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Everything posted by RVTPilot

  1. Freaking awesome! Mad props to you guys. Some of the folks around me have convinced me to not swap the 51 for a 748. We almost have enough 51 owners here to organize a ride and rattle some folks' windows around the state!
  2. I am going to be at Avon Honda at 10 to get the bike.If it's done and ready, I will meet you guys there. Obvuously if not, I won't but don't wait on my. Come 11, if my big ass ain't there, go enjoy your ride.
  3. I might be down for this. I am getting the codes pulled on the 51 tomorrow morning for an FI issue. If it's just gas or a filter, then I am probably in. Otherwise I will be at the hizzle.
  4. :lol:That's freaking great! Those skirts are so short they have a beard.
  5. Eh, a few hundered pounds of falling motorcycle will do that to ya. Heal up soon, girlie. It sounds as if your man is taking good care of you, and that's giid to hear. (Props, zero!) Get your rest. There will be more bike nites.
  6. If you do that, then the rest of us will have to change our names to either gonnacrash, or gonnagreashagain. Glad to hear you're okay. I know this sounds dumb, but I believe to to a degree, a crash can inspire more confidence once you get back on the horse, as you now know what it's like. You survived it, and know why it happened. So, you don't do it again, and don't get nervous next time you are in a similar situation. Now go make zero's san'wich, girl!
  7. RVTPilot

    IMG 1885

    my 5 year old wants to go out too, but she's so small, they don't make safety gear small enough.
  8. Happy Birthday my man! You share this day with my youngest. She turned 5 today. Which makes me feel old at the moment. But since I am younger than you (by a wee bit), I feel good! Seriously, enjoy your day, mang!
  9. I was wondering if anyone knows of a place that does custom carbon fiber work. I am looking to resurrect my Leo Vince system, but would like CF cans. LV doesn't make CF canisters for the 51, nor do they sell individual exhaust parts. Complete systems only. (the bastids!) I can give them the aluminum cans as a template. I would just stick with the Al, but they retain obnoxious amounts of heat. Any help or direction here would be appreciated. Thanks!
  10. RVTPilot

    ride starter

    Ha! No. It's a set of luxury condos on the lake. There is a cafe next to them, and the show is apparently in that lot. Here are the directions I was given: If you get off the exit and turn toward the lake. Then head west you should see the driveway for Quay and the Coffee shop is on the west side of the building.
  11. RVTPilot

    ride starter

    Up at Quay 55 off of N. Marginal Rd. I am riding up there to meet a guy from the DesmOhio board. Will probably have JRM & r1 in tow.
  12. RVTPilot

    ride starter

    I think JRMiii, r1crusher, and I are gonna hit an exotic car show in Cleveland, then head south. We're still kinda planning, but looking to get out fairly early (9-10ish). Sunday looks like rain, but I am out for Sunday anyway. I can PM my cell if anyone wants it and we can hook up somewhere or throw together some ideas.
  13. Gotta lump myself in that too. Here I posted basically "give the guys the benefit of the doubt" and then one of them goes knucklehead in here and starts making veiled threats. Nice. Guess there's no putting the toothpaste back in the tube now. Methinks this thread should have been locked down about two chapters ago.
  14. Nothing better than a two-wheeled biggest dick contest. That's great! Thanks for the details tho. Jinx, krz, knicks360...good to meet you guys.
  15. If yer cell hasn't changed since last summer, i got it. Will give you a call when I get back to the house after work. probably about 6:15.
  16. I might make an appearance. I need to ride by the college to pick up a book. Should I ping you guys when I'm out?
  17. I thought you were going to bypass the medical procedure and just slather some BBQ sauce on the johnson for r1crusher to nibble on.
  18. You're more than entitled to your opinion. And it's better to have these conversations in a forum, and not a courtroom or holding cell. I have seen - and agree with the sentiment - that bastardizing the laws for the po-po's benefit is bullshit. It happens, and it's happening more frequently in the current state of the economy. I just think it funny when some folks from a community plagued with prejudice against it would so vehemently go after cops, and ones who are members of both communities. But I guess when someone have gotten it for so long, they have a tendancy to lash out when the opportunity presents itself. Short of a Col. Nathan Jessup speach, I know that by and large the cops I know, and I know a few, are good guys, human just like the rest of us. Fair play to you sir.
  19. I am proud of you Jess! Thank you for taking up the challenge of ensuring the freedom of others. You're joining an elite fraternity. I will do my best to come ride at least once with you this summer before you go out of respect. Where are you going for basic?
  20. Sorry to hear about the getoff, but glad that you're okay.
  21. Thanks everyone for the entertaining read. I love all the banter between our real LEOs and the sidewalk lawyers. Great stuff. Its interesting to see how some LEOs have a completely different interpretation of the code than others. In a vacuum, things would seem pretty cut and dry But in reality, since we rely on interpretation and translation rather than following the word as it's prescribed, no two answers are going to be the same. And I love how we common folk can look at the LEO community at large and question their integrity based on an event with a rouge knucklehead cop. Kinda like how we motorcyclists are all considered knuckleheads, all guys on sportbikes are stunna squids, and haven't a shread of respect for the law or anyone else, and how we hate that. But it would be hypocritical to think that way of cops in light of our own disdain for being profiled or typecast based on the actions of others. But I digress. We have all had our run ins with dickhead cops who are out to boost their numbers for whatever reason. No shit. They are out there. And if you think you have a problem with them, what do you think it's like for VMX and BigGreen to have to deal with that? I guess it's just like anything else. Go back to your bitching.
  22. Always the glass half full with you young'uns. This guy should be banned from future events. What a complete tool.
  23. RVTPilot

    @that dude

    What threesome? her and Ben & Jerry?
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