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Everything posted by Todd#43

  1. Half fucker, Half retard. All stupid
  2. Yeah...I could use some green too. Too may red ones lately....
  3. You're welcome. I never said you didn't know anything, and you'd probably actually like racing with me. I've always been willing to share my knowledge with new guys, for what its worth. You may well be a fast guy. Actually, I said that your intentions were noble, (That means I can appreciate what you want to do) but your way of doing it is wrong and could certainly get people hurt or worse and expose you to a shitstorm of financial and criminal liability that I don't think you're prepared for. What I know about the "junkies" is limited to what I've seen and heard here and other places. Not my fault that your "bad press" is all that shows up. Go forward with what you're proposing, and my guess is there will be more. There's nothing wrong with helping street riders do better. I never said there was. What's wrong is doing it ON THE STREET. Teach at the track, put it into practice on the street. The street is not the place to learn because there are so many variables that you can't control. The track is a controlled environment, teaching is best done there. I have no problem with change, as long as its for the better. Its your method that I have a problem with. The street is not the place to learn.
  4. RE-read my post, fucktard. I told him what he should do. Of course, I wouldn't expect you to see that.
  5. My guess is its only a matter of time. Good Luck! I'm not hating. I know plenty about this topic, as well as the "assfault junkies". Besides the fact that your play on words sounds like you all have hemmroids, anyone can find out all they need to know about your little group by searching the forums (here, and several others), local news sites, and YouTube. Your "group" has a GREAT reputation. Keep up the good work. I've been riding motorcycles on the street for nearly 30 years. I can guarantee that I've logged more miles, been to more places, and seen more things (right and wrong) than you ever will. I've personally raced motorcylces for more than 10 years. I've won club championships, and I've torn more shit up at the track than most people own in a life time. I've organized, promoted, coordinated and run track based advanced rider schools, and I've been involved with racing at the AMA Superbike level. I've done my part to promote this sport and help riders. I'm doing it here now. While your intentions are noble, you're misguided. Trying to teach people performance riding on the street is STUPID, IRRESPONSIBLE, and in some circles CRIMINALLY NEGLIGENT - especially from someone with a checkered past like yours. Take the advice of the people here that know what they're talking about. If you want to teach, get involved with a group that does it right and go from there. Do it at the track. Not on the street. Of course, what do I know?
  6. If you don't like what I have to say, there's the handy "ignore" button. Typical psycho chick that can't make up her mind. I'm not surprised. Seems like there's quite a few of those around here too. Novice riding is what the MSF course is for. Take it. Take their more advanced courses too. When you've passed them and need more, take a track based school. There are several that offer street focused courses. Or, you could take the assfault junkies approach wad up a few bikes, get a couple of tickets, spend a shitload of money, and still learn nothing. Good Choice!
  7. Yeah....that "damage" to the Akro can's will buff right out I'm sure...
  8. A performance street riding school taught on the street by a guy who claims he "isn't doing any high speed street riding anymore". That's rich. Of course he's doing it on the street, where else would he do it? He'll run it out of his new "Used Parts" and "Salvage Bike" business he's starting up in his garage. You gotta give the guy credit. Not everyone gets those gigantic testicles. And this from the chick that wadded up a 250 and doesn't know why or how it happened. Sheesh....and Fonzie asked why I'm here. You couldn't get this shit for free anywhere else (ok, maybe at gixxer.com) - THAT's why I'm here. Goddamn I LOVE THIS PLACE!!!!!
  9. Todd#43

    Ninja Nick

    Bring your own needles? I know you guys are good at providing the smack
  10. Yeah, I had a couple of green ones going until NinjaNick came back
  11. Yeah....I got one. Too bad I got a shit load of good ones too
  12. Todd#43

    Ninja Nick

    Think what ya want. Doesn't matter much to me.
  13. They're record profits in terms of the dollars, but not as a percentage of revenue. Most of the oil related companies (refiners and such) have shitty earnings when compared to sales. As long as people continue to use the product at a record pace (although it has been down lately) the refiners will continue to enjoy record profits.
  14. Todd#43

