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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. I don't like bud light, but i'll drink it. If I'm buying cheap beer, I buy highlife. For the money, it's my favorite cheap beer. Typically I buy a sixer of La Gunitas triple IPA, and then a 30 of highlife at the store. One or two good IPAs, and then as much highlife as I feel like having. That makes for a fun Saturday night. I also tend to drink lighter beers at the pool, or while doing stuff in the garage. It's nice to be able to have 6 and not drill a hole through your hand. If I had 6 good beers, I'd be half blind most nights.
  2. and Ryder, and Penske. Representatives from those companies would all be witnesses I'd subpoena if this made it to trial.
  3. well fuck... How many of the MotoSeries riders actually have an XR100 to ride, or would be on a team with people who do?
  4. if the Midget really wants this, I can transport it to any OMRL round. Brian lives close enough to me (and even closer to my parents) that I could pick this up pretty much any time it's convenient for him.
  5. Torque wrenches are dangerous... blue Loctite and "snug" next time. Yes, a shop should be able to extract the bolt and re-tap the hole. But really, if you were proficient enough to install the kit by yourself, I would wager you can do as good of a job at extracting and re-tapping the hole. Just need to buy the proper tools (which will be less than the shop charges for sure...) got any pics?
  6. Per RRW, it's $2,000,000, or any profits realized from its use. So basically he owes them all his race winnings. All $0 of it. I'd agree to that.
  7. it's $10k, not millions. At least that's what he was saying on the WERA beeb. I still need to read the full court filing, but if it's as he describes, this won't make it very far. They've failed to adequately state a legal basis for recovery. Motion for summary judgment ought to be granted. And if not, I'd put this in front of any jury in the country... Again, that's all assuming his version and characterization of the facts is/are accurate.
  8. I would feel okay patching a tubed tire, but at 5,000 miles, it's probably just more cost-effective to replace it. You're talking about the cost of the patch, plus mounting and balancing, for a tire that already has 5000 miles on it, and will be replaced sooner anyway.
  9. The rental bikes belong to members, not to the club, so no rental info on the website. There should be a contact email though. Kent and/or Russ (or someone else) will get back to you. There are only 2 "designated" rental bikes, so we may have to coordinate this early to see if more can be acquired for the weekend. There might be a couple of others that just need some repairs.
  10. Enough about Todd's dick-holding. Adam took the double-win in novice XR100 and turned times that would have looked at home on the Expert result sheet. Not a bad day!
  11. I seem to remember them asking $100 for the weekend at PIRC. With the additional time on the bike for the endurance race, I was anticipating $100, but I have an email out to Kent and Russ (via the official OMRL email account) to get a firm answer. Regardless, especially split between 2 people, it's still stupid cheap.
  12. take the February bar. trust me on this. studying all summer is the suckiest suck that ever sucked.
  13. I will get details from the appropriate parties this weekend. I can't remember what last year's entry fee was... It is per team though, so you can split it easily with more riders. Rental for the XR's is another question I'm not sure on, but again, if you're all sharing one bike, that could be split as well. I'm not looking to rent my bike out, but I would do it if the other rentals were spoken for, and I had a different team bike to ride.
  14. I'll give you your pointers right now: Follow Gavin/Kent/Devon. More gas, less brake. Pass the guy in front of you. But seriously, remind me to be geared up early so we can turn some early practice laps with no traffic. I'll chase you for 5 or so laps. Can record you if you want to see where I run up on your wheel.
  15. bullshit! the government hands out loans for school! Try getting a loan to go racing!
  16. Hey all - I checked the MotoSeries calendar, and the season wraps up before the OMRL endurance race. It seems to me that the MotoSeries regulars have no excuse not to show up, maintain their riding fitness, and turn some laps on XR100 rentals (or their own if they have them). Plus there's a barbeque during/after the endurance race. The teams vying for the win will run 2 riders in 1-hour stints. Gavin and I took third (I think) last year by switching every half hour or so. Frankly, I think the rider swaps are fun, and add to the excitement. If it were my event, I would make a certain number of stops mandatory (probably dictated by whichever team has the most riders) to keep things fair, and provide opportunities for low/no-speed shenanigans - I'll bring that up before the race But back to 'business' Mini racing is cheap. For the cost of a practice day at most tracks, you can do 4 heat races, the endurance race, and rent a bike with OMRL... This could be a tremendously fun event for a bunch of us to get together, talk shit, hang out, and RIDE A TON. 2013 had a 4 or 5 person team, so you can split the entry and rental fees to reduce costs by even more if you want. The only problem with that is that there's a finite amount of practice time in the morning - but I would probably let people take my bike out for practice if they want. Others might be open to that as well. Start making your plans now!
  17. bumping it up! As far as I know, rental bikes are still available, but they need to know how many to pack ASAP. Tomorrow is supposed to be a hot one. JB and I will have shade and ice cold water if anyone stops by to watch, or rides out in full gear with a rental bike waiting for them.
  18. redkow97

    Dunlop Q3

    I'll be accused of pimping OMRL (again), but I honestly think riding an underpowered bike with sport-touring tires on garbage suspension and crap brakes forces you to evaluate everything else (here, tires) in a completely different light. Q3's on a fuel injected 600 feels like a motoGP setup by comparison. So I admit to some level of, for lack of a better term, "exaggeration" when I speak of the Q3's capabilities - I just think it's funny to characterize them as 'good for occasional track use' when some of us are routinely riding at the track on less capable tires. I haven't heard a bad word about the Q3, but for 90% street use, I'd buy something else (read higher mileage) and just accept that I'll be .5 seconds slower at the track, if only because my brain won't let me push any harder on tires that aren't supposed to be as good.
  19. This is what law school does to people - you sell your big bikes and race 5hp toys...
  20. my boss just walked into the office after 2 weeks on his honeymoon. Showing him this is clearly more important than letting him check phone messages...
  21. any major changes (improvements) to the track surface? I heard positive things from the WERA folks.
  22. I am nearly 100% certain this kid was not "arrested" for this. What I would guess happened is that the "school resource officer" (an actual uniformed police officer) escorted the student down to the office after he violated the school's zero tolerance policy for mention of the word "gun." **edit - he was charged with disorderly conduct. that's "inconvenience, annoyance or alarm" for fighting/violent or turbulent behavior, or some "grossly abusive or offensive language." I don't see how those facts fit. I'd fight it.
  23. redkow97

    Dunlop Q3

    I bet they're a lot more capable than you're giving them credit for. I have not ridden on Q3's, but I raced on Q2's and did a lot more than one or two track days on them before I started racing.
  24. let me get a handle on this $500/month student loan bullshit, and we'll talk. I will find a way to race big bikes again eventually - it's just going to take a lot of bargaining with the wife, and probably a job in a different county
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