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Email Your Congresscritter Right Now Please.


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There is an appropriations bill for defense tomorrow. There is an amendment to defund the NSA unless they curtail the spying they are doing on us.  Money comes from the House, so this will work and get it done...don't have to wait for the do nothing Senate. If you are unsure of your rep, look it up.    http://www.house.gov/representatives/find/



Here is what I just sent:



I wanted to contact you to ask that you support the Amash/Conyers amendment to the Defense Appropriations Bill that I believe you are voting on tomorrow. This amendment will limit the data gathering by the NSA to data that it tangible to a person being investigated.


Currently, according to recent testimony in Congressional Hearings, the NSA gathers information 3 hops away from a target.  So the target, everyone the target knows and everyone they know.


It has been shown that on the internet, everyone is connected by 5 hops. So when the NSA has a target, they are gathering data on 3/5's of the internet. That is, if you will excuse my bluntness, insane. It goes against everything we stand for. I understand there are sacrifices in privacy required to be safer from the worlds threats.


But what is currently happening at the NSA goes far beyond what is acceptable.


Thank you for your time.

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