    Ninja Nick

    I haven't conducted a survey to know who on this particular board has actually met me face to face, so I can't answer your question. At any rate, I was referring to those who do actually know me - not necessarily people on this board. Not saying that I wouldn't meet anyone from here either - just that I wouldn't travel two plus hours to socialize, and I personally have no desire to go all the way to Dayton to meet Nick. My interest in participating here is limited to discussing motorcycles and related issues with a broader base of people than the folks I typically hang out with. I would assume that's the reason most people are here. If I really wanted to meet people face to face and hang out with them, I probably wouldn't be looking for them on the internet anyway. I'd find them out doing the same things I was doing - know what I mean? Most of the conversations and discussions here are fun, and there are a lot of opinions. Makes for some interesting discussions, no?
  15. Todd#43

    Ninja Nick

    I dont. Just seems kinda funny that I didn't get much rep one way or the other till he came back. Oddly enough, I got almost ALL of it in "his" thread.
  16. Todd#43

    Ninja Nick

    Nick, I'm not your friend. Never have been, never will be. I have no need to go where you are, meet you to fight, call you out, etc. I'm not "acting tough" just offering my opinion of your true colors. My guess is you were the fat little kid that was always picked on through your school years, and now you've turned in to a fat, small minded, young adult that's in way over his head. The chance of me going to Columbus or Dayton or wherever you folks are riding is rather slim. Although most people on here are pretty decent, based on what I've seen from several people on this board (you included) I wouldn't walk across the street to piss on them if they were on fire, let alone ride three hours to "meet" them. Sorry, just not my "thing". Those that know me know I currently have a bike, have had several others, have raced, won championships and have nothing to prove to the likes of you. I get it Nick, Jesus loves me, but YOU think I'm a cunt, right? Yeah, that's a little over done. I got that already in several threads during your little time out. Try to do a little better, would ya?
  17. Todd#43

    Ninja Nick

    Just more proof that you aren't half the man you think you are. No worries. How long do I have to wait to get your PM asking me to fight? Oh wait, that was OLD Nick. I forgot, you're NEW Nick. Good luck with that.
  18. Todd#43

    Ninja Nick

    Oh yeah, you've changed. I can tell: Latest Reputation Thread Date Comment Ninja Nick 01-30-2009 10:46 AM no one cares what you have to say Ninja Nick 01-30-2009 08:26 AM for being an ass 08 R1 raven with 8... 01-29-2009 08:12 PM Try not to be so holier than though please. Ninja Nick 01-29-2009 08:06 PM be nice Ninja Nick 01-29-2009 08:03 PM you're a dick Ninja Nick 01-29-2009 07:44 PM Classless post You're still the same blowhard internet tough guy you always were. If you had any balls at all, you'd sign your comments. Pussy. My guess is Mrs. Nick doesn't know you're back, and when she finds out you'll be banished again.
  19. Todd#43

    Ninja Nick

    Don't worry, he'll fuck up again soon enough and his wife will put his balls back in her purse.
  20. Todd#43

    Ninja Nick

    Well, all good things must come to an end. Guess you're one of the three here. Did mommy give you a pass to come out and play again?
  21. That's easy: This noob wanna be stunter had a wad of cash burning a hole in his pocket. He never had a street bike before, but he new that the only thing good enough to haul his giant steel balls around was a liter bike. All the cool kids had them, and since he was cooler than most he had to have all the other goodies - high zoot exhaust, un-mapped Power Commander, and Pazzo levers. (You know those Pazzo levers only add the 500 RWHP when used in combination with a fender eliminator, and pig spotter mirrors, right?). Well, anyway he picked up his new 5000 HP rocket ship and as he pulled out of the dealership lot, some blue hair in a giant Buick drifted into his lane, and well.....he new exactly what he was doing and all....but he craked the throttle, shit his pants and the bike looped. He probably could have controlled it and all if it wasnt for the fact that he got his flipflop caught in the shift lever as he was clicking it into 6th, passing gramma on the rear tire. Glad I'm over 45 and the high forehead crowd doesn't fuck with my insurance rates as much any more.
  22. That reminds me... What do you say to a woman with two black eyes? Nothing. She's already been told twice
  23. Let me be a little more specific for ya. I've highlighted the part I don't get Honda's a V4, Ducati is a V4, no? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honda_RC212V http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Desmosedici_RR So who's running the inline 4?
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