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Everything posted by RVTPilot

  1. Idle hands are the Devil's playground. And poo is an excellent motivator.
  2. I have one that's a little long winded. During a training exercise (CAX) in 29 Palms on August, we had this guy from our poweline division of the squadron that was, well, part of that 10%. He liked to wander off and take naps, but he didn't like to shower. One of his favorite places to nap was the port-a-johns outside the hangar area at night. Not sure exactly why other than no one ever used them unless ablsolutey necessary. Well, after a couple weeks of him smelling foul and being lazy, his shop mates found him asleep in one of the johns. So the strapped the door shut with a tie down. We discovered long before this that a 20 oz Gatorade bottle fits down the vent tube of the john. It also makes a nice MRE bomb. So they loaded one up, dropped it down the vent. While the thunk of it wasn't enough to roust him out of the box, the sudden burst and splash of blue shit in the tank did, which of course motivated him to exit. Too bad the door was strapped shut. He didn't make his way out, but did manage to tip the box over (with a little help, but trust me...he did most of the work himself). Once it was propped back up and the door unstrapped, he burst out to kick the ass of whomever he first caem across. That person just happened to be his SNCOIC. While those involved did have to take a couple extra turns at plane wash that det, the young jarhead learned his lesson about laziness and hygene.
  3. I know. She had me spitting Mtn Dew on my laptop over that.
  4. I am feelin' it! I thought that was your EGA you were sporting. But if that's your man's you still have respect for it, and that to me is damn near as good. Give your man a hearty ooh rah for me.
  5. Hey now. Easy on the sir stuff. My rank was on my sleeve, not my collar, and I am damn proud of that. I have found now as a father that the grunts and tongue clicks are more effective with my kids than actual words. It helps with some of the knucklehads around here too.
  6. Oh c'mon, devildog! You can come up with some way of articulating your exasperations effectively without the use of pictures!
  7. Yes, but that was probably from eating poon tang in the Philipines. Never, EVER go down on an LBFM.
  8. RVTPilot

    2004 zx6r 636

    Asprin will not bring a hooker back to life. So stop trying. -Dave Attel
  9. Wow. I showed up way late in this conversation. But here's my $.02. I had ridden about 10 years before my kids were born with their mom all the time. After my son (the oldest of the two, 8 y.o.) cam along, we discussed not riding 2 up anymore. We did, not as frequently, but I am not sure it was by design and more dictated by simply less riding time available then. Then my daughter came along, and I was sans MC. When I picked up the RC, she went out a few times with me. It's something I guess you always consider. But it was part of our lifestyle, and still is mine. We have decided to split up now, so that probably takes care of any 2 for 1 death scenarios on a bike. But my kids have grown up around the motorcycle and racing community, and I have taken my son out a few times. My daughter I have not because she is so small for her age I cannot find safety gear to fit her that I am comfortable enough putting her in to ride. Til I do, she will begrudginly spectate. Hell, I am more worried about her in a school bus than I am on the back of my bike. But just as we have our love for football in my house, we love motorcycles as well, and it's a big part of things I do with my kids. When they are old enough, if it's no longer something they are interested in and go off and find new hobbies, then mre power to them. But Zach has never turned down tickets to Mid Ohio, and my daugher cries like crazy whe she hasn't gone. And that makes me a happy daddy! As far as the crotchrocket/sportbike debate that has gone on ad nauseum, my c*ck is my crotchrocket. My bike is a sportbike, or to trace it's lineage back further, a cafe racer, a term I always had an affinity for. I dig crusiers, would love to be able to afford a custom chopper and would ride it if I had one, and do find some HDs appealing. (But not dh's.) I hate haters, not hater's bikes.
  10. This is some of the best racing you will ever see. I love flat track racing. I am going to try and take this in this year.
  11. Regardless of the color scheme, if you got something you truly wanted, then that's all that matters. (Just understand why we'll be leaving our helpets on and visors down when we stop on rides.) Congrats on the pickup and good luck on your test! And whomever said you could get in more trouble on that thing than a sportbike was right. Those are a whole handful of fun.
  12. No kidding. I don't have a shitload of track days uinder my belt, but that sounds like an awfully quick "how do ya do". BTW, are you still doing instructor duty with STT this year, Lizard?
  13. You, sir, are on a tear! Still chaffed from not finding your castles I see. Just as well, you'd probably have gotten a cow chucked over the wall at you. As far as chasing dave off, it's too bad, but it's n ot kindergarten in here. I have had my balls busted, and busted a few of my own. It's what makes us 'family'. We're dicks, (and some bitches around here too) but we're family. Now everyone go fuck off. And I mean that in the nicest way possible.
  14. Maybe he's thinking about a name change?
  15. Yes. The men's department. Now you squids get yer blue jean clad doggie dish wearin' ass out of a working man's way while we protect your boat!
  16. Yuut! Welcome to the chaos, mang!
  17. RVTPilot

    white dudes

    Is there a line for that?
  18. Just so long as he has a glass top table.
  19. Yeah, the holiday has me kicking back a bit. WIll tighten up this week though, sir!
  20. OOOOOH! I can't wait 'til she pees!
  21. Welcome! Nice to have another NEOH'er around. Good luck on the class. +1 for that.
  22. Ya beat me to it, bro! Jess, stop gawking at iTitties. Leave that to us lesser life forms.
  23. RVTPilot

    white dudes

    The only people that want to race me are fat chicks at DQ, all wantin' to blow through their peanut buster parfait like it's last call, and they gotta get one more in 'em before the big lip-shaped light goes out. Slow down bitches! Ain't ya ever hard of brain freeze? I am savoring my dilly bar, skank! And their race? Doesn't matter. White, black, latino...all of 'em. Just big, honkin' fat chicks. The kind that break a sweat picking out a donut.
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