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Everything posted by magley64

  1. Well then please clarify what exactly an 18 yr old needs to do in your universe.
  2. If "being an adult" means you never break the law then I'm clearly never going to be an adult. Laws are not remotely the yardstick by which I judge my behavior.
  3. You can die in war at any age... Doesn't mean you're not a kid. Different people mature at different ages. 18 gives you rights and privileges as an adult in our country (aside from drinking) but it doesn't mean you're fully intellectually or emotionally developed.
  4. Yeah, but everyone knows they "uphold the law" at their own discretion.... Cut big breaks to fellow police officers, let judges' kids get away with everything, let their friends off with warnings...etc...
  5. yeah there is that suffix... I know if i see an 18 year old doing something silly, stupid, or absurd, I go "look at that kid" I remember being that kid... driving some old rust bucket, spending more money on stereos and neon lights than routine maintenence... Maybe it's because I'm almost 30? I do think of 18 yr olds as kids, and if I thought one needed my advice, I'd say "look kid...listen up" then dispense unwanted advice.
  6. If i lived in AZ, i might be more tempted to just flee...
  7. Drunk =/= Texting How many times does this need explained? You can dynamically alter how much attention you devote to driving based on the road and traffic conditions, you can't dynamically alter how drunk or sober you are. If you're looking at your phone when conditions require constant attention to the road, then you're doing it wrong.
  8. Found your problem butters, you're in maricopa... there is a sheriff out there that is as crazy as he is dumb...
  9. It sucks that he died, and I don't think vandalism + fleeing warrants death... If the cop opened fire on him, then it would be an obvious case of unwarranted deadly force. Being a tazer, it's a little more murky...since it's not supposed to be lethal.
  10. You really shouldn't ride a motorcycle, it's way too dangerous, what if you forgot how to countersteer and mowed over a little old lady...
  11. magley64


    If you make it to hollywood, I'd suggest the Tiki Ti... "The Standard" downtown was a good place to stay.
  12. I think that's just a decoration... may have used an ACTUAL alligator to do it, but i doubt it's still alive...
  13. it's your own fault if you're riding with bald-ass tires
  14. Actually No... it isn't (B) Persons riding bicycles or motorcycles upon a roadway shall ride not more than two abreast in a single lane, except on paths or parts of roadways set aside for the exclusive use of bicycles or motorcycles. http://codes.ohio.gov/orc/4511.55 On the motorcycle? None.. I merge with traffic, i don't expect traffic to yield to me... but then I ride a motorcycle that is significantly faster than most cars on the road... So even if they wanted to cut me off, they don't have the acceleration to do so.
  15. 125... what is that, 3rd-4th gear? oh, cars... lol, nvm...
  16. adrenaline is a hell of a pain killer.
  17. I don't understand your objection, or the objection of others who are opposed, unless your concern is that you will be struck by a motorcycle engaged in this activity...If it is allowed, and you choose not to (either in specific scenarios or on the whole) there will be absolutely no change for you. You continue to ride exactly as you do now, except on some slightly more frequent occasion you will see a motorcycle pass by you between lanes. Currently it is not allowed, and those of us who do/ want to either cannot or if we choose to anyway, run the risk of unneeded citations.
  18. depends on how "fine" the screen is... if it's pretty coarse, I'd say let it fly without... if it's pretty fine, you might wanna bodge something.
  19. My favorite... the "I'm older so I must be right" argument... Please regail us with more tales of how so very long ago your parents copulated....
  20. full disclosure, I already do it. Legal or not, if i feel it's the best option for me, I'm going for it. It would be nice to not have to worry about whether or not one of the vehicles you're passing is a police officer, and instead focus completely on the dynamics of the traffic conditions. That said, my first experience with it was in California, following a traffic cop on a motorcycle who seem impressed that I had ridden all the way from ohio. He was kind enough to show me the ropes and lead me back downtown, filtering almost the whole way. Since that experience, I do it when the conditions call for it IMO.
  21. Wait, How did you come to that conclusion? because 15% of respondents say they were in an accident while lane splitting? Methinks your logic is off... There is nothing to say that 15% wouldn't have been in an accident regardless, and the stats have already shown you're 30% less likely to be rear ended (which concerns me way more). so to sum it up you're (at least) 15% safer
  22. For one, cars don't travel near as fast to the left or to the right as they do forwards and backwards...The dangerous place to be is directly in front of a car, because that is where cars go most of the time....
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