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Everything posted by AOW

  1. who is this chocolate milk fellow you speak of, and exactly how big is your nose?
  2. AOW

    Nut Up......

    we don't want ALL the white women, just the few quality ones... like CBRGIRL, MJ, and gsxr750girl. UHHH, NO.. "you people" can keep the fat ones. In fact, if you go back and reread the proposed post slavery reparations, they clearly state: "40 acres, a mule, and a skinny big tit white chick!"
  3. I could've swore that Italy was on the metric system...
  4. AOW


    I have the 35w set up from DDM Tuning. Since the install I have yet to use or even need my high beams. These things are beyond bright! Stay away from Ebay HID lamps (bulbs) they are not HIDs. DDM tuning has a no hassle lifetime ballast warranty!! If you do any night riding, I HIGHLY recommend HID.
  5. I don't blame ya, 45 degrees why bother. Moose has a rare earth magnet set up to pick up metal crap before the rear tire does. You may want to check with him on his set up.
  6. Always assume every cage & cager is out to kill you.
  7. interesting, but I'll stick to this method...
  8. should be able to right click on "my computer" and go to "properties', and your license number/Vista number will be there.
  9. Don't trust any HD dealer! Find an indy shop or a HD dealer that sells Jap bikes as well is your best bet. I just discovered yesterday that Centennial HD stripped the socket head bolt in my coil pack, so I can't even pull the plugs and check things out...
  10. AOW

    abandoned baby sea lion

    Every time we stay in Monterey there's always some type of sea lion drama near by. Two times before this trip we came up to dead ones. This one was saved though.
  11. Definition of Swine flu: when an asshat dresses in all Harley Leathers chaps and fingerless gloves, with matching wife, but drives his Harley edition Ford Truck. Its a sickness that may not be cured.
  12. ***insert witty comment here about switching to Mac****
  13. AOW's guide to winterizing your bike.... Move to California... Today it was 90+ degrees and sunny, yesterday it was 80 and sunny, Saturday it will be 80 and sunny. Winters are tough out here, I couldn't ride two days this week due to rain.
  14. :bigfinger: Dear Mods, where is the "fuck off" smiley?
  15. AOW

    Hey beer drinkers!

    Grolsch bottles are teh best
  16. XP pro worked great for me on several machines since it came out. I do know that many issues blamed on windows is 3rd party, but I have yet to be able to point a finger at a program for the current Vista issue I'm having on the wife's machine.
  17. Vista sux balls, so I hope Win 7 is an improvement. I just can't shake the memory of upgrading from win95 to win98 (which sucked more balls), then upgrading win98 to win2000 (which less than 98), then upgrading to XP pro.. Liked XP pro over the previous windows versions, but windows is still windows, which means lock ups and freezes for no damn reason. Not gonna even get started on viruses and spyware. I'm pretty tech savvy, and was forced to upgrade the wife to a Vista Dell about 8mths ago. The computer itself is awesome, the operating system reminds me of win98 with all the frick'n issues. The screen on my 5year old Dell laptop fell off (thank the gods for duct tape), then the battery took a crap, then the power cord/transformer died. I'm going on week 4 of no laptop (Palm Pre getting me by), and finally pulled the trigger on a Macbook Pro this past Thursday.
  18. doubtful that she was homeless. She had a newish $5k electric wheelchair, and those are Louis V's on top of her head.
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