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Story from the sentence game thread


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this is the collection of brilliant OR writers making a hollywood blockbuster. Great minds are at work right here http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=102923

Thought it will be fun for someone just joining in to read all of it together. :excited:

One day Isaacs Papa was on The side of the road sucking on a lollipop while waiting for Madscat to give him a HJ but Ringo showed up with butt plugs. Magley was on his way also to explain how to use the butt plugs without injury while throwing elbows and butt plugs at the same time. Mags got out the Crisco and told IP to bend over. IP hit him with a banjo and then played Dueling Banjos.

Korea launched nukes, killed everyone. The end

Except it wasn't the end. Radiation fused and mutated them into gay Mongolian goat ropers, Who liked to lick cock cheese off midgets but only from the taint.

What would Jackie Robinson do, if he got his taint cheese licked by magz or madcat? Or the midget taint lapper? Jackie cannot be found to question. But all signs point to yes, that he enjoys it where the sun don't shine. For a long time, after that a dark shadow fell on castle in the kingdom of ass clowns. They ran out of spaghetti and jello supplies were low. So they then began to grab bologna with holes cut in them in order to hide their faces. While they consumed gin and boner pills the midgets started watching midget strippers fight a swarm of cats covered in KY gel Standing in the rain singing "In the air tonight" but worse than Phil Collins yet better than Richard Stamos. So they stopped singing. And began swearing in chinese.. or congratulating, hard to tell.

Around the corner comes Bad324 wearing a thong backwards on his face with boots on and nothing else. Except pasties because he lost his leotard by the side of the Crack dealers house who was blowing just minutes before the chip n dales showed up and Said, fuck this, and left.

Brian stood there eating a burrito with one hand, the other hand wasn't doing something gay for once. It was holding a glass of appletini, while getting a backrub from hellmutt. With hot oil and a big tub of KFC gravy. Inappropriate boners were abundant in his pants while Snot was making him a samitch full of habanero peppers. So he could shit in a cup while crying that his ass is on fire. He started to splash toilet water on his turd cutter but it malfunctioned. The toilet water had ghost chillie pepper in it.So he ran to a dairy farm in his birthday suit to nut punch some cattle and snags his nuts on barbed wire.

Meanwhile back at the ranch Gen3 was milking 6 goats. But it wasn't a goats tit she was milking, it was instead bag ladies. The milk is used by Casper to add flavor to his Coffee, while watching efukt.com. And working out to Richard Simmons sweating to the oldies. He Pull a muscle trying to suck a golf ball through a garden hose that was 100ft long. But have no fear jbot has brought additional vacuum powered lips along with support from Night Rider. Dancing the jitterbug at a Wham! concert Wearing a clown wig and smoking the world's largest Ghey dude who was Wearing a pink ascot with a jacket with feathers on the collar. So, he pulls a weasel from the Butt of Dying Shadow, while Grapesmuggler ran for more beer to soak the ghey guy's with lots of bacon flavored lube.

Dying Shadow loves bacon so he starts to lick Gen3's bacon soaked.....

to be continued.

Edited by NinjaDoc
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