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Everything posted by magley64

  1. I don't think the scooter would take 5 minutes to travel the distance you're seeing... those cars might have had to remain motionless for a minute, for the scooter to go the 30 or 40 car lengths shown...
  2. Cause every conservative has conservative children??
  3. This is where I'm at... "budget" just won't cut it for me though... I'm gonna have to drop at least $1000 to get the features I want.
  4. I agree... I try to stay as neutral as possible on the abortion issue because by the nature of... well... nature, I've got very little say in it anyway. Women need to make choices about their health and their own bodies. If they don't want to gestate, I don't think it's the government's job to force them to. At the same time I'm morally opposed to women using abortions as a means of ongoing birth control, this doesn't mean I'd support any further restrictions to the procedure. On a side note, regardless of how much i abhor religious organizations, I think the counseling centers like heartbeat international are a great resource for giving young women help if they feel pressured into an abortion decision...
  5. I thought it was the gays, not women who dress like sluts...
  6. exactly, and neither is a zygote...the stage when most of these supposed "murders" take place. if a zygote is a living breathing child, so is a sperm...
  7. the best buy ad has one sub $300 for early black friday deals...
  8. isn't that what trade agreements are for? businesses?
  9. It's a joke because it actually worked the way it was intended here?
  10. That sounds like a Schwarzenegger-endorsed lady toy...
  11. Commuting isn't even on my top 5 list for riding a motorcycle, but it does introduce a bit of practicality, which is nice...
  12. matter is energy... energy is matter... after a fashion of course...
  13. The f150, taurus and lincoln appear to have their brake lights on...
  14. How about the billions of unborn children you shot into the bed sheets? or down her face?
  15. The effect was that for the majority of the people where I work, the plan now costs less. The plan that the company had was mostly ACA compatible, but the deductible was too high, so they dropped it to 2k.
  16. this thread started as an abortion.
  17. You keep saying "no harm" and "hurt nothing" but they do hurt those people who live in those population centers that wanted to vote, and now can't because they don't have a car, and have no need for a license. it's an extra burden on them. What to background checks attempt to prevent? What do voter ID laws (claim to) attempt to prevent? Again, which is worse, a statistically irrelevant vote or a dead family member?
  18. wait wait wait.... So you're equating voter fraud to gun deaths? *rubs hands together* there are 32,000 gun deaths per year in the USA, as opposed to 86 cases of voter fraud... there are almost as many gun deaths per year in washington DC alone, as there are in person voter fraud cases in the whole country... And at the end of a voter fraud case, you have an extra single vote (that accounts for statistically nothing, doesn't change a single race) Where as at the end of a gun death you have a dead son, a dead daughter, a dead father, a dead mother, a dead sister...etc... Now you tell me which is a bigger problem. A vote that essentially counts for shit, or a dead family member...
  19. I'll take a picture of the insurance form if i can find one tomorrow, I've already declined and returned my form...
  20. That was the whole point...FOX NEWS even says this shit doesn't happen, and they are the denizens of bullshit mountain...they are the bullshit mountain spin machine... and even FOX NEWS is having a hard time justifying this bullshit as legitimate... In person voter fraud doesn't happen...and these types of voter ID laws don't effect absentee voter fraud, which while it's still not a very common occurrence, is a bigger problem than in person voter fraud.
  21. people where I work aren't saving $2,500, but they are keeping their insurance, their doctors, and saving $250/year on the same plan, also they lowered our deductible from $3000 to $2000...
  22. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2011/09/24/voter-id-laws-target-rarely-occurring-voter-fraud/ Yep, they failed... doesn't mean they won't keep trying to suppress minority votes, and gerrymander their way to winning as many elections as possible.
  23. wow, he musta been doing 90% light speed... LOL
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