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Weight loss/ lifting/ dieting thread


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According to the interwebs, I burnt over 7k calories in one afternoon on the bicycle.



My biking history says 86 miles, 2,900 calories.  I want to eat like a 250 lb man, but I have to exercise twice as hard to do it!

Edited by OsuMj
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Nutrisystem is just expensive ass portion control really. The expensive part works for me cause I've already paid for food and helps me from cheating and paying for other food at this point. Just did the 10 day trial to try and kick start better portion control and calorie counting

I started at 250 and I'm only 5'9" so in my opinion im considerably overweight. I've never been a skinny guy but my weight now is just far too unhealthy

we both are close to the same. Idropped from 250 to 195 by cutting carbs (cut out all grains, legumes and dairy). Another 5 pounds and I'll up my carbs until I hit my goal weight of 175 then I'll up them again to maintenance mode and stick there. Im eating just about 50 grams of carbs a day all in the form of veggies. The rest is organic pastured meats. I still have a cider a couple times a week and a 85% cacoa square every night. Its 90% will power and 10% actually doing it. I have no desire to eat bread potatoes or pasta at this point. I do make some crock pot Mexican chicken on lettuce and I'll put some yogurt made with whole milk on it to make it seeem like a our cream.
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damn you, adorable new baby in my life.  i was doing really good and playing a ton of tennis, and now i'm stuck in the house again.  should only be temporary though.  i got a fitbit flex so i can see how truly wretched my physical activity level is now.

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In a 2 month span of riding I went from 202 to now at 196.4. It's a slow process, but I'm trying to burn off the fat off my butt and belly. My legs and arms though hardly have any excess on them...weird.

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  • 2 weeks later...

First century ride, tomorrow. Looking forward to some mind-numbing pedal churning for a solid 5-6 hours. :lol:

Best of luck to you. Stay hydrated, eat, and get off the bike and stretch from time to time. After the seventy mile point it is more mental than anything else.

Oh yeah, try to enjoy it.

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Century complete. 104 miles in 6:15. Hardly a record break, but alright for less than 400 miles of cycling before this.

Now, I have 502 on the Trek's odometer. :)

That is awesome! Congratulations.

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I did next to nothing last week, barely got out of bed because of a cold & allergies.  today, I almost signed up for a half marathon on October 4th, but since I haven't been running, I was thinking maybe I should run this week and see if I have a chance of finishing... although, if I sign up, that's pretty good motivation to just do it.



How are the fitbits treating you guys?

Edited by OsuMj
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  • 2 months later...

In June I was 250. I've been 180 since mid October but have been able to maintain 180 eating like crap. Started low carb again a couple days ago so once I dump the water weight again I should easily be 170-175 then when work slows down at the end if December I'm going to hit the gym and try and pack on some muscle.

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I have taken the last few weeks off but I did manage my first 5k on thanksgiving. I probably should have done some training for it and apparently I have some sort of asthma from exercise. I did ok, wanted under 30min, managed 30:39. I think I could have broken the 30 mark had I known about the asthma and better prepared for it.

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