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Weight loss/ lifting/ dieting thread


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since I was out of town for turkey day, I only walked the dogs for my workout, but did get back to the "regular" workout this morning, and after turkey day, and a weekend in San Antonio's markets, I stepped on the scale(and after I had to reset the error message "One person at a time Please"), I am actually down 4 pounds from a month ago!

Minor progress is still progress!!!!

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Couple more set backs last week. Was sick for a couple days laying in bed running to the bathroom every20 min or so(both ends). I think I'm having gall bladder issues. Still not feeling well this week and stuff down there still isn't right. I think a higher power is fighting me to getting back on track.  :confused:

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I to skipped the weekend and a few days last week, I am now feeling better and back at it. But nothing wrong with letting your body heal! I have to be feeling perfect before ill go to the gym. If i feel the least bit crappy, i wont go. 

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Been stuck in an arm cast the last week and a half and haven't worked out since (ironic since I got a gym membership a week before the cast).

I feel like a fat-ass failure right now, but there is no way I'm going to try and sweat more in this thing than I already am.

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Down 25, started going to a gym (crossfit) and participating in the "boot camp" workouts. 

Goal is to loose more during the winter. Then back on the bicycle in the spring. By next winter we will know how to setup our own workouts and workout at home. 

I learned all the equipment we have isn't doing us any good because we dont know how to setup a good workout.

School still makes it difficult...1.5 more years until I graduate.

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I am not loosing a fucking pound! But I do notice the clothes fitting a little better. Today I turned up the weight on machines, one interesting thing... I still have to work really really hard to move the higher wieghts, but I can now move it. When I started, I couldn't budge it at all. Just wierd how the lighter weight never really got "easier" to move. 


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9 minutes ago, flashesbuck said:

I am not loosing a fucking pound! But I do notice the clothes fitting a little better. Today I turned up the weight on machines, one interesting thing... I still have to work really really hard to move the higher wieghts, but I can now move it. When I started, I couldn't budge it at all. Just wierd how the lighter weight never really got "easier" to move. 


It's because everything's backwards!

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I know I'm down in weight just haven't climbed on the scale in a while. Back down to my smallest belt notch and feeling much better. And my gall bladder is fine now, so my guts are back to as normal as they are going to get.

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Oddly, I'm now 148 lb and didn't do anything other than retire and move to Florida. That's down from the 178 lb I was while working. Might need some muscle mass/strength back. Dunno. Might start running or bicycling.

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9 hours ago, flashesbuck said:

If your not doing the 30min workout in the "30 minutes workout" area GTFO!!! there are 2 more of every machine out on the gym floor. AAAAAAAH!!

Your PF must not be nearly as busy as the one I go to. The 30 minute room is never being used, but the individual machines are always busy, so I usually go in and do bicep curls and tricep extensions in the 30 minute room.

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Made some progress today at the gym. Was wasting time in between reps and jumped up and grabbed the monkey bars. I was able to make it all the way across. I surprised myself, but still need some more upper body strength if I decide to do a Tough Mudder race.

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4 minutes ago, Bad324 said:

How does one walk 10x more than normal in a 3 day span and eat half the calories they normally do and still put on 2lbs? Pain in my ass

because muscle weighs more than fat.

try not to fall into the "Scale-myth" and rely solely upon your weight to track progress, but include that as one of the factors in your progress.

waistline, weight, blood pressure, cholesterol, overall feeling, ability to increase in workout....all of these should be factored in when measuring fitness goals!

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1 minute ago, redbarron77 said:

because muscle weighs more than fat.

try not to fall into the "Scale-myth" and rely solely upon your weight to track progress, but include that as one of the factors in your progress.

waistline, weight, blood pressure, cholesterol, overall feeling, ability to increase in workout....all of these should be factored in when measuring fitness goals!

eh when you're this fat and sedentary you gotta worry about the scale as dumb as it may be :lol: . There has been no working out for muscle to have developed

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