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Everything posted by RVTPilot

  1. Happy Belated Birfday, shitty!
  2. Oh if we could just get the president of a HOA on the roof of a train in India.
  3. Would and Air Force reference make you feel any better?
  4. If that is advertising, then the bowtie logo afixed to his tailgate it, as is each dealership sticker on every single car in that lot. The prez of the HOA is probably some pigeon chested former squid who was given the 'what-for' by a jarhead back in the day and this is his cowardly way of exacting revenge. What a dickfuck.
  5. Welcome, mang! glad to have another local in the mix!
  6. I am in consideration now of a '99 748, but the maintenance aspect of it has me asking lots of questions. The RC is a blast, and outperforms the Duc in everything but looks. I just love the look of the old Ducs (916-996, & 748). Just sexy.
  7. You just didn't get enough hugs as a kid, did you? As for the noob, take it, bitch! We had to.
  8. I would agree that Mag's initial comment might have been harsh, but I get where he is coming from. Issac's Papa makes one where we lack control over what others do, but you assume that risk when you ride. Gear is about preparing for the crash, not the ride. Fully understanding the importance of gear should be as apparent to a new rider as anything. Dying from injuries preventable by common safety gear can't be excused as a rookie mistake. Personally, I don't care how long you have been in the saddle. If you die from injuries that you could have prevented with gear, it's natural selection. Sad, but true. Of course gear can't prevent every death, no matter how much is employed. That is where we take responsibility foe engaging in a lifestyle that is as dangerous as it is rewarding. All of this doesn't change how tragic it is for someone to have died. RIP to the lost one, and prayers to the family for peace and strength.
  9. Now Malcom is a tool. Malcom rigged works.
  10. Because Bobby knows his shit.
  11. As long as we live adjacent to a big body of water, Mother Nature will always have a mind of her own. You can ride to work soon enough CO2. Besides, the ride TO work is never fun. It's the ride AWAY from work that is the shiznit.
  12. I had a HD die on me 6 weeks into a new laptop delivery to me here at work. So age might not be an issue here. If it's skipping and you are into the OS, then you're out of the BIOS. The OS would be the culprit. Sounds like addressing errors. Any BSODs? We have had some serious bouts with malware here at work, enough to have to reimage multiple machines because the damage done was not recoverable. And the only thing we could find that detected a lot of it was the free download tool from malwarebytes.org. Spybot even missed some. And still, after running the tool we found the issue recurring. I hate to tell you, but I would guess a format is in your future.
  13. 160 psi in the tires. Awesome.
  14. Not aware of too many freebie BIOS check tools. Though td is on if it sounds like a physical issue with the HDD, then it's likely that its just shitting the bed. But if you think you have a BIOS issue, I would pull the battery and let it sit to clear the BIOS, then relaunch. That will tell you if the BIOS is having issues, should it come back up normally or not. How old is the HD? Contrary to popular belief, they have a shelf life.
  15. Yer a goddamn genius, Gump! Drive offensively. Everyone is out to get you, and will never see you. Stick with that, and JRMii's sage advice will be easily heeded. Having worked off of 91 in a former life, it gets think in places. Keep aware of whether you are in the blind spot of someone slightly ahead of you in the next lane. Good bet is if you can't see their face in their outside rear view mirror, they have no idea you're there. And figure on them not turing their head, because they won't. Be aware, but relax. If you are tense, you will make yourself more succeptable to making a mistake or target fixating on something. And when you get home, let us know how it went.
  16. :plus1:As well as BA1100Ns. We needed a ton of them for F/A-18 maintenance.
  17. When they stop trying to use their fundamentalist agenda to infect the world with a bastardized version of an otherwise peaceful religion, then we will stop filling their noses with water when we catch them. Sympathy for the enemy is tanatamout to surrender.
  18. Not interested in a 17 year old per se, but they didn't build 'em like that when I was 17. Then again, being 36 myself, I am not interested in anyone uder 25. I don't want to have to go through the process of teaching anyone anything anymore. Bring some talent to the table.
  19. Gravity hasn't made them look like hot water bottles when out of the titsling.
  20. A well-to-do couple is having a conversation about cutting back on expenses thanks to the weak economy. As each comes up with sacrafices the other can make, the discussion becomes a bit more heated with each exchange. Finally the husband exclaims, "you know, if you knew how to cook, we could fire the chef!" To which the wife replied, "well if you knew how to fuck, we could fire the gardener!"
  21. We had some guys that liked to send noobs out to get 10,000 feet of flightline or a 5 gallon can of pneumatic lubricant. Then there is the obligatory errand to have them get ID10T forms from S-4.
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