Vista sux balls, so I hope Win 7 is an improvement. I just can't shake the memory of upgrading from win95 to win98 (which sucked more balls), then upgrading win98 to win2000 (which less than 98), then upgrading to XP pro.. Liked XP pro over the previous windows versions, but windows is still windows, which means lock ups and freezes for no damn reason. Not gonna even get started on viruses and spyware. I'm pretty tech savvy, and was forced to upgrade the wife to a Vista Dell about 8mths ago. The computer itself is awesome, the operating system reminds me of win98 with all the frick'n issues. The screen on my 5year old Dell laptop fell off (thank the gods for duct tape), then the battery took a crap, then the power cord/transformer died. I'm going on week 4 of no laptop (Palm Pre getting me by), and finally pulled the trigger on a Macbook Pro this past Thursday.