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Jets fan punches a girl


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I concur with what you're saying...


The situation depicted in that video is not "reasonable" force in my opinion.

He wasn't taking any damage from that woman.


We can't tell that as there was a person blocking the camera's view of her left hand.  Did she punch him?  Punch back.  Did she try to eye-gouge him?  Punch back.  Did she slap him? Push her away.  Did she have a weapon?  We don't know.


I see her extending her left arm towards his face and her arm stopping as it if hit something solid, more quickly than I would expect someone to pull a punch.  I suspect she struck him in the face, but I have no more basis to say she DID than YOU have to say she DIDN'T.


One single punch in the fact to stop an attack would not be unreasonable against a guy of the same build, right?

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One single punch in the fact to stop an attack would not be unreasonable against a guy of the same build, right?


Look at 12 seconds into the video, does he punch that guy? no just deflects...


He wanted to be a dickhead and punch a woman, no more no less. You can't tell me he felt in any more danger from the blonde girl than he did the kid in the blue shirt...

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i will gladly demonstrate to anyone my "thumb to the left testicle uppercut".  i want to see if you can stay conscious.  then we can have my wife do it to you.  i'll have her make the "SHOOOORYUUUKEN" sound and everything.  if she pins the testicle against a solid unmoving surface, may god have mercy on your soul. unless you're hollywood or trmn8tr.

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Not many...I'm a pretty friendly guy.


As I thought.


It's pretty simple as I've been in this situation before, if I'm in the middle of a fight I'm swinging at anybody and everybody coming at me. The last thing I'm gonna do is stop and ask what gender, race or religion they are. If there was one thing my Dad ever taught me that came in handy was "hit first, ask questions later"

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"As my son and I were leaving [after the game], the group came charging from behind and said 'Let’s get them,'" she said.  "They push through us to get to his friends and start throwing punches. My son wanted to break it up. Then the girl [on the video] was throwing three punches at my son … and with that, my son is just trying to protect himself and me."


If I thought she was a threat to me, my mom, or my family, I'd hit her too.  But then I wouldn't be at a pro-football game anyway... for a number of reasons.

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It's easy:

1) A man should not hit a woman

2) A woman should not hit a man

3) Any person has the right to use reasonable force to stop an attack.


I would add:

4)  Whether you're a man or a woman...common sense and basic survival instincts should steer you away from picking fights with those who will obviously kick your ass.

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As I thought.


It's pretty simple as I've been in this situation before, if I'm in the middle of a fight I'm swinging at anybody and everybody coming at me. The last thing I'm gonna do is stop and ask what gender, race or religion they are. If there was one thing my Dad ever taught me that came in handy was "hit first, ask questions later"


Watch the video, He's obviously drunk, staring the blonde chick down. He's not in the middle of a scrap, he's staring her down and punches her in the face...It was like a brandon weeden pass...

He's also smiling and laughing the whole time.

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Serious question, how many fights have you found yourself in?


I know that was directed at Magz, but I will answer for myself...   Before graduation high school, plenty.  My last fight hospitalized me for a few days when the guy I was fighting pretended to give up to get me to drop my guard then sucker-punched me, broke my cheek and nose with a signle blow of his fist (MAGZ), and I grew up a lot during those few days in the hospital bed.  It used to be nothing to me respond to any perceived physical assault with an all-out fight, but I learned quickly that the older you get the more damage you do, and have done to you.


Nowadays I train hard in karate, JJ, Krav, knife fighting and gun-totin'.  These days I have much more to lose and avoid confrontation as much as I can, but I also don't hang out at sports events, bars, frat parties or road rage people, so I haven not been in a fistfight outside of a sparring ring since I was 18.  I'm going to be 40 next year.  I spar regularly with all belt levels (I am brown) and spend as much time kicking ass as I spend getting my ass kicked.  I've seen students at the dojo with broken noses, ribs, cheeks, arms, ankles etc, and that is from training.  I have no illusions that a punch/kick is incapable of f*cking you up big style when you do it for real.

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Adding fuel to the fire - another angle:



One the one hand, it shows that she was wildly swinging at his face, slapping him with her right hand a split second before he punched her.

On the other hand, it shows that he had plenty of time to see it was a girl that was hitting him, and that he even stepped forward into the punch.


I'm still 50/50, slightly on his side.  She was approaching him swinging punches while he was backing away - he reached a point where he chose to step right, forward and clock her one in the face. 


I can't say she didn't deserve it.  How many times does he have to left her hit him before he hits back?   Would it be any better if he put her in a wrist/arm lock?  Took her to the ground with an armlock? (I know it would be a bad idea due to multiple assailants, too distracting for him)  Must he stand there deflecting blows until security tells them; "We gotta lock up and go home guys"?



If it was me I'd probably have stepped left and put the brunette between me and her.  Multiple assailants?  Put one between you and the other, deal with one at a time.

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