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Being Ironic and sarcastic got me called racist


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A few years back Fergie's awful rendition of Sweet Child of Mine angered me. It was terrible and like the entertainer I am, I made a show of it for my Super Bowl party. This year this commercial played and myself and friends noticed some backlash on twitter about it and i was egged on a bit to do something entertaining since the game was not


So once again being the entertaining jokester I like to be sometimes, I wanted to see what would happen. I changed my twitter handle for the time being to shut my phone up and so I didn't actually get in to more trolling convo's with some of the butt hurts. I didn't realize it would blow up like it did because I don't tweet much and usually just use it as sports and news feed so apparently I got in over my head :lol:



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That is entirely untrue because there is not a single person I hate based on their race alone. I hate people based on their attitudes and actions no matter where they are from, what color their skin is or whatever religion they do or don't believe in.


Now if you were to say I can be overly stereotypical well then yea that is true

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I didn't find it offensive, I found it a stupid oversimplification of who/what we are. We are not a country of people from all over that cling to their old countries traditions and languages. We are a country of people that abandoned our old country, learned a common language and developed our own traditions and values. If my family clung to it's old traditions I would have to get a big oven in my back yard and burn Jews. I really would prefer not to do that. Although as an interesting side note, John Demjanjuk was my back yard neighbor.

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oh the huge manatees, how dare those 1st and 2nd generation immigrants defile our "national anthem" by singing it in their native tongue.  we, 3rd~nth generation immigrants, find it highly offensive and demand that we only drink pepsi from now on... pepsi's ceo, who is indian american (dot, not feather) will be cackling to the sounds of "america the beautiful retards" joyously, most joyously indeed.



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People tend to severely over-use the term "racist" and "racism."


Racism is the belief that a given race is inferior.  That is a far cry from making jokes that imply stereotypes are true.  I maintain that stereotypes are not always (or even normally) racist.  They may be derogatory, but I have said many derogatory things about people without believing they're inferior beings.  Furthermore, many stereotypes are positive; at least unless you consider having rhythm insulting...

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It may be due to my military background, but I think it's disrespectful to the sing the National Anthem any way other than how it's written.


It annoys me when singers think it's their chance to showcase their talent and do some fancy version.  Don't add notes or syllables or try to drag it out.  Just sing it as written.


I didn't particularly care for that Coke commercial.  It didn't make me want to boycott products or freak out on the internet, but I did think it was disrespectful.  Again, just sing it as written.

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I didn't particularly care for that Coke commercial.  I didn't make me want to boycott products or freak out on the internet, but I did think it was disrespectful.  Again, just sing it as written.


exactly.  I thought it was silly, but it didn't personally offend me.  That said, I immediately predicted the backlash.  Coke is crazy like a fox.  Everyone's talking about their shitty ad today, instead of forgetting it 30 seconds later.  If you can't be clever, be "controversial."


coke drinkers are too stubborn and addicted to actually change their buying habits.  You could run an ad that says, "Hey everyone - go fuck yourself!  America sucks!"  and people would still drink it.

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It was funny to me cause hash tagged the BoycottCoke as a joke to see if it would get rolling. I had no idea that there was going to be an actual controversial backlash. Everyone who knows me knows I love Captain Morgan too much and won't use anything but coke to drink it with

I don't believe Boycotts work anyhow which again was part or my sarcasm. Problem is that instead of my friends seeing it and thinking it was just me being funny, tagging CocaCola put it on a grander scale

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That's like saying all black people are slaves because at one point their ancestors were.... Tired of that mentality.

Born here, raised here, 100% American.

Call yourself an immigrant all you want, but I'm not.

As for the commercial, who fucking cares? All Coke did is pull a controversial stunt to get people talking about Coke.... Success.

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That's like saying all black people are slaves because at one point their ancestors were.... Tired of that mentality.

Born here, raised here, 100% American.

Call yourself an immigrant all you want, but I'm not.

As for the commercial, who fucking cares? All Coke did is pull a controversial stunt to get people talking about Coke.... Success.

Are you sure you don't have a cousin that is a buffalo or something? lol

Seriously, you can be both an immigrant and a citizen. (Or descendants of.)

And an American if you want to be. The more of them we have, the better off we all are.


And we can sing in any language we want, it's the thought that counts.

Understood that some one won't like it. There always is.


edit: And I don't like Coke anyway, except that Mexico Coke-Cola smuggled across the border...

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