is it going to wear out the spring if I keep the bolt locked open the way the manual instructs me to? just doesn't seem like a great idea for long-term storage.
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