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New To The Site. Hello Ohio!!!


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For the last 3 years I've been primarily over at the www.cb1100f.net forum. Learning, rebuilding and modding my 82' CB900F. Thought I'd check out a forum of riders in my own back yard. Always interested in talking shop. If it has two wheels and a motor, it's always good conversation. Although if you have a scooter... I don't want to hear about it... haha.


Looking forward to seeing what everyone's riding, modding, building, etc.


Take care.





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And cool old CB's aren't? If it's cheap, fun, and makes noise, I generally like it.

never really said that, but he was kind of shooting down scooters in the first post. i was just saying "its all money" Edited by 2talltim
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I can appreciate that people ride the scooters, but they really annoy me. I'm sure you can trick them out, but the riding position alone says, "Sissy." Sure, sure, they're economical, you can make them fast, blah blah blah... I'm also very secure in my masculinity, so liking or not liking scooters has nothing to do with that.


Thanks for all the welcomes. I'll be sure to check out what y'all are building. More into building and modding rather than, buying off the showroom and aftermarket. Now I'm probably going to piss off those riders...hahaha. It's all good.


Except scooters. hahah.

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Well let's not kid ourselves; scooters are lame unless you're riding one. Only then are they fun. I feel totally douchey even sitting near a scooter, but my opinion completely flips when I'm riding that same scooter to the showers at the track.

It's like banging a fat chick.

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Hhahahaha. I see what you're saying, although I've never bedded swine, so.... Ok. If it was my only option, I'd ride a (gulp)... scooter. One of the best street riders in Ohio rides a scooter for his main bike now. He has nothing to prove to anyone on his rockets. I think the douche that comes along with the "popular" scooters is what bothers me.


At the end of the day, it is what it is. Ride what you have, just don't be a knucklehead on the streets. Your ego isn't very good protection against pavement.

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