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Everything posted by MadMax33
I would gladly buy a Harley if they were under 10 grand OTD. That is, if I was in the market for a cruiser. Yet, I can get a nice Suzuki Intruder that runs well for less than 7000 clams. As a consumer, I am NOT obligated to spend more money on a product, irrespective of where that product is made. Competition produces a better product in the long run and maybe if Harley Davidson would try and cater to a broader demographic besides weekend-warrior riders who pay for an image, then maybe the Harley logo would be on my CBR. Well, there is the Buell but...
As far as female cops being dykes, well, they do get paid to pat down female perps so it's a great career move if you're inclined to munch on the kitty. My half-sister is a cop and I do question why she never seems to do well in relationships involving men or why she would be so eager to take a vow of celibacy, thus giving up the meat injection for life. Repressed lesbian perhaps or maybe she did find God? Jesus is the perfect man for some women. I mean He listens to all of your problems, never makes a pass, and burns up all of the opposition in a lake of fire.
I only leave my little community to attend gun-shows about once every month. Damn, those things are addicting...
The coolest thing about "Howard The Duck" was the cardboard display that appeared in movie theaters that were getting ready to show it. An egg was cracked down the middle and you could see a duck's bill with a cigar sticking out out of it, inside of the egg. George Lucas directed the movie, that cocksucker who ruined the Indiana Jones franchise I might add. I think Lea Thompson should give out free blow-jobs to everyone who actually sat through the movie. I don't think that I could shoot a load all over the face of Marty McFly's mother though...
OK, so if you get pulled over and you are drunk, you WILL spend a month in jail as a first offense, plus treatment during your stay. If it happens again, a year in jail mandatory. The third offense and you will be shot on site, once the officer pulls up your arrest history. I predict that DUI-type arrests would drop off a great deal. Once you are impaired and you get behind the wheel, you are operating a dangerous weapon among innocent people and need to be stopped as soon as possible. Cops have a hard job so I will give out a giant "FUCK YOUR MOTHER!" to all of the liberal judges...
Or just wait till they get drunk and then you can pick them up like a bowling ball.
I would have just laughed it off since I know that I can outride the majority of those assholes with their rolling couches. Yes, I have a bike with superior handling, superior looks, superior technology, and minus one fat cunt on the back. So getting my testicles all bunched up over a conversation I hear between two sister-suckers would not really bother me too much.
Night of The Living Dead, in the name of Christ... "And behold, the curtain of the temple was torn in two, from top to bottom; and the earth shook, and the rocks were split;the tombs were also opened, and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised, and coming out of the tombs after his resurrection they went into the holy city and appeared to many." Matt.27 verse 51-52... Now I know where George Romero got his ideas for his movies. Seriously, don't expect to NOT be open to ridicule if you base your life on this bullshit. Oh, I forgot, that verse is just metaphorical. What was I thinking? Happy Thanksgiving:)
So put on a happy face:)
Yes, she's a real sweet person. I bet she eats alot of sweets. Perhaps she can suck the stink off a dog turd...
No, that...that...can't be real. It just can't be...Tell me the pic was a fake. Please, oh please just tell me the pic was a fake...
Yes, talking snakes exist, a drunken old man who falls asleep naked and his sons take a peek(Noah) is actual history, along with the fact that Noah somehow managed to gather the 10 billion or so species of animals and put them in a giant wooden boat. It's called mythology. Almost everyone that I know who actually believes in the literal truth of the Bible, has a screw loose somewhere. There is no arguing against faith though. If you have faith that gnomes live in your garden, more power to you. As far an Intelligent Design goes, our universe would be alot different if it was indeed created. Our own planet can only support life on a small portion of it's surface, some of the time. Evolution is not something that scientists just talk about, it is accepted as fact due to the overwhelming evidence that supports it. Angry, jealous, vindictive gods on the other hand, well, we only have the Bible to go back on, written by many different authors over a long period of time.
