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Jets fan punches a girl


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Looked like a panicked "push" to the face, if youre talking about when he was backed into the metal barrier...the left that she tried right before he smashed her face in didn't even appear to land if you watch the second angle...


There you go again adding your own twisted interpretation as if it was gospel.  "panicked"?  Seriously?   She was advancing on him, he was backing away.  That != panic.

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Allow me to provide a summary of this entire thread






I think the jersey shore douchebag in the video was a punk bitch for punching that much smaller woman/girl.


Some of you think he was a model citizen showing impeccable judgement.


There is nothing either side is going to say to sway the other. After watching the same videos I just watched, there is no new information to garner from continuing to discuss it.

Some people think one way, other people think another way...

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yeah, I don't see what all the fuss is about.. not ugly per se, but definitely not particularly attractive either...

My buddies in college worked at a diner in college and there were so many girls that came through, so of course we would have discussions on who was hotter and what not. Well in an effort to be more efficient we had a binary system.

So the question is sir, would you or wouldn't you?

Sent from my iPhone.

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So just to add fuel to the fire I'll say this. 


1. There used to be a time when a woman may get mad at you and slap you. It happends and you deal with it

2. Used to be a time when kids could play around with toy guns and everyone thought it was cute

3. Parents used to teach their kids what was right and wrong and bring them up in a mannner that they had respect and worked hard for the things they wanted/needed

4. People used to respect each other a lot more than now. 


Fast forward. 


1a We are so politically correct these days that we are incorrect. 

2a Everyone wants handouts or to be equals unless that means they need to put forth effort or be responsible for their own actions. 

3a No one wants to work hard, take responsibility for their actions or act in a respectful manner. 

4a You cant spank your kids anymore because of 1a so kids get away with everything. 

5a You cant even tell your employee they are screwing up because they will call HR on you. Let alone the ability to fire anyone.


It all boils down to this IMO. Times have changed unfortunately. Just because youre a woman doesnt mean that you get off scott free for your actions. If you stand up and start swinging on anyone kid, girl, woman, man, grandpa, etc. You should accept the fact that they may swing back. Every action has a equal and opposite reaction. Dont be an idiot. 


Im not saying its right for what happened here especially from what I saw in the video but the fact still remains that if anyone swings on anyone they better damn well understand that they may get the same thing right back at them. 


Grow up. Be responsible for your own actions in all walks of life. 

Edited by flounder
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Excessive use of force... That is my position on this topic.


The girl posed no physical threat to him, (as much as she may have wanted to) he reacted excessively.


Had this been a fight between people of roughly equal size/ability then by all means defend yourself, but it's a little girl... cmon man


He had no issues just smacking shot after shot away from the dude in the blue shirt... he just wanted to be macho dick and punch a girl.


Yeah, girl-slaps don't hurt... until you take a fingernail to the cornea and now you need surgery because you were too hung up on fake chivalry to defend yourself.


Doesn't matter -- assault is assault, man. I can't fault anyone for defending themselves.

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