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Weight loss/ lifting/ dieting thread


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My personal best on fitbit for the week was something like 90k steps, which stomped everyone on my friends list. None of those people are serious health nuts though (I sure as shit am not). I'm playing an epic shit ton of tennis though, which is fun. One day, I'll even get better at it too, instead of just smacking balls around like I usually do. Mmmm ball smacking. Have to do something with all that pent up energy since I'm not riding or racing anymore. Womp womp. On the other hand, my little daughter is fun to toss around, so that's good exercise.

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  • 1 month later...

I'm thinking off signing up for this. I really want to do one.

Your more than welcome to run it with us. None of us are diehard fitness and ran best we could and walked the rest last year. Think there's gonna be around 7 of us this year.

Edited by Mykill
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I'm not sure where this tough mudder is but there's a warrior dash August 8th at Clays Park this year again.

I'm down to 197 from I think 220. Kinda odd, as I switched from salads for lunch to cheese crackers and hammer chocolate bars, and pretzels all day at work with a weekly double quarter pounder meal and chicken, steak, or pasta for dinner.

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I may take you up on that. Let me check on a few things to make sure I can go.

We are doing Saturday and I think start time is around 11. Last year they changed it. Took around 4 hours and everyone brought their wives/gf/finances and looks to be the same this year...just fyi

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im going to follow this too.. I have done 3 warrior dashes.. they were a blast.. but I would really like to try a tough mudder.

You won't regret it. I think a 3 mile course would be eh compared to this but Ive only one a TM so can't compare.

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my wife did the mud ninja last year, somehow convinced myself and a few others to do it again this year, as well as the warrior dash.


she had the time of her life, and loved it. i'm sure i will be thrilled to let everyone know how it goes.

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  • 11 months later...

Down 10 lbs since Xmas.  10 more to go.


The plan is increased physical activity and foods that are high in protein...lots of tuna, salmon, & chicken.  


Wife and I are doing the same since the turn of the year.   I'm down about 18 lbs just with the diet change ( salads, raw vegs, fish ).  Plan to start a workout regiment soon too.   We've got a biggest loser competition going on at work, so I stand to win some cash by June if I can cut 40-50 lbs or more by then

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Good job guys! Keep it up!


Where is the trying to gain weight section? I've been doing strength training twice a week and biking once a week since September. I've gained a few pounds and a little bit more muscle but still pretty much stick-boy. 

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Good job guys! Keep it up!


Where is the trying to gain weight section? I've been doing strength training twice a week and biking once a week since September. I've gained a few pounds and a little bit more muscle but still pretty much stick-boy. 


High protein diet and more weight when you lift, and lift more than twice a week.....maybe every other day, or a 2 on and 1 off routine.   Where's rawlins?  He'll have proper advice

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I do the stronglift 5x5. It's a good starter program. Squats, deadlift, bench, overhead press and barbell rows. 


I know its just an excuse but i don't have time to life 4-5 days a week. Right now i bowl on mondays and leave after work on fridays to go snowboarding for the weekend. And once summer rolls around, usually doing housework and car stuff. 


But i don't really care about becoming huge, just would like to add some mass. 

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