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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. My understanding is that the problem you're describing is an issue with urine tests, but that phenomenon is insignificant in blood tests.
  2. you could play it pretty safe and still score decent points. I need to focus on finishing ahead of Ben and JB, and let the rest sort itself out.
  3. blood test and field sobriety. When a suspect reeks of weed and then falls over during the one-leg-stand test, I think that's adequate circumstantial evidence that they're currently under the influence. As for the blood testing, THC builds in your fat cells, which is why it shows in a urine screen for 30+ days after you consume it. But it exits the blood stream quickly enough to use that as a valid indication of intoxication.
  4. they have different chemical effects on the brain. I am by no means an expert, but I have questioned experts on this topic. My recollection of their opinions is that weed basically slows your decision-making process, whereas alcohol effects the decisions you make. So if you're drifting over the center-line while high on weed, your ability to react to that quickly is diminished. Under the influence of alcohol, you experience the same delayed reaction, but you're also more inclined to initiate an illegal pass, or a legal pass without enough room to clear oncoming traffic, etc. So in addition to your reactions being dulled, you're also not processing the decision itself with your full faculties. Again, I am not an expert, and that is an EXTREME simplification.
  5. OVI cases against weed smokers are not as simple as they sound. There is no marihuana breathalyzer to tell the court how impaired a driver is. Frankly, it would not be difficult to spend more money prosecuting these people than the court collects in fines and costs.
  6. those of us with a 2.5 hour drive home would love to get racing earlier... Maybe I'll run for office with the club at the banquet :-P
  7. I read 9/30 - or is that just when it's going to first be put on public display at an industry show?
  8. the original H2 was the quickest thing around, in its day... That would support the theories that it will be a drag bike in street trim. But the last teaser pic showed it with road racing slicks... I'm still holding out hope for a forced induction middleweight. 700 triple with a turbo or something. But like someone else said, liter bikes are only marginally heavier than 600's, and produce 180+ at the wheel these days. How much would a turbo really add to that formula? wish they'd just release the details. Their marketing is working on all of us.
  9. Finally a reasonably priced glove with a functional but non-obtrusive palm slider! That pad is right where my current gloves are wearing most heavily.
  10. Start time really depends on how many classes are combined. Last round there were really only 4 classes, with F1 and F2 combined, but stock XR was split expert/novice, so it was still 8 heats with the combined grid. Anyway, I think the low number of heats led to a lot of laziness in getting practice wrapped up... Or started on time for that matter.
  11. I thought the new licenses matched the new Ohio plates with the pink triangle along the top... weird.
  12. I try to be through down town before 7:00. The traffic is the primary reason.
  13. Did you read/hear that somewhere, or are you just speculating? I don't see why they would build a better ZX14 and call it an H2 instead of a zx14 ______ edition.
  14. "electric actuation" makes me think something like a KERS is possible. But you're right, it does sound like there's something electric in the noise.
  15. While I understand your outrage, you can't charge parents with crimes committed by their kids. They're liable in civil matters for a few thousand dollars of damages, but they're their own thinking, breathing, decision-making idiots. The level of injuries sustained by the victims will determine whether or not this is assault, or felonious assault.
  16. when he said "so what is pretty cheap?" I think he meant how much money do you consider "pretty cheap" in this scenario. I'm not in the know on pole-barns. My idea of cheap may be wildly different than someone who knows what a pro would charge.
  17. it sounds like the Ninja 1000 would be just about perfect for what you want. Should be able to find them for pretty cheap too.
  18. smashed how? In a straight line? that would surprise me. the 3.8 V6 was a monster in that small of a car. But that was the problem - it plowed like a pig if you tried to turn it. The 2011 car weighed over 3,500 lbs, whereas yours is 2,800. The 3.8 made over 260hp, and good torque, but it wasn't the right formula for that vehicle. They really should have stuck with light weight and turbo I-4's...
  19. that body style has aged really well. I didn't like the "cheese-grater" doors on the generation that followed this one, and the most recent body style is a (mildly uglier) copy of this generation. I think the front end on the mid-90's models are better looking than the more recent ones. GLWS
  20. slicks for the unveiling of a street bike? the plot thickens.
  21. That audio was not a twin. If it is a supercharged 300, it's a 300 triple or 4 cylinder.
  22. I'm with Biggie on this one. I think a full season would have been a more fair evaluation. Not trying to ignore the crashes and poor results, but they axed josh right as he was starting to improve and reign in the mistakes. That's unfortunate. I think JH2 turned off some fans with comments he made years ago ...when he was 19 or so. I think the haters need to realize how much josh has grown up, and remember how much of an idiot THEY were at his age. I feel bad for josh, but I'm not worried about him at all. He'll be racing again soon.
  23. I don't think that's a fair comparison at all. First of all, "the media" focuses on what consumers want (or will watch anyway), so we can turn anything we hate about the media right back around and blame ourselves. What is actually important is different than what the American consumer connects with. I know a ton more about Joan Rivers than I do about 99.99% of enlisted military personnel. I am saddened by the loss of any human life, and it's upsetting when military personnel die in conflicts I don't agree with - but that's part of the risk they accept when they enlist. That doesn't change how their families feel.
  24. Her death has made me realize that Joan Rivers was funnier than I thought. I'm not going to cry about it or miss her or any of that shit, but holy hell am I sick of hearing the term "comedienne."
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