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Everything posted by magley64

  1. People vote for any number of reasons... Skin color, name recognition, the little letter that represents what party they claim to be.... or the fact that they just can't stand that "other guy"...
  2. Nobody Is stopping you from saying anything...just stopping this teacher from forcing it on her students. Many religions believe in a god, but not all, some believe in many, some believe in none... so the quote "in god we trust" does favor those religions that have 1 god. Your christians, your jews, your muslims. if you want more insight into the feelings of the founding fathers on the subject of religion in government, article 11 of the Treaty of Tripoli signed by president Adams makes it pretty clear... Jefferson's Bible is another clue regarding his position on the supernatural. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jefferson%27s_Bible
  3. http://blackfriday.bestbuy.com/#!/tv+amp+home+theater3 page 7.. denon
  4. Wow you're a real idiot... pledging to an inanimate object that represents the country is stupid, pledging to an inanimate object that represents the country is awesome... You realize the constitution has changed since the flag has... Last flag change was in the 60's, last constitution change was in 1992...
  5. What is the difference between a fish gene and a corn gene? They are all just a sequence of atcg... do you understand genetics at all?
  6. The penalty for not having car or motorcycle insurance is losing your license for 6 months minimum. If the penalty was 1/6th the premium I pay, then I would say fuck that noise, too. I've paid way more in car insurance than I have ever gotten out of it.... it's a shitty investment.
  7. At least we can agree on that! Spot on, most of these men were deists/unitarians, and only believed in a god/creator because there was no viable alternative at the time. I fully expect that if these men were alive today they would certainly be at very least agnostics (PAP- Permanent Agnosticism in Principle) or as I am, fully accepting of the fact that there are and never were any gods save for in the imaginations of people.
  8. Well, which one of those dozens of christianity is the correct christianity? If we're going by pure numbers of self described adherents catholicism rules...Which one of those dozens of christianity is the one this country was founded on?
  9. Also it seems somewhat disengenuous to put all of these religions into 1 neat box, and exclude Judaism and Islam...who by rights believe in the same god, just disagree over the nature of jesus' relationship to him. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Christian_denominations
  10. There are "brands" of atheism. IPU and FSM being more whimsical forms, Metaphoric paganism, secular humanism, and laveyan satanism as more serious forms... Personally I'm more of an "ala carte" atheist. I don't follow any particular life philosophy, I just use my own moral compass, and do what I think is best at any given time. I don't believe in an afterlife or ghosts, or spirits, or luck, though there are atheists who do. And I disagree with another of your assertions, there is no religion that "rules" in this country. Yes the first english settlers were puritans (very strict protestants), but they are quite distinct and separate from the "founding fathers".
  11. No, what we have is fewer people during the transition period without "health Insurance"... and by the time the law goes into full effect, it will make good fiscal sense for me to purchase health insurance. (currently not the case)
  12. magley64

    Meth Lab

    Stop shooting the tower!
  13. No, that's the position I've been defending the whole time... go back and re-read... I've stated on several occasions that the aca was not perfect, but it was better than what we had...
  14. I'm defending the premise that Health insurance reform NEEDED to be done. Nobody has pointed out any plan other than the ACA that eliminated the "Pre-existing" condition loophole that would have passed the house and senate... I believe this is the correct direction... towards completely socialized health care. the other direction would work, too. but it's too heartless for most people, completely capitalist health care. No money, no insurance no treatment, get bent.
  15. I was just confused because at first you were naming nationalities, then you named a religion. I too consider myself an american first, but maybe that's just because I have no strong nationality association. My maternal grandmother is 100% first genration Czechoslovakian, but she doesn't refer to herself as Czechoslovakian American (that would be a mouthful anyway)... "Muslim american" is different than "African american" In my mind. Your religion doesn't in any way interfere with your patriotism in my mind. (because the nation is secular, as much as that pisses off many christians) As for American immigrants wanting to retain their own culture in america, that's fine, too. So long as that doesn't cause you to take sides against your new home country in conflicts with your country of origin.
  16. So which are you, a christian or an american?
  17. So wait, you're also denouncing accepted history in favor of your own reviosionist brand...good little christian...keep fucking that chicken... I bet the founding fathers all believed in exactly the same god you believe in, and all said, we should make Brian's religion our official religion of the whole country... No wait, they didn't... They said this country will have NO established religion. http://altreligion.about.com/od/alternativereligionsaz/p/Deism.htm Incidentally John Adams is one of my forefathers directly, on my mother's side.
  18. Isn't it the same principle as safe hetero sex?
  19. I was hoping more for a cbx1600...
  20. My bike has no soul.. It's just remarkably powerful, and requires no maintenence to be incredibly reliable. The only time I hit the button and it wouldn't start, I had a weak battery. Maybe if I ever owned a bike with a soul, it would mean something to me... as of now I just want something that thrills me when i rock the throttle, and has enough clearance, grip, and stability for me to throw it through some corners as fast as I dare.
  21. You mentioned singing "god bless america" is now over, then called us "comrades"... I don't care if you believe me... Yes I think religion is a plague upon the human consciousness, but I'd much rather see it willfully abandoned than outlawed. Fortunately, that is the case, religion is falling out of favor faster than any religion is growing... Draw the line? I believe things that are testable, repeatable, and have evidence to support them. Where do you draw the line? That's very, very broad. Yes, the founding fathers were mostly "christian" but christian meant a different thing to them, most of them were Deists (look it up, they didn't believe in a living god who listened to prayers, or granted miracles, just in a designer of the natural order of the universe as they saw it), and all of them made it VERY clear that Christianity was not, by any stretch of the imagination, a national religion. So you can stuff that "this is a christian nation" malarkey back in your bag of tricks... it doesn't fly. Sounds good, let's do it...
  22. magley64

    Meth Lab

    I think we figured out why your reception sucks....
  23. the one time I did it myself on my motorcycle, I just used a big pair of channel locks and a couple pieces of old innertube to break the bead and some tire spoons to walk the tire off the rim. Then i use some old drain oil as a lubricant and sealant for the new tire bead. I have a cheap harbor freight balancer. On cars I use a bumper jack and a heavy truck to break the bead, then the same method for the tires just with a little more grunting...
  24. my first question is: Which modified gene in the corn causes autism, and how? Then we do some research into what that gene does for the corn, and if we can eliminate it from future generations of corn. Science can fix the problems, we just need to do the work.
  25. So the antithesis to "Christian" is "Communist"? McCarthyism is alive and well... I'm glad those days are over. This generation's "Religion" is long overdue to turning into "mythology".
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