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Neo: Ride Saturday, 8/3


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Anyone in the NE area want to head out Saturday morning and ride to some nice roads? Last weeks weather sucked but this week is looking perfect with it saying mid-70's and sun. No route determined as of yet, depends how far people want to go but I have a few in mind to ride. Depending where we decide to go we can plan to meet at the Bolivar exit off of 77 at a gas station and go from there. Maybe meet at around 8:15-8:30? Can do a little later as well, but I'd like to head out by 9ish.

Edited by nautical1
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Damn NEO for not having any good roads. We should start a petition to have the metro parks closed to cars for a few hours a month :)

Sent from my iPhone.


get a better bike and profit on long rides. Thats what got me into hitting the 400 mile days, couldn't do it in my CBR, The 636 however was a tad better and was what i did my first 300 miler on


orrrrrrr just suck it up and come hit the good shit :lol:

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There's plenty of us on super sports that ride 300+ mile days all the time. If you're on good roads you don't get uncomfortable or start to ache. Not to mention the metro parks are boring, especially compared to Southern OH roads. Tag along and I'm sure you won't regret it.

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The route depends on how long people want to ride. We can do an easy 200 mile day or head further south for a 300+ mile day. I posted one last week but rain cancelled that ride but we can use that one if we want to do a longer ride. The route was 800s-26sw-537w-260s-7n-536n-78w-800n/26n-145ne-148e-9n-151w-212n. I can make any changes we see fit to shorten/lengthen the ride as well, that's just a basic one I was thinking of.

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It's only Thursday. :dunno:


I don't know if I'll be available to check and see who's in until Saturday morning, hence why I was just checking. You both have my number though if you guys make a decision. As for the rain I didn't notice it jumped up to 40%, last I saw I thought it was for late afternoon. :dunno: Hopefully it holds out, I only have a few more weeks after this for riding.. 

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