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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. how much and what size wheels? I kind of want a 2-stroke supermoto, but building wheels is $$$$, so i'd need to be able to fit street rubber to the stock rims for a while. Trade for a slightly used Katana 750?
  2. I just can't understand why someone would accelerate through one yellow light, only to slam on the brakes at the next one 40 feet away... The lights are literally on the exact same timing, so if you don't beat them both, there's no point in making the first one.
  3. I took video of the intersection this morning. Pissed at the truck ahead of me, but not sure I have a right to be... I'll try to post it at some point, but it's the exit ramp at Route 44 and Johnnycake Ridge Rd. and my insurance doesn't renew until next week, so I can cancel that and avoid being billed for this year until I get the bike fixed!
  4. not the most technical "review," but I dig his enthusiasm and honesty.
  5. where's the new job? I remember you were looking for a while
  6. I'm one of the statistics now! I can't really complain, because I'm fine except for a bruised hip, but I'm still embarrassed and mildly pissed off about how this went down (literally!) Exiting the highway, there's an intersection that doesn't allow a right on red. The truck in front of me entered the intersection JUST as the light was turning yellow, and I followed. We make our right turn, and there is a second light maybe 40 feet down the road on the same timing as the highway exit. I have never seen anyone go through the first yellow and then slam on the brakes for the second yellow, but this truck did. I was accelerating to (I assumed) chase the truck through the light. She braked, I swerved and braked, and tucked the front at a couple miles per hour. Not sure how I didn't end up with my right leg under the bike, but I was up and picked up the bike before it even had a chance to shut off. The driver got out to ask if I was okay, and I remember telling her "I didn't expect you to stop IN the intersection." in hindsight, I'm not sure if she was in the wrong or not, and I'm mad at myself for making a stupid mistake. The bike was rideable, but I cracked the tail section, and my right-side engine cover is now leaking a couple of drops of oil every minute. I rode home with the oil drops blowing back onto my boot, but I made the 40+ mile ride without incident. Only damage to me is a bruised hip, and I put a 2" tear in the knee of the jeans I was wearing over my ugly old 2-piece leathers. There are some marks on my gloves where my knuckles must have hit the ground, but that could be from picking the bike up for all I know. In a weird way, I was lucky it was so cold, and I didn't hesitate to wear full gear. Makes me really reconsider street riding in the future though. I may fix up the katana and sell it. Thinking I just need a new gasket, and maybe some JB-weld or a new side-cover.
  7. I work pretty closely with law enforcement agents, and while I can't refute the statements made about Troopers being brutal with their enforcement, that is the task they're given... It's pretty rare that they get a call to respond to a crime in progress, so their job is mainly a numbers game of citing traffic offenders, and hopefully finding drugs and fugitives in the process. I literally just settled a case this morning that involved two Highway Patrol Sergeants, and two Troopers. All four were incredibly invested in the case, accommodating of my concerns, and really helpful in getting us to a positive result. A Trooper from the same post cited my coworker for doing 80 in a 60mph zone last year. It's just their job. The Sheriff's Deputies and Patrolmen I have dealt with are mainly just average guys though. One of the detectives I've had as a witness several times has Rossi posters in his office, and flies out to Laguna Seca for MotoGP races. His last bike was a GSX-R 1000. His partner has more bikes than he could name (all cruisers though). You're going to catch cops on bad days just like you catch mechanics and cashiers on bad days. Be polite to them whether they deserve it or not, and I honestly believe that nine times out of ten, they're going to be willing to cut you a break - maybe not on the side of the road while they're pissed off and writing your ticket, but maybe when the prosecutor calls them after your pretrial and asks how they feel about a 0 point violation and waiving your fine.
  8. Give someone a tire from the tire wall? Just inject them with hepatitis and save them the hassle of touching the tire!
  9. I had never heard 1:06, but I feel like WERA was there around 2008 and Sam Gaige and Eddie Kraft were both in the 1:07's battling for the lead. I may be showing my age and having a "glory days" moment though - even if it is someone else's glory
  10. do you remember what kind of times Neyra was running there? I only searched for WERA results to make sure I wasn't talking out of my ass. I seem to remember some super-human turning 1:08's or something, but I couldn't be sure.
  11. it is rough, but you can go crazy fast there if you're skilled and brave. The layout is really fun. As the track sits, it is "historic." With improved runoff (which they're working on), a wider track, and a repave, it would be pretty awesome. With elevation changes, it might be talked about in the same sentence as Road Atlanta or Barber. I consider a 1:12 pretty damn fast there. 1:10 will put you on the box in most expert races. I don't think I ever broke the 1:16 mark
  12. I presume you're referencing the facebook post cancelling the weekend's events?
  13. it's a cool piece of history. I'd like to ride one to see if it's everything I hope it is.
  14. I'm crossing my fingers that it turns up for you. Things DO get recovered periodically, so don't lose hope yet. Keep your eyes and ears open for information. Cops enjoy solving crimes more than just taking reports, so while looking for your bike isn't job 1, they're not going to completely ignore any information you can give them. "it was spotted at _______" address, or even a nickname you overhear might break your case. I have suspects known as "squeak," "NATO," etc. all of whom are well known by local police departments by their nicknames.
  15. is that what you told them, or what you value it at? The figure in the police report is going to determine whether or not this is considered a misdemeanor of the first degree petty theft, or a felony of the fifth degree theft. You don't particularly care until there's a suspect, but that will determine whether it goes through municipal court or common pleas. Muni would likely be much faster...
  16. what did you tell the authorities it was worth?
  17. why did I think these had an inline 5?
  18. I think it's a "sit tight" situation. A receiver could still purchase the business and re-open. It's more likely that they'll liquidate assets, but stranger things have happened. PIRC was in receivership from 2008 through 2013(?), and now look at the place - they've added more garages, more bathrooms, and cleared the way for the South track to be paved this spring.
  19. we really need to talk to one of the ohio tracks about setting up a backstop for after-hours shooting. I guess A&A is within walking distance of Nelson Ledges already. What's Todd's email address? Maybe we can rent out the track for an Ohio Riders unofficial track day, then drink, then camp, then shoot the next day.
  20. I agree that their business model (or their apparent business model) doesn't seem to make sense, but we're not privy to their actual inner workings. The Hero partnership made sense, and then I didn't see anything come from it in the US market...
  21. I told you before the novice XR race, but you got much better throughout the day. Novice season is fun that way. You get to improve quickly and enjoy that pretty much every time you ride the bike.
  22. tempting, but I already have 2 chocks on my trailer and would so rarely need a third one...
  23. so ground directly to the tow vehicle rather than the frame of the trailer?
  24. how do you suggest I ground the lights?
  25. Pegram was also the "team manager" or something to that effect. I'm curious to know who actually owned those bikes, EBR the company, or Hero as the sponsor.
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