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Everything posted by Todd#43

  1. Yeah, I suppose I could, but I tried it once before and didn't really like it all that much. I'm sure that I could find everything that I need to wipe this thing and put it back to the original configuration, but that seems like an enormous waste of time. It'd probably take me longer to do that than to actually figure out what's wrong with it. I appreciate the offer, but I'm no where near C-bus. I'm actually in the Akron area. Thanks anyway.
  2. I know how to do it, but I cant do it. Make sense?.... Anyway, I don't have an XP Media Center Disk, and I don't have all the drivers and shit for the other things that are on this computer. Reformatting isn't really an option - at least it doesn't seem like its an option.
  3. I'm really not at my wit's end yet - its only a computer, right? Anyway, I don't have a clue how reformat c: and return it to the "original" state as the computer didn't come with any software beyond what was installed on it. I vaguely remember that I was supposed to back it all up (there was a utility for that) when I first got it (like 18 months ago), but I didn't do it or I cant find it. Anyway, without that information, or at the very least an XP disk, I'm a little fuckered when it comes to wiping it and starting over. No biggie.
  4. Actually, I wouldn't sell it. I mean it still works, but it just does some things better than others. Since its a laptop, I'll continue to use it when I travel, and I'll get another desktop for using at home. Christ, I've probably got enough pieces and parts to throw one together that works good enough for Poker and porn.
  5. Ugh. What a pain in the dick. I guess I've either got to put up with the problem, or just buy another computer. I don't have XP Media Center that I can load on there, and I really don't want to go through the bullshit. Thanks to everyone that replied - I appreciate the help!
  6. I'm not sure what you mean by a CD key....I probably don't have one, but it might be cool to know what it is I'm still baffled by the 100% usage too. Oddly enough, watching it I've been able to determine that it happens mostly when java is running, or when I'm streaming content from the net.
  7. Based on the research I've done, the 81 degrees is normal for the processor...well, its a little high, but not dangerously so. That being the case, I'm going to assume that the processor is ok. I'm not sure where to go from here, beyond re-installing windows. Like everything these days, I didn't get an XP cd with my machine, so I'm probably fucked.
  8. Some of you (and you know who you are) can take a day off tomorrow: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,464024,00.html Take some time off, pack some fudge, push in a stool, smoke a pole, or whatever it is you do.
  9. Ok, I downloaded speedfan, but I don't know what its telling me. It says the HD is at 122, Temp1 is at 154 and the Core is at 178. I have noticed that whenever an application is doing something - playing a movie, downloading content, checking for email, etc., that particular process consumes nearly 100% of the CPU capacity. Is there a setting that I'm missing here, or is it supposed to be that way?
  10. It seems that whatever process(es) is/are currently being used tend to grab 100% of the CPU. I've put most of my data to an external drive already - pics, docs, anything I don't need access to when I'm not home. The drive is set up in two partitions right now (if that info helps) I'll d/l speedfan and see what it tells me.
  11. Ok....one other thing I've noticed - usually when the computer "bogs" down, I've noticed (on the performance tab of the task manager) that the CPU usage is pegged at 100%, while the paging file usage stays down around 30%. Is this normal?
  12. Ok, I did this...well most of it, anyway. How do I set up the flash player as the default? I looked in the explorer settings, but couldn't find anything there. The chip is an ATI Raedon Express1100. I updated the driver (from ATI) for it this morning, but its no better. I also looked for updates to the sound card but couldn't find anything. Done and no difference. Virtually no difference between wired and wireless speed. 2880 wired, 2786 wireless. It was quite fine for quite some time (I think I've had this machine for about 18 months) and it seems like its something that's gotten worse over time. I really don't know much about the bios, or changing the settings, and I wouldn't know the first thing about going in there to check or change anything. I appreciate the help people. I think I'll just chuck it and start over.
  13. I'll have to give that a shot. Kinda defeats the "wireless" thing though, doesn't it?
  14. Call Racetech directly. My experiences with them were positive. They should be able to set you straight.
  15. I don't know which is more disturbing - the photo, the fact that a guy posted it, you asking the question, or the eventual answer.
  16. THAT's a good one. I haven't heard that org mentioned in YEARS. It'd be nice if it came back though, wouldn't it? BTW, welcome Reuben
  17. Did you call them to be sure? I'd be surprised if they actually needed to be cut.
  18. If you know the weight difference, you may be able to find a set of race tech springs cheaper than the $140.00
  19. I don't think anyone is "meditating" on the past. Some may be dwelling on it (or in it, as the case may be). If you're going to refer to me by name, please do me the favor of spelling it correctly. It's Todd...two d's, please. Yeah, your character speaks for itself. Have fun at the gym. Do you tell everyone there that they're doing it wrong too??
  20. True enough. If you can't refute the argument, call someone a name. That usually gets them off track, right? Call me an asshole, call Palin stupid, whatever. Honestly, I've been called worse by better and after 45 years of living I've found that I don't really give a shit what most people think if me. By the way, I wonder how many people had to go to the dictionary for that one, John
  21. Not that your opinion really means anything, but I'm glad to see that I've moved up from the rudest person on the board to "asshole". Actually, I didnt even get the most votes in THAT poll. My arguments are educated. If you'd like to prove me wrong, go ahead - give it your best shot. By the way, nice job reducing yourself to name calling. Your mother must be proud.
  22. Trying to be the "peacemaker" again, or are you just being a forum cop? I agree with John. If you don't like what's in here, take a hike.
  23. If you read obama's original quote, he was talking about Clinton doing better in Kentucky than he was, and he surmised that it was because Arkansas was CLOSER to Kentucky than Illinois was: Explaining why he was trailing Hillary Clinton in Kentucky, Obama again botched basic geography: “Sen. Clinton, I think, is much better known, coming from a nearby state of Arkansas. So it’s not surprising that she would have an advantage in some of those states in the middle.” On what map is Arkansas closer to Kentucky than Illinois? I believe that its been well proven that Illinois (obama's home state) is closer to Kentucky than Arkansas is.
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