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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. Ha, your first mistake was thinking I'd spend > $200 on anything for a woman
  2. Maybe it wasn't a necklace to begin with?
  3. Thats the $1M question... I dunno what hes doin w/ it.
  4. Damn, he's ridden more bikes than kawi kid has STDs - quite the feat.
  5. Would take a rebuilt one?
  6. So, WTF is this? Whatever it is, I'd mount it. I found it on Jalopnik today. http://jalopnik.com/5426920/brimstone-quadracycle-750-hp-v8+powered-hell-sled http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rbIfUNceZ-k&feature=player_embedded
  7. Because I haven't had my fill of political pot stirring lately... this should get the entertainment fired right up. This 'anti-intellectual' movement seems to be pretty big within the GOP ranks. http://rawstory.com/2009/12/franken-slams-gop-senate-floor-youre-entitled-facts/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4n2P0QsTe8c&feature=player_embedded
  8. only when I'm out of kittens for my rotisserie
  9. Blasphemy. It's funny, but not SuperTroopers or Tommy Boy funny. Close, but no.
  10. Merry Christmas!? That's not very PC of you.
  11. Interesting... You put in an awful lot of hours @ work... I wonder what you need all that coin for?
  12. Fixxored?


    I can't tell, I'm posting the image link, but since I'm at work, I can't even see the image I'm posting - just the URL.

  13. Do they make you prance around in it while you get spanked by all the other cadets?
  14. "Hey everyone, let's find something insignificant to bitch about!"
  15. That is illegal, you are in trouble
  16. I play Thurs nights at the Splash Zone in Oberlin... 15 mins west of me. I'm not LeBron - I just go to get rebounds, and get some running in.
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