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The walking dead new season.


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I am really liking it.......I don't feel it is moving slow at all, everyone is separated now yet they are really not that far away from eachother. Robert Kirkland and Greg Nicotero said the action is going to be very intense this season.

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So far it's ok, I know they need to catch everyone up on the goings on of seperate groups.....but the damn episodes need to be 2 hrs long or split an hour Sunday and another hour Thursday, waiting a week for a 1 hour fix sucks

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Walking Dead II


How did I miss this? In September 2013, AMC announced a Walking Dead spin off show to air in 2015. New characters and new locations. Writer-producer Dave Erickson (Sons of Anarchy, Low Winter Sun) as show runner, executive producer and co-writer.





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Haters.......I think it has been great, they could not all stay in the prison forever ya know? They are all spread out now, but yet not really that far from each other........last 3 episodes have been really good, and the season finale is gonna be a good one.

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I think this new place is going to be filled with alive cannibals

I agree... I didn't get why Terminus, the place that claims you will survive was deserted when they entered. It will be interesting to see what happens when they all get there (especially the guys tracking Rick). I have a lot of theories but who knows if that's how the finale is going to go down... We'll see tomorrow.

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I enjoy both genres, but Daryl and Merle don't exist in the books.

The governor chops off Rick's hand though.

Lizzy doesn't exist in the books, but a boy kills his twin brother like lizzy killed her sister. Carl shoots the boy because none of the adults have te stomach to do it.


It's interesting comparing the two story lines.

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Based on the build up that Glen and Maggie found each other in the tunnel ( burning the picture and all ) , I suspect something will happen to Maggie. 

Terminus will be like Woodbury, but only with cannibals?

Rick will be happy since there is raised garden beds, and he can get back to being farmer rick like he was in the prision.

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