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Hit my first animal while riding...


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QuikAccord had some sort of bee fly down his jacket at the ride Saturday, stung him several times before he got rid of it but luckily he's not allergic.

When I was a teenager I hit a groundhog around 40-50mph on my first streetbike (550LTD), instinct locked my elbows and I didn't touch the brakes. The bike bucked up a little, but no wobble or problems at all. He didn't die, just rolled around a bit and then took off.

Deer can turn a biker's life to shit in milliseconds, seen some wicked photos but personally been lucky myself ( knockin on wood as I type this )

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I had a yellow jacket stuck inside my helmet on Sunday. Does that count?

While riding by Hoover in Cbus the other day I had an itch on my face, while speeding up from a light. Well it was dusk - little did I know - i flew into a mess of mosquito's @ about 35 MPH.

Pretty sure I swallowed one and 4-5 got inside my helmet. I then hit the brakes faster than a twinkie at a weight watchers meeting.

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Had a bee bounce off my sunglasses and start crawling around my ear inside my helmet. upon quick pull-over and inspection, when he hit his stinger and tail end broke off on the rim of my glasses, so he was mad, but unable to do anything about it.

Had a squirrel run out in front of me, had enough time to consider options: straight, left or right. left to go in front of him, right to go behind him, or straight to head straight for him. I went straight, figured it was safer for me to keep the bike upright, and he'd live if he made a decision quick enough, continue forward or turn back. he turned back.

Had a real close call with a turkey or turkey vulture last year. I was cranking the throttle pretty hard on my way home, and it starts flapping across the road just up ahead, I had enough time to duck, so I put the helmet to tank and felt a hard "CRACK" on the top of my helmet, must not have had enough height when I got to it and hit the legs. Glad I was wearing a helmet that day, would have been a real bad headache otherwise...

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I know what you mean, I hit a cat doing 90mph on the way home the other night... Came straight out of the field & ran into my front tire. Completely obliterated the cat & pushed me into the other lane. Luckily it didn't get underneath my tire!

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I know what you mean, I hit a cat doing 90mph on the way home the other night... Came straight out of the field & ran into my front tire. Completely obliterated the cat & pushed me into the other lane. Luckily it didn't get underneath my tire!

How did you "obliterate" it if it didn't get under one of your tires?

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I regularly ride over roadkill, not because I'm a sadistic SOB (although I am) but because it's good training for encountering a live version of whatever it is trundling accross the road. You'd be surprised how insignificant even a larger animal can be... most feel like you hit a sack of water.

Not abruptly swerving or braking super aggressively, and standing slightly to absorb the impact while lifting the bars up and accelerating slightly, are useful skills.

I will say that raccoons are tricky bastards, they have a very hard and angular skull, if you hit that wrong it could spit you off in a different direction than intended.

I hit a deer in WV a month ago, killed it and killed it's fetus. $5600 damage, but didn't go down. Continued on my trip with bent forks, bent bars, and a bunch of superficial damage.

The bike actually doesn't look too bad in the below picture.




Edited by MeefZah
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Can't remember which day last week, but I was hit in the left shoulder by a bird, while at about 70 mph. Felt like getting hit from a pitch while batting. Unlike this guy above, no abortions were performed......

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Can't remember which day last week, but I was hit in the left shoulder by a bird, while at about 70 mph. Felt like getting hit from a pitch while batting. Unlike this guy above, no abortions were performed......

I took one to the head one time yeah I know shame on me for not having my helmet on. Had blood running down my face when I pulled in the driveway I wasn't sure if it was mine or the birds ended up being the birds

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I regularly ride over roadkill, not because I'm a sadistic SOB (although I am) but because it's good training for encountering a live version of whatever it is trundling accross the road. You'd be surprised how insignificant even a larger animal can be... most feel like you hit a sack of water.

Not abruptly swerving or braking super aggressively, and standing slightly to absorb the impact while lifting the bars up and accelerating slightly, are useful skills.

I will say that raccoons are tricky bastards, they have a very hard and angular skull, if you hit that wrong it could spit you off in a different direction than intended.

I hit a deer in WV a month ago, killed it and killed it's fetus. $5600 damage, but didn't go down. Continued on my trip with bent forks, bent bars, and a bunch of superficial damage.

The bike actually doesn't look too bad in the below picture.




Mark, is it wrong that i can still eat and read this at the same time?

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