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How to cope if you find yourself agreeing with magz....


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When I first saw this thread I abstained from posting. Then I saw a few comments and still abstained.

then I drank.

I have both called magz out on his bullshit AND agreed and even defended...well kind of defended him....well vocally agreed with him.

Magz is a dick. He may not intentionally be a dick, it could be his nature...or a genetic disease...He has his opinions on a lot of political issues, and tho they may seen inconsistent, misguided or in some cases convoluted or contradictory they are his and he has the balls to express them....He arguably takes the Lion's share of shit on here...which he may bring upon himself...unless we get a noob trying to enlist members in an Mc or other nonsense...but he takes it and stands his fucking ground and doesn't let the fact that most of the core members of this forum want 5 minutes alone with him in a room full of hammers stop him and still invites those same judgemental pricks to his place every fucking summer for a huge party. We've had our differences and he says stupid shit and so do I and most of you other slack jawed meat-gazers. He's a dick, but he's our dick. I'll ride with him, I'll have a beer with him and hell, maybe I'll fist fight him. What I won't do is bully or demean him for being a dick.


I found myself actually waiting for a song to break out.





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