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Everything posted by magley64

  1. S4 or moto x... razr maxx hd is also a good choice, Ihave the droid 4 because Ilike a hardware keyboard.
  2. Glad you and yours are doing well... That said, I'm not a fan of an app locking me out of my own phone for any reason. Most of the roads out here are pretty empty most of the time, so I often fiddle with my phone while underway... Not when I'm within 100' of another vehicle, however.... to each their own.
  3. Then he needs to talk to a better lender, I qualified for $150,000 and could have purchased anything up to that amount. My lender advised me to scale back 10 to 15% AT LEAST, in case I had any unexpected expenses. I took his advice. He would have happily loaned me 40,000 as long as the house I wanted appraised for that much and passed FHA inspection.
  4. 30 yr fixed interest rates seem to have bottomed out... And that is a pretty major factor in most peoples home expense calculation.
  5. Figure what you think will be "big enough" and double it... consider going taller that you want in case you decide to put in a lift...that is all the advice I got
  6. I use Fuel Oil, NG is cheaper right now, and more convenient...
  7. Looks like someone wanted a tesi
  8. Need tires, or I'd make the trip to BS with you guys....
  9. It also means increased production and more jobs...
  10. An overturned rack of sport coats at men's warehouse is hardly a riot.... Rodney King, that was a fucking riot....
  11. Where are all these riots we were promised? I seem to have missed them...
  12. Remind me again... WTF did that have to do with china?
  13. Agree, Disagree The current one isn't doing any better or worse than any other one has done...
  14. http://data.bls.gov/timeseries/LNS14000000 http://www.tradingeconomics.com/united-states/gdp-growth
  15. Let's not forget who CAUSED the economy to crash in the first place... Rebuilding it has taken some time, and it's growing, not a boom (in boom/bust mode) but growing... I'm not the biggest fan of Obamacare, but we NEEDED health care reform, you don't like it, design something better, our old system was shit. The biggest thing that wiped out the middle class was the economic collapse... yeah again, you're blaming the current president for something that the last president caused. Eroding civil rights? Bush wins again with the design and implimentation of the patriot act, not that i'm happy about how the current administration has continued it, but at least they didn't design and impliment it. I also think 9/11 was higher on the "failure" scale than benghazi... the 4 people killed in libya were aware that they had undertaken an occupational hazard. The 3 thousand people killed at the WTC were just going about their normal daily lives.
  16. That's some good shit, adds hundreds of horsepower to any engine, especially the cherry
  17. Mine had some surging problems a few years ago, seafoam cleared it right up.
  18. I put a 1/2 can of seafoam in the first few tanks of the year, and stabil in the last few... Haven't had any issues since I've started doing it and my bike is running great. (Needs tires, but it's running great)
  19. Why do so many of you think I'm trolling? I trolled once, it was in Y!A... My question: in fish: "how do I train my catfish to be more friendly? Every time I put him in his fish tank he keeps hissing and clawing my arms up and water goes everywhere"
  20. Looks like it's from e85fuel.com
  21. No what I'm saying is that your "advice" was useless since you couldn't meet the challenge. It was as if I challenged you to climb a wall, and your response was "climb it yourself". You couldn't meet the challenge, whether I climb the wall or not, you've already failed.. I get my news from stewart and colbert (or oliver and colbert as is the case right now) I find it quite informative, reliable and legit. Nothing about me is pious, piety is not among my attributes...
  22. Ethanol is a horrible idea, and if corn weren't so heavily subsidized, it would cost way way more to produce than gasoline... If you really really want to burn corn, corn oil is a much better option, switch to a diesel engine.
  23. As stated before, Higher octane doesn't do a damn thing unless you're running forced induction or high compression ratio... 1: Boost tire pressure, max out your tires cold psi rating (mine are rated 44 psi max cold on the eldorado and that is where I keep them during the spring/summer/fall) 2: Check air cleaner/replace/clean 3: Use injector cleaner (like seafoam)... if your injectors are dirty, you're not atomizing the fuel properly and getting an incomplete burn. 4: Check O2 Sensor, if it's dirty, you're running rich and wasting fuel My 4000 lb 4.6 V8 Eldorado averages about 30 Mpg, and like the bike, I'm not gentle with it.
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