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Tips/advice For Long Distance Trip


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Do not wear a backpack if at all possible. 7 hours of that thing pulling on your shoulders will really hurt.


I rode from Mississippi to Ohio last riding season, I hated that damn backpack. I would also say instead of focusing on getting there immediately make sure you look around and enjoy your ride. It will go much faster if you're having fun.

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What he has built there for free is exactly like one of the 'professional models' you can buy.  It just relies on the friction between the hanger and the grip. I applaud his genius.  








Do not wear a backpack if at all possible. 7 hours of that thing pulling on your shoulders will really hurt.


I rode from Mississippi to Ohio last riding season, I hated that damn backpack. I would also say instead of focusing on getting there immediately make sure you look around and enjoy your ride. It will go much faster if you're having fun.



Yea, Karl is letting my borrow his saddle bags and brandon is letting me use his tank bag. so I should be set there

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by the time you figure in gas stops, lunch, and b.s. stops, you'll be lucky to avg. 45 mph.  so, 450mi. would be more like 10hrs..  dont forget to take a good rain suit and flat tire repair kit.  g-luck and ride safe.

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If you are not used to long trips, biker shorts are excellent in the summer. I wear them with a dry fit shirt under a mesh riding suit. If you have a camel back hydration system, they are also real nice in the summer. Stay hydrated to beat the heat and ward off fatigue.

I have ridden to Hagerstown a number of times to visit the in-laws. I can comfortably ride there in 5 to 6 hours based on traffic (and highway patrol) It will not take 10 hours to get to Fredericksburg.

Good luck. The I70 to I79 to I68 was my first multstate long ride. It is a scenic fun ride for being a freeway.

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Wear Compression shorts or something similar. Definitely avoid cotton underwear.

+1 on the spot tracker. I've carried one for past 4. Never had to use it, but nice to know its there. ( I use the tracking feature every ride.)

If you can't borrow one, Pauly's advice about texting someone your location occasionally is a great idea.

Otherwise, stay hydrated, and stop every few hours to stretch off the bike.

On routes, 33 from Elkins to Harrisonburg is a blast. I was just on it Memorial Day weekend.

Enjoy the ride.

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I've done 33 from hburg to Eakins then cut up 79 in my built RSX a few times, definitely a blast. I'm meeting up with a few car friends that I haven't seen in a couple years on Sunday and were going to do skyline drive.


Picked up the saddle bags from karl. Good stuff

Edited by Koreo
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Kman followed me 300+ miles on his lil Ninja, you can put big miles on those bikes. Just take your time and a few breaks.


Yup, until an e-clip broke on a jet needle, which you won't have that issue thanks to FI.

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stay hydrated is the biggest thing I can tell you. Wear ear plugs also. This really helps my fatigue levels stay down, mentally, and I think much clearer than if I don't wear them. Lock your luggage as stated by I.P. Just take your time, and enjoy the ride. Stop when you feel the need. If your slabbing a bunch, change position on the bike regularly to keep from stiffening up. 


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