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Everything posted by RVTPilot

  1. Nice pics SAM! You guys must have been like a freight train rolling through there.
  2. But see, they had to tilt the road up for it too look like that! I amsure he is 7'3". Srsly, veddy nice pic. +1 for adding graphics to the thread.
  3. +1 Devildog. There are tons of those roads in undiscovered places that may nit have the prestige of The Gap or the Ozarks, but in that lack of notariety comes the gift of wide open freedom. I think I would be just as happy to truck it down to Atlantic Beach, NC and run 70 out to 17, and just ride that south towards Savannah. I just hope it's not been turned in to 4 lane divided slab by now. And we used to go take a little jaunt from the air station to cat island, where an extension off of Lady's Island ran out and terminated in a cul-de-sac only after twisting and undulating across the inlet. You could carve up some roads so long as the sugar sand wasn't strewn across it.
  4. Glad you guys had a good time! Was a nice night for rides.
  5. I will agree. Having seen them in action, they really have no competition. I like the BB, and enjoy my Curve. But the iPhone is tits and beer.
  6. Traitor! I see now that you truly do intend to use your immense powers for evil. My Curve and I stand ready to defend the right side of our force! Have you seen BB's Apps World now? Too little to late I think to sway the crowd defecting to the iPhone, but at least it's something. If I know any interested parties, I will give you a holla.
  7. I just got home a few minutes ago from my ride home from class. Two more of these rides, and I will be a grad. But that's not the reason for this. As I casually rode home, I caught the scent of lilacs on the cool evening air, and it took me back to a time where I can say I truly got into riding. My lesiurely pace home allowed my mind to wax poetic of those memories, and here's a peek. When I was stationed in Beaufort, SC, I bought my first new bike. Just home from Japan, I picked up a new '96 FZR600. It was mid summer of '95 and the stash I collected from 6 months worth of existing on beef curry rice, cheap beer and chow hall food put a nice down payment on my new ride. Though I had ridden off and on with a friend's bike in high school, this was the first machine that was all my own, and the newest thing I had ever ridden. And while it wasn't the popular F2 or new F3 or the hotness of a ZX-7, it was mine. With my work schedule and the Mrs. schedule that summer, I ended up with a ton of evenings alone. So I spent lots of time aboard my newfound love interest, and took her through the paces along the South Carolina and Georgia back roads. I found that from about 6 until 8 o'clock at night was the best time for jaunts and excursions about the Low Country, as the heat and humidity had (relatively) expired, leaving the asphalt warm to the tires, but the air cool though my Shoei's vents. The roads were clean, wide, and for the most part vacant, save for the occasional passing cage, and sometimes temporary partnership of a fellow rider. But by and large, it was just me, the bike, and a plan of having nowhere to be and all night to get there. As I traversed back and forth across the likes of SC 278, US21, and connective asphalt arteries, I'd pass under the canopy of the indigenous oak trees clad in the webbing of spanish moss. These occasional natural tunnels gave the scenery an ominous, yet stoic charachter that was offset by the blossoms of magnolia trees and blankets of honeysuckle. It was the fragrance of the latter that rested upon the salty oceanic air wafting into my helmet. This mixed with the scent of new helmet, exhaust, and scrubbing Dunlop created a peaceful yet intoxicating bouquet that induces even now right-wristed muscle memory that opens carb butterflies and extends forks. That summer spent breaking in a new bike and untested rider was akin to summers lovers often reminisce about when conjuring memories of a first love. I may have had previous summer afairs with a bike, but this summer I fell endlessly and hopelessly in love with this pastime. Nowhere else would I find the satisfaction I found with my bike. Tonight was a glance back at that time as my olfactory nerves danced about incited by the cacophony of the evening air tonight. My chubby cheeks pressed well into the pads of my Arai as the grin grew large across my face. The thunder of the RCs pipes echoing amongst the surroundings spoke of how far I have come in terms of talent and machinery since that summer in '95, but the passion is just as strong, but perhaps deeper than it was the night I rode out of Savannah Yamaha on my pristine new FZR. Like recalling that first kiss that endeared my to the fairer sex, my mind conjured similar stirrings within my soul for my love for our sport. And that, my friends, is why I ride.
  8. I thought I heard that said about Bush on CNN before.
  9. :lol:Thanks for the laugh first thing this moring!
  10. RVTPilot


    The Cavs have played their worst half of the series, the Hawks their best.....and the Cavs still lead by 2.
  11. Mom, come tell me another bedtime story...
  12. RVTPilot


    2 quarters in the books, 2 more to go. Get the brooms ready...
  13. I have noticed a sharp turn towards the ghey in helmet graphics lately too. I like a lid with some color to it, but it shouldn't look like you won it at a kids' b-day party at Chuck E. Cheese.
  14. Congratulations! Best of luck with things, and hopefull thing will build slowly and steadily for you and pops.
  15. Mike does top shelf work. Did my RC's rims last year. Will do my work as long as he wants to do it.
  16. Our community is off to an inauspicious start to the riding season. Thoughts and prayers to the family.
  17. On my RC I have run P'Powers, then went to a set up Dunlops. The Powers were sticky as hell, but under the wieght of the RC ran out quickly. (About 6k mi.) Had previous success with 207s/208s, but this last set were shit. I just mounted last night a set of ContiSport Attacks. Will let you know what I think of them once I get them scrubbed in. (If Mother freaking Nature ever allows that!)
  18. Wow. Thoughts and prayers for strenght and healing for them both! Hoping for a complete recovery.
  19. Need to give a shoutout on behalf of c7fx. He swapped out my new tires last night and was a blast to talk with while doing it. Meticulous to a fault almost, he took great care with my gear (better care than I did putting the rims back on the bike - ugh!). Was vey happy to drive 3x as far than my closest bike shop and have him do the dirty work. Thanks again! We'll be catching up again soon I believe.
  20. :plus1:Big yabos don't make the world go 'round, they just keep it that way.
  21. Why don't you get a woman a watch for Christmas? There is a clock on the stove.
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