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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. No, he didn't http://www.snopes.com/photos/accident/tulsacrash.asp
  2. Nobody went to the hospital with him? Well, he's a big boy he'll be ok by himself with the male nurse for a few hours. Maybe he kissed the nurse and turned the nurse gay?
  3. This turns out to be relatively close for me (about 20 miles from the start)... anyone else maybe even contemplating it? I'll need to know so I can get my workout in prior. Maybe I could convince my backpack to go too?
  4. Another ad placed: http://cleveland.craigslist.org/mcy/1747676221.html
  5. S1000RR, no doubt. Buy it and don't ever look back.
  6. UP needs to learn how to use the
  7. Disclaimer

    BBQ list

    j/b/ot wins again.
  8. I'm sure there were legitimate political reasons for going into Iraq, but they were still of lesser importance than Afghanistan. Regardless, we were told there were WMDs, and there are none. "But they were smuggled away" - how convenient. For me, there are too many excuses and "convenient coincidences" for me not to raise the bullshit flag. If they had intelligence they were being smuggled away, why weren't they stopped then, while they were still in Iraq? There are military actions that can be taken short of a formal declaration of war. If they had the intelligence you suggest they had and were tracking all this stuff -- they should be able to find it now. You can't keep doing the CYA-thing without proof -- it's like how a 5yr old would lie to his parents. "There are WMDs -- we need war" "Uhh, OK, there were no WMDs that we found, but they WERE there - the evildoers smuggled them out -- we know because we have satellites tracking them." "But, we can't get them now because they're not in Iraq or we can't find them." How can you KNOW they're there, use the 'fact' that you have satellite intelligence that they're smuggling WMDs out, and then proceed to say you don't know where the WMDs are after you just told me you have satellites tracking the convoys. Doesn't make sense.
  9. You're a bitch if you never drove to see him though. Poor guy, crossed state lines for you and couldn't even return the favor every once in awhile.
  10. I foresee many "Happy Ending" massages you may be giving out in the future. You better start chugging the soy sauce now to train your palate.
  11. When the president says, "We need to get those WMDs" and there are none. How is that NOT a lie? You're saying that we (the public) just don't understand how war works, and that wasn't really a lie? I may not know "how war works", but I do know a thing or two about psychology, economics, and history... I'd call that military propaganda to sway public opinion. I don't know how long it takes to get bin Laden. I'm not an expert in that field and don't pretend to be, but I do know what's logical - and even if you SWAG'd a timeline it'd be better than just saying - "we'll get to it, when we get to it". Timelines, at the very least, hold people accountable. And according to you if we published a timeline and they just "waited it out"... you could easily bluff them to come out of hiding after the timeline was over, right? If they think we're dumb enough to hold to a timeline, they're probably dumb enough to come right out of their desert caves the day after we promised to leave...
  12. Why were we in Iraq, again? Is 'Iraq' some slang term for Afghanistan? WMDs, what? And no, "ride it out" (which, being a dumb strategy to begin with) does not conflict with setting a timeline... like I just said, you set a timeline and complete the project when the steps are complete - not sooner. If one of the steps is "kill Osama" and the military thinks that'll take 3 weeks, then you plan for 3 weeks, but the project isn't complete until that happens - it might take 3 years. And, you can communicate that, but the politicians don't want to take the political hit when the timeline slips because the general public doesn't understand how shit works because they have the average intelligence of a high school graduate. "But, you said it'd take 2 years and we're still there. You're a liar and all politicians are evil lying bastards" The more intelligent rational people would say, "You said it'd take two years, we're still there, why? What is the plan? What milestones have been complete, are there any additional resources needed to clear the project roadblocks? What information do you have to show these additional resources are what you really need to make progress?" ...but those people are few and far between.
  13. Jews just own and finance the vehicles to the Christians. Jews walk or bike because it's a smarter cheaper alternative.
  14. I understand, but don't necessarily agree. Any savvy counter-intelligence agent would know what is bullshit and what isn't. And fact through observation of multiple sources. The same way you put a timeline on bringing a new product to market. You list the steps in the plan, and make an educated guess on how much time each step will take based on known information from employees (or military) along with past experience. The timeline is never CONCRETELY set, just a general guideline for planning that shows people aren't just 'winging' it and wasting resources because they failed to plan and set dependencies. If some portion of the timeline runs long - you note it, along with the reason why, so lessons can be learned on future projects. It's not rocket science.
  15. This was a good paragraph.
  16. Exactly what feedback...?
  17. Having ridden in a cab in Mexico City. I'll disagree with that. It takes balls of steel to drive there. Crazies.
  18. Yea, those bikes are for guys with strong legs and large penises.
  19. I know how to use a chainsaw and presently have all my digits, two arms, and two legs.
  20. Do your mirrors have skidplates now? Is that what those chrome pieces are? And how come you didn't take a picture of the 'bad' side?
  21. You shut your face! WTF do YOU know about working on Apri.... Ohh, nvm
  22. Congratulations - you earn cool points. Seriously though, the Viffer or the SV will be the cheapest to acquire and maintain. SV1ks are increasingly becoming more rare - luckily I assume engine parts can be swapped with the DL and chassis parts swapped with he SV650 - can't confirm though, I've never needed parts yet. The Duc and the Ape will get you the most looks. Fun factor will be greater on any of the vtwins, where the viffer strides in utilitarian/general purpose value. I'll keep an eye out, Gary already mentioned that Tuono on CL, but it just seems like an awful lot of money for a used bike, IMHO.
  23. Here's where the phone number goes to: http://www.olmstedfalls.org/2008/details.php?id=14 Olmsted Falls City Council Member Sam Pulice
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