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Wild NY Bike Attack Vid


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Also turns out that most of them were riding non-street-legal vehicles, quads, dirtbikes, etc.


The guy who was run over and put into a medically-induced coma wasn't even licensed. He lived in Massachusetts (a Masshole -- big surprise, right?) and had never applied for a driver's license, had two temporary motorcycle permits, and had somehow managed to rack up 16 speeding tickets and citations. Mass had actually banned him from operating a motor vehicle in the state until 2017.


Next question...  Family members of the person who is in a coma/paralyzed have stated that "he didn't know the rest of the people in the group and was only stopping to help the SUV driver"


Well, multiple questions:


1) What makes them think he tried to help the SUV driver?  What kind of "help" is he giving the SUV driver by being in front of the SUV?

2) Is it more likely that he was helping the person who was knocked off his bike? (note I didn't say "biker")

3) Is it equally likely that he was taking part in the initial attack on the SUV?  What evidence do they have that indicates what was doing?


4) The $64,000 question....    Did his bike have its license plate on?



If his license plate was removed then I would refuse to believe he was not part of the ride.   Maybe he DID stop to help the idiot who got knocked off his bike...  Maybe he even stopped to help teh SUV driver...  Regardless, once a mob starts attacking his car he has every right to punch it out of there.  They're lucky they did this in NY - if they did it in Texas they'd probably have be shot.


This is a good example of not just "mob mentality" but why you should not allow yourself to be caught up in the moment and make assumptions.  I wonder how many of those riders knew that the person knocked off his bike was at fault?  Maybe those attacking the SUV thought they were stopping a hit-run driver from fleeing?    Doesn't matter - for the patient in the coma we are only judging the SUV driver's actions - and from what I can see in the videos released so far I don't have any problem with what he did.

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Next question...  Family members of the person who is in a coma/paralyzed have stated that "he didn't know the rest of the people in the group and was only stopping to help the SUV driver"


Well, multiple questions:


1) What makes them think he tried to help the SUV driver?  What kind of "help" is he giving the SUV driver by being in front of the SUV?

2) Is it more likely that he was helping the person who was knocked off his bike? (note I didn't say "biker")

3) Is it equally likely that he was taking part in the initial attack on the SUV?  What evidence do they have that indicates what was doing?


4) The $64,000 question....    Did his bike have its license plate on?



If his license plate was removed then I would refuse to believe he was not part of the ride.   Maybe he DID stop to help the idiot who got knocked off his bike...  Maybe he even stopped to help teh SUV driver...  Regardless, once a mob starts attacking his car he has every right to punch it out of there.  They're lucky they did this in NY - if they did it in Texas they'd probably have be shot.


This is a good example of not just "mob mentality" but why you should not allow yourself to be caught up in the moment and make assumptions.  I wonder how many of those riders knew that the person knocked off his bike was at fault?  Maybe those attacking the SUV thought they were stopping a hit-run driver from fleeing?    Doesn't matter - for the patient in the coma we are only judging the SUV driver's actions - and from what I can see in the videos released so far I don't have any problem with what he did.


It would be an extremely unlikely coincidence that a guy with a ton of tickets who is unlicensed to ride motorcycles (or drive cars, for that matter) was not connected to the group of similarly-authorized riders and then happened to be in the same place as them and stopping at the same time as them.


As for the knocking off his bike thing...the biker that got hit by the car (tapped, really) never fell off his bike. He only slowed enough to make contact with the range rover and then he came to a stop in front of the suv. Soon after, everyone else stopped surrounding the car too. If I were in the range rover and somebody did that (stopping with the engine brake just after migrating lanes 2ft in front of me on purpose so the brake lights don't come on), and then I started to become surrounded by bikers getting off their bikes and coming up to my window...I'd punch it too. The guy has his wife and young child in the car.


As you said, if this were any number of other states, one or more of the bikers probably would have been shot. The problem is that in NYC nobody's scared of being shot because guns are, for all intents and purposes, illegal.

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Didn't know about the Masshole who didn't have his license, or any license to speak of.  The driver is never, ever, going to see the inside of a courtroom (and rightly so), at least not a criminal one.  No jury in the world is going to convict the driver based on that video, and although it's possible that the driver could attempt to sue the riders, I doubt he's going to be able to find anyone that isn't in the hospital, or get any appreciable assets out of the ones that he does find.


Although the ITG in this thread came on strong (I'm lookin' at you, Butters), I do wonder what would have happened if the driver had been armed, and what the proper self defense measure would be (and no, Butters, indiscriminately shooting into the biker group is not a valid answer).

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I'd definitely indiscriminately shoot into the mobbing crowd coming at my car and family


As would I. We're talking about a crowd of 30-40 bikes in that video alone that had the range rover surrounded and 8-10 of them were off their bikes walking toward the range rover after CORNERING IT ON THE HIGHWAY. If they stopped him in the middle of the highway and were approaching the car as a group, it's obvious they weren't attempting civility in the situation. I wouldn't just start firing, but I'd definitely give a few of the leaders of the pack a good look down the barrel. If it didn't slow them, some of them would be missing some knee-caps.

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Technically small calibers with low velocities, small bullet masses, and high angles of incidence would be deflected by a helmet's surface, but those aren't regarded as self-defense loads. I seriously doubt a fiberglass shell and foam inner would do well against a .45, 9mm or even a .38 or .380 round coming at it, even with as much as 30 degrees of incidence. Anyway, the main perp conveniently took his helmet off...

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I imagine most MC helmets would deflect a bullet if it didn't hit square.


I have quite possibly the best answer on how to find out yet it is far, far too mean for even you to deserve even though it would clearly be in a joking manner

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Ya, a MC helmet would never stop or deflect a bullet sufficiently enough to keep the occupant alive lol


I was special operations in the military...a fiberglass and padding helmet wouldn't even slow down the bullet enough to keep the guy alive at all. A FMJ would plow right through the helmet, his head, and the other end of the helmet. A hollowpoint would possibly start to break apart when it hit the fiberglass, but would continue on into the guy's skull before shattering all over the inside.


Even a Ruger MkII (basically a training pistol) would blast right through without issue.

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we should do an OR shoot somewhere outdoors. i think the amassed arsenal would leave the military quaking in its furloughed boots

I'd be down for that, but yea, the collection would be impressive I'm sure!

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I would think the guy who filmed would be liable for something as he was waving everyone after the car.  Seriously, wtf was this dude thinking posting this video?  Did he think people would find the car at fault?  There are so many traffic violations in that video.

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LOL, military isn't fuloughed... My cousin is chilling in hawaii doing hth combat sims.

the actual joke was the boots being furloughed (because the section of DCMA that accepts shipments IS furloughed).  we can't all be awesome and clever and be an expert on defense contract manufacturing like me though.

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