I have smoked my share of salvia, and I still have some left over from the last time I purchased a few grams. People react to it differently, plus, you will have a rough time depending on your mood and personality. You can buy it at any "head" shop here in Ohio. Also, you will trip harder depending on the dosage. Let's say you take a hit of 10x, which is a lower dose. Sure, you will feel it but my first time I took 40x, along with two of my buddies. Now one of those lads was suffering from depression so he had a bad time, with a few minutes of crying as well. So now I take a monster hit out of the water-bong, hold my breath and wait. As soon as I exhaled, I just left reality, in about three seconds. Just gone, and what I was seeing could be described as a 2-D cartoon freakshow, with everything in the room suddenly having a life of it's own, and appearing to melt. I forgot I was tripping yet I remained calm. It felt like I was pinned down to the sofa, which is called "salvia gravity" by some people. Then when I came back, I truly thought that I was in another life, like waking up from a long illusion. It wears off in about 12 minutes, give or take. I tripped another two times before calling it a night. It makes you really sweat as well. The potency of salvia, when you take 20x or higher, will surprise you. It's illegal in some states as I write this and Ohio has a bill that would make salvia a Class A substance, like heroin if I'm not mistaken. It's fun every once in awhile as well as not being addicting. Try it but make sure you have someone who won't fuck with your head while you trip. Here is a link to the funniest salvia trip on Youtube... www.youtube.com/watch?v=evY73sv7n7M
A couch to lie on? Nah, accepting something based on faith without evidence seems to be more along the lines of needing therapy. I love how the old argument comes up about how atheists really don't "get" the message of the Bible. Since there are multiple churches that interpret everything a little differently, it's a tossup as to what everything really means. Hence the division and not the unity that religion should be encouraging. Every culture that has ever existed has had beliefs concerning god, immortality, and the like. They are not the same. See, I'm a Catholic and I'm going to Heaven and not you because you don't belong to my church. Sorry, there is just no excuse to cause the deaths of babies, especially if you're God and know ahead of time, being all-knowing, that Pharaoh would tell Moses to take a hike. Plus God hardened the heart of Pharaoh BEFORE Moses asked him to let his people go. Perhaps the outcome might have been different if Yahweh stayed out of it...
Hey, the god of the Bible did some pretty nasty stuff to the people of Egypt back in the day, if you believe in mythology. Boils on people, killing off the first-born and a Hell of alot of locusts. So a young lady goes and eats a piece of fruit and what does this loving god do about it. Well, every time she has a baby, it's going to hurt like Hell. Take that you evil bitch! Never disobey me again! Sounds like Truth to me. I will fight with every ounce of my being to make sure that christians have the right to practice their religion, as long as they keep it out of public schools and stop knocking on my door. Oh, stay out of my strip clubs as well. If you don't like them, DON'T FUCKING GO TO THEM! It's that simple. Now if I decide to rent a billboard and I put something on it like "God Is Make Believe", I will make the front page in a heart-beat. People will think that I have no morals and that I have connections with the man downstairs. Atheists are more numerous than people think and there are more people who are coming to the conclusion that the Bible is fiction. The best way to find that out is to actually read it though. Quoting from it doesn't make it the truth...
I did the Atwood run a few times today and put over 100 miles on the bike. The weather will be shitty starting this weekend and lasting till about the end of March, with a great riding day right around Christmas, knowing Ohio weather...
Here's an oldie but goodie..."If my dog had a face like yours, I'd shave his ass and teach him to walk backwards."
When I want your opinion, I'll knock on your fuckin cage door a few times, bitch...
C'mon fellow Ohio residents. Isn't our state motto "With God, All Things Are Possible." Let's all pray for a casino. Or better yet, let's tax the Hell out of the churches while where at it. Then maybe we can use that money to make sure that our students can get the best public education in the country. We can do this, I mean there seems to be a church on every corner and I'm sure those loving Christians wouldn't mind in the least. Hey, so what if those jobs are on the lower wage scale. At least it gets those fatasses off of their sofa's and out into the real world. Plus that's even more tax money for the state. Ah forget it, I need a hooker...
The Honda CBR 600RR that I had was better suited to smaller riders but it was hard on the boys at times. I would like to ride an R6 to compare the two although I am now a liter-bike man, forever and ever, amen. Once you experience a 1000cc SS, nothing else matters. Plus, they handle well or at least mine does. I want to ride a ZX-10 as well. I've heard the '05's have a strong engine.
That is a nice ride for a quick fix. Plus 164 is easy to get to from Atwood which means even more fun. I just wish we had a few more months left to ride. Next year I want to see what W.Virginia has to offer. I imagine quite a bit...
Kosmo and I went out to 536 awhile back and had a little fun. Don't expect to hit triple digits on that road but it was pretty clean when we were on it. Most of the corners have a 20mph recommended speed. The scenery was really something though and if you catch Rt.800 back up, you will be grinning quite a bit. Now that's all I think about when the motorcycle thoughts race through my head. I won't even ride now unless I can hit some curves...
When it starts to snow to the point where they salt the roads, I call it quits. I was out today and yesterday for a little while. I'm not ready to be an alcoholic yet...
Darn, I know every good road around that area and I've led a few rides as well. Too bad I'm working or I'd be down. I'll see if I can take that day off since I have vacation left this year. They might give it to me but we are short a person at work. Now if it was on a Friday...
I went out to Atwood today and it was good. Nobody seemed to reply to this thread and it's a fairly accessible route for me, with a nice twisty road even before Atwood that I enjoy. Now is the cager's would just stay off the curves, I could actually lean a little bit. Greg is alright, I was there but the 'bird has a broken wing. I can't figure out what happened that day. A very short ride though...