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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. She can ride in th field where no one is watching, or spin some laps during lunch. I have an old 2-piece suit she can borrow. My sister-in-law can't be more than 120, and she has worn it.
  2. You're right. My post was unnecessary. I'm sure everyone here can make their own judgment.
  3. My dad is selling my grandmas 2002 sable with 55k for $3800. Not sure what his bottom line is. Has one rust spot over passenger side rear wheel. Otherwise, it's awesome. Leather interior, etc.
  4. bandit 400, if you can find one. Those are pretty cool little bikes actually.
  5. Almost forgot about that. Yes. There is the possibility that you could be "taken out" by another rider, but I don't consider that a probable outcome. Yes, you can out-ride your own abilities. Put a piece of masking tape on your tank with a note to yourself on it. Perhaps whatever amount you paid for that sweet Triumph... You shouldnt' be looking down too often, but that should be a good reminder to reign in the part of you that wants to push the limits. You'll still improve a ton as a rider.
  6. I won't go so far as to call myself a "fast" track rider, but I'm not comfortable riding quick on the street. The skill sets are the same, it's the risks that are different. If I crash at the track, I'm sliding off into the grass, with the potential to encounter other bikes along the way. Admittedly risky. If I crash on the street, I'm facing a possible ticket, curbs, street signs, mail boxes, and 4-wheeled traffic. In my mind, a lot more risky. Especially if i'm not in full race gear (although I have been wearing full leathers on the street a lot more lately)
  7. the same seems to happen with motorcycles. I don't fault salespeople for trying to make A sale, but I agree that it's irresponsible to push for unsafe sales. That said, if Joe Newb walks in and wants to buy a hand-cannon as his first gun (or a busa as his first bike), I would advise against it, but I wouldn't fault a sales person for acquiescing to the sale. If they don't, someone else will. That's just letting money walk out the door. If they can afford to have principles, then that's different, but retail sales can be a brutal business.
  8. I wasn't joking when I said his wife could ride my 100 all she wants during lunch at CRP. Hell, then the OP can buy his own 100 to race next year, and the wife can practice on it. Then she does the MSF course on a 200 or 250 (their bike), and goes out and buys a 500, 650, or whatever else she wants. I don't think it's any harder to ride a more powerful bike, you just have to be past the point of making major throttle control mistakes. Enough time on a dirt bike will teach that. Disk brakes will feel like hitting a brick wall after riding an XR100 though!
  9. Tuna MIGHT go through bikes faster than Tpoppa and Hoblick. Might. Wonder what he's racing next year. The GSXR was too "normal" for him anyway.
  10. I'll be in BVH some time this week before Friday to pick up the pack & play from our "summer home."
  11. I think they can do a lot to make things better, but I am still of the belief that the general lack of motorcycle racing culture in the US is going to prove to be problematic for them. A better series should bring back old fans. Gaining new ones will be an important next step
  12. Safer has nothing to so with frequency of crashes. I have crashed 15 or 20 times at the track. All but 2 were in races. I would happily relive them all to maintain my 0 crash count on the street. People crash more at track days because they get (too?) comfortable pushing their limits. They take risks that they wouldn't take on the street explicitly because it IS safer to do so.
  13. That's the key. I don't know of case law that extends Terry stop authority to citizens.
  14. "KTM" stands for "know three mechanics." ...I have nothing against KTMs, but I just made that up, and I think it's funny. Also, search youtube before buying one. There is a head-to-head drag race between the EX300 and KTM 390. Neither rider appears to be doing clutchless up-shifts, but the KTM wins by a depressingly small margin for a bike that should be a lot better. I would hope the KTM chassis and suspension allow it to carry more corner-speed, but for a new(er) rider, that's probably a non-issue.
  15. it's pretty easy (and definitely cheap) to lower the rear on an EX500 if that's an issue. I liked mine a lot. I am biased.
  16. people tend to forget the intermediate options between (potentially) deadly force and no force at all. Pepper spray is good stuff. Yeah, you might be charged with a simple assault (misdemeanor of the first degree) if you spray someone who convinces a jury they weren't doing anything wrong, but that's a heck of a lot less risk than shooting at someone who you don't know to be armed, or even threatening them with a firearm. Realistically, you'd likely end up with a deal for disorderly conduct, or an outright acquittal - that's if you're charged at all. (Most) Police officers aren't looking to jam up honest citizens who are taking reasonably restrained steps to protect their neighborhood. Otherwise, just be a good and diligent neighbor. Take down plates and vehicle descriptions. Note times and dates. That way when a house is broken into a week later, you can say with certainty that X vehicle was on your street at Y time and day (likely casing the joint). That additional piece of evidence may help significantly, or point police in a direction that breaks a burglary case wide open.
  17. I'm not going to try to pretend the 500 was a torque monster, but for someone 115 lbs., it might actually be a bit much for a true beginner. If she's thrown a leg over a dirt bike, then different story. The OP stopped by CRP on Saturday, right? Bring the wife by next Saturday, and she can crash my 100 in the grass all she wants. I can bring her full leathers, and I always have spare gloves. If she has boots and a helmet, she's good to go. There is space behind the paddock off in the grass - just have her keep it straight. the street tires are shitty in the grass.
  18. I admit that their conduct was suspicious, but what hard evidence do you have that they were actually planning to break into vehicles or homes?
  19. Gs500 is about as fast as a ninja 250, but may have more torque. My dad had one, and it felt really small and light. They are reliable and cheap. Only disadvantage might be harder to resell than a ninja
  20. Hahahaha. Or 100 yards from the building.
  21. Were you on the FJR? I was wondering if that was someone from Ohio riders...
  22. This notion of "out growing" bikes is faulty logic. Your wife is small. A low power bike will propel her to highway speeds easily. A 300 will surpass 100mph. If she wants more power after a year of riding, then fine, but that is not "out growing" the bike. Get her a pre-2008 250 for $900 this winter, then have her ride it a year and sell it in spring of 2016 for $1200. At that point she'll have the skills to ride just about anything she wants.
  23. long-term comfort two-up is going to require a pretty serious ST bike, IMHO. VFR1200 and Concourse would be places to start. Maybe Ninja 1000 as well? A passenger back-rest makes a less touring-oriented passenger seat more livable though.
  24. I haven't owned one, but I have driven and been in them a lot. My sister-in-law is on her second Escape limited. She lived with us when she owned the first, and parked me into the garage constantly, so I drove it a lot. Plus we took it on vacation, and I drove it 800 miles or so in the span of a week. 2012 was her first and now she has a 2014. I believe the second is a lease, but I may be wrong on that. Either way, obviously she hasn't kept either long enough to make long-term mechanical verdicts. The interiors are nice. The 4-cylinders are a bit revvy for an SUV, and a little loud if you really stomp on the gas, but I stopped noticing that after the first time I drove it. Highway mileage is easily above 25 mpg. I don't recall the exact number, but I know it did better than the Tucson (which is why we took the Escape on vacation instead), and the Tucson had gotten damn near 26 mpg on the same trip the year prior. Test drive a few. I liked the old body style better. I wish they would make one with a 2.0 diesel or something. it would get over 30 mpg easily, and still tow a reasonable amount. Perfect someone with a long commute and the need to tow a couple of bikes or a small boat occasionally.
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