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Everything posted by Vulcan900

  1. Happened here at work this morning. http://i252.photobucket.com/albums/hh18/Crom2112/IMG_0230.jpg http://i252.photobucket.com/albums/hh18/Crom2112/IMG_0223.jpg http://i252.photobucket.com/albums/hh18/Crom2112/IMG_0230.jpg
  2. ^ +1 Who ever thought that was a good idea was horribly wrong.
  3. That was a great read and an amazing story. I hope the guy gets backing from someone so he can keep racing.
  4. We took my nephews and had a great time. We went Sat morning just as it opened so it wasnt that crowded. I took pictures of my youngest nephew(12) sitting in all the cars and showing the shocker. His mother will love them
  5. I wonder if Toyota will go after them if it indeed was a false alarm and the guy is just going for money.
  6. Looking great Larry! I am ready for winter to be over.
  7. Congrats! That shop is the win.
  8. This seems to explain it at a high level. http://www.owasp.org/index.php/DOM_Based_XSS I haven't had to deal with much of this as my coding is to internal network users. So I can't offer more than what is detailed in the link.
  9. Sad to hear. You almost found it. Heres hoping it still might be in a non cube shape.
  10. Good luck. Being laid off sucks. It took me almost a year to get back on my feet after being axed from WorldCom back in the day. Sounds like you have two very good options in front of you. I would go the IPO route myself. It sounds like thats the way you are leaning.
  11. I would take her either way, but if I were able to pick I would go with before as well.
  12. 3000 GT I think thats all that needs said. Well that and its the worst car ever made. If it wasnt for bad luck I wouldnt have had any luck with it.
  13. I vote cowl hood, but nothing to tall.
  14. Thats what I was thinking. Plus its just ugly.
  15. Sounds like the start to every known horror movie.
  16. You do realize that we had to convince him to come inside after this picture was taken. He really didnt want to at first. It took us getting treats out for him to decide it was worth it for him to get up and come inside.
  17. That sucks about the wheels. Good luck with the reimbursement. 270 at 670 has a bunch that they keep patching, only the patching isn't staying to now when a semi drives over the "patch" it just kicks up huge chunks of asphalt.
  18. +1 ^^ I used them the last time I bought contacts and no issues what so ever. I will use them the next time I need to order contacts.
  19. To me, it looks a like the new Impreza hatch back. http://wrxfanatics.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/2009-Subaru-Impreza-08810061990001.jpg But honestly it looks better than the subaru.
  20. ebay is where I found replacement center caps for my stock rims. Way cheaper than from the dealer and it was a subaru part, not a knock off. That would be where I would try.
  21. Vulcan900


    I would definitely recommend seeing it in 3D. You wont be disappointed, even if you have already seen it 2d.
  22. Vulcan900


    ^^^^ +1 ^^^^^ Thats the exact same thing me and my girlfriend said after seeing it.
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