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Hit my first animal while riding...


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Well, I was riding home from the movies. I think it was about 11 or so when it happened. I was going around 40mph and I saw a raccoon dart towards the road, from the woodline. It was only about 15-20ft ahead of me when I saw it, I remember thinking to myself..."Fuck, this is going to hurt". I wasn't really sure what was going to happen. So I hit both brakes as safely as I could, and I think when I hit it, I was going about 20mph or so. My front tire got by, but it ran right under the rear. Luckily I didn't lose control or anything, but man that was scary. Almost pissed myself. I felt a very large bump and just continued to ride, I was literally about a minute from my house.

I inspected the bike when I got home, everything seemed to be fine. No blood or fur either, which is good.

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I don't care if it's a tiny sparrow. I duck hard enough to just about dent the tank.

You don't want to get hit by a bird. Quite surprising how hard they hit.

edit: I got hit by a toad/frog right in the thick boot.

I indeed felt that. It hit much harder than I would ever have suspected.

And that was in a 45mph zone.

Edited by ReconRat
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I hit a rabbit at about 90 one time. Missed with the front nailed with the rear. The carnage was pretty spectacular. Guts stung out for 20 feet or so and blood and fur all over the rear tire.

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if you braked and hit it, that means you probably would have been long gone before it crossed your path if you had just kept doing 40.

yeah little critters arent like dogs, they dont get fucked up by a bike slowing then accelerating away. If its the size of a rabbit or squirrel i dont slow down

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I would also add a pretty heavy throttle burp just before you hit it with your front wheel. Gets weight off the front making it theoretically easier to get over it. Also get up on your pegs so you don't get bucked off the seat.

Also keep in mind not all road kill is actually dead. I had one I came up on Saturday that looked dead until I was right on it. Little bastard jumped up and ran in front of me.

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I was riding down to the meet yesterday and had a big ass black raven hit my left side mirror then it smashed into my left shoulder, felt like someone had kicked me in the chest

You are obviously hallucinating from your lack of nicotine. :D

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I've thankfully never hit anything, but I did glean this little bit of info from biker lore: 'If you can eat it in one sitting, run it over.'

True that...otherwise it is really gonna hurt. :(

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T-boned a dear once going about 45 slammed breaks down to about 20. The thing did a barrel roll into the ditch while I was shaken and completely ok in the road. Luckily hit it just right on the front tire and zero damage occurred outside of the permanent scar of paranoia.

Also hit several birds but weren't a big deal.

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Coming across a deer while riding is my biggest fear. Ive talked to a few people who have either tagged or been tagged by a deer on their bikes, all come out alive and well but all were on Gold wings or large baggers

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haha still damn scary! had a spider crawl across my face shield when it was down...deathly afraid of spiders!

Had that happen before and caught a bee inside of of my helmet while tooling down the road....haven't hit any critters, though.

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