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Playstation 4 - who got one?


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Okay, it's been a few days since launch - has anyone picked up a PS4?  Mine came via Amazon but had all of my games and extra controller early from them.  




What are your impressions? 


Mine:  Graphically amazing with an okay interface but the launch was a fucking fubar'ed mess and BF4 was the worst on this one than it was on the 360.  I had to install the 1.50 launch date update via my USB stick.  


I just got online tonight for the first time in BF4 and it was 50/50 getting into a stable server (forget about Conquest, it isn't working).  


Ghosts, OTOH, has been a blast both on the PS4 and 360.  



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I honestly considered switching it up and getting a ps4 this time then tried to play online with the one my buddy got and it was frustrating as hell. I thought Halo connections are shit but hot hell it was awful. Was hoping they fixed their IMO shitty online set up but it seemed same to me and why I switched to Xbox in the first place

Granted this was only a couple hours of play but enough for me to have no issue waiting out the first price drop of the xbox one.

I REALLY wanted to like it though, maybe I'll give it another chance

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I'm getting a X1 eventually but the only games I play online are BF and COD - COD has been smooth as hell, no complaints.  


BF4 has been a disaster and I only just got online tonight after it telling me for 3 days that I needed to activate my PSN+ account (it has been since Friday).  


I think Sony fubar'ed part of it but the BF4 launch on the 360/PC/PS3 was a total fubar'ed POS (and might still be) but the PS4 version on a whole different level of pathetic.

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The BF4 launch wasn't just PS4, I have it for PC and it's still fucked.


I'm on the fence about a PS4. I want to pick up a new console but there's not many games that I want to play for it right now, Also, Xbox live blew PSN out of the water last time around as far as features and ease of use go. There's no way in hell I'm paying $500 for an Xbox one though.

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Bad, I think you're a Madden fan like myself and aside from the amazing graphics/improved gameplay with the PS4 version (should be identical on the X1), I just discovered something I didn't expect. 


Yesterday I was playing one of my created guys  - a QB - and the game froze up late in the 4th qtr on a scoring drive.  


Typically, that means everything is lost, right?  Nope, not with the new gen console - my game was saved in-game and I picked up right where it left it off!!!  


Now, that is the first good news I've had with this damn PS4 after getting booted from more BF4 servers. 

Edited by baptizo
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The BF4 launch wasn't just PS4, I have it for PC and it's still fucked.


I'm on the fence about a PS4. I want to pick up a new console but there's not many games that I want to play for it right now, Also, Xbox live blew PSN out of the water last time around as far as features and ease of use go. There's no way in hell I'm paying $500 for an Xbox one though.


I've seen the utube vid's about the PC play and of course, the issues with the servers - they still haven't been resolved?  Unreal.  I gave up on the 360 version like two weeks ago.  

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I've seen the utube vid's about the PC play and of course, the issues with the servers (and suspected netcode) - they still haven't been resolved?  Unreal.  I gave up on the 360 version like two weeks ago.


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My bro got one on release day and Kill Zone looked slick as hell graphics wise.  Hearing about issues with online content and some PS4 death.  I'll probably wait for the post-Christmas deals and see if another Red Ring of Death type issue comes up with either system before shelling out the cash.  Absolutely was going to buy PS4 if Microsoft had stuck with their ill-conceived pay-for-used policy and always connected requirement.  Probably will stick with Xbox now though if nothing major comes out.

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I've seen the utube vid's about the PC play and of course, the issues with the servers (and suspected netcode) - they still haven't been resolved?  Unreal.  I gave up on the 360 version like two weeks ago.



They released a patch last week which resolved a few issues but I still get random freezes and server crashes are pretty common. The netcode still seems pretty sketchy - lots of people randomly disappearing or floating through the air. It's a shame because the game is gorgeous and could be very good but they really need to clean some things up.

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Apparently there are a large number of morons out there...not that we didn't already know that.



Since November 1, a total of 15,000 consoles have been sold on eBay, and as of this writing eBay says there are about 13,000 more listings currently on the site. When Ars gaming editor Kyle Orland looked at the data on October 30, he noted that PlayStation 4 console pre-orders listed on the site were being sold at a substantial markup (usually around 150 percent of the retail price, or a little over $600). Depending on how Sony's supplies hold out, those markups may go up substantially as we near the holidays (even as early as October 30, the most expensive PS4s available on eBay topped $1,000).


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Apparently there are a large number of morons out there...not that we didn't already know that.



Hate people that buy up all the stock just to resell.  Totally screws over everyone else who actually wants to own one.  Granted, they should have just all pre-ordered one so those twats who bought 6 pre-orders would be effed.

Edited by smashweights
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  • 2 months later...

Grape: Check Gamestop, they sent out an email stating they have PS4's in stock, again, and Amazon is another good option.


PSN: baptizo


And I only play BF4 online at the moment solo (predominately as a recon), everyday after work and weekends for a couple of hours or until I rage quit from all of the hit detection/OHK/net code/etc. glitches in the game.  

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Grape: Check Gamestop, they sent out an email stating they have PS4's in stock, again, and Amazon is another good option.


PSN: baptizo


And I only play BF4 online at the moment solo (predominately as a recon), everyday after work and weekends for a couple of hours or until I rage quit from all of the hit detection/OHK/net code/etc. glitches in the game.  


I rage quit at least 3 times per week 

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