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Weight loss/ lifting/ dieting thread


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I have been working some hella hours and my recovery time has been diminished. I broke down and paid a tiny Asian lady to beat the shit out of me for 90 minutes. She walked a mile on my back, ass, legs, arms and shoulders. Then she contorted my skeleton from my toes to my head until everything cracked and stretched. A good part of this work over was fairly painful because I had knots everywhere, but I feel like a new man today. Woke up with no body aches, except for my feet. Plantar fasciitis is looming in the left foot. I can feel that all day, every day. Today it was the least noticeable in long time. 

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1 hour ago, Pauly said:

I have been working some hella hours and my recovery time has been diminished. I broke down and paid a tiny Asian lady to beat the shit out of me for 90 minutes. She walked a mile on my back, ass, legs, arms and shoulders. Then she contorted my skeleton from my toes to my head until everything cracked and stretched. A good part of this work over was fairly painful because I had knots everywhere, but I feel like a new man today. Woke up with no body aches, except for my feet. Plantar fasciitis is looming in the left foot. I can feel that all day, every day. Today it was the least noticeable in long time. 

Sounds like this story has a happy ending :)

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1 hour ago, Pauly said:

I have been working some hella hours and my recovery time has been diminished. I broke down and paid a tiny Asian lady to beat the shit out of me for 90 minutes. She walked a mile on my back, ass, legs, arms and shoulders. Then she contorted my skeleton from my toes to my head until everything cracked and stretched. A good part of this work over was fairly painful because I had knots everywhere, but I feel like a new man today. Woke up with no body aches, except for my feet. Plantar fasciitis is looming in the left foot. I can feel that all day, every day. Today it was the least noticeable in long time. 

Get fitted inserts.  With daily stretches, they will mitigate the plantar fasciitis pretty quickly.  

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15 minutes ago, Connie14 said:

Get fitted inserts.  With daily stretches, they will mitigate the plantar fasciitis pretty quickly.  

I have them in my boots, but I bought a new pair and have not been home long enough to remember. 

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10 hours ago, Pauly said:

I have them in my boots, but I bought a new pair and have not been home long enough to remember. 

If you don’t already, get a tennis ball(or any ball that’s roughly the same size). Use it to roll along the bottom of your foot for 10 minutes or so at a time. Gradually introducing more and more pressure as it allows. Do this a few times a week(the more the better) and it’ll be feeling better.  

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1 hour ago, Mr.Gym10 said:

If you don’t already, get a tennis ball(or any ball that’s roughly the same size). Use it to roll along the bottom of your foot for 10 minutes or so at a time. Gradually introducing more and more pressure as it allows. Do this a few times a week(the more the better) and it’ll be feeling better.  

I have a spikey massage ball I picked up at the local runners shop. It does a great job. 10 minutes of that beauty and I feel decent. I just have a heavy load of tools I huck around all day, every day. It is starting to take a toll and I need to be mindful of my personal well being. 

I had PF when I was in my early 20s. It isn't that bad, yet. It took PT and 3 cortisone injections to cure that spell. Not interested in another round. 

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8 hours ago, Pauly said:

I have a spikey massage ball I picked up at the local runners shop. It does a great job. 10 minutes of that beauty and I feel decent. I just have a heavy load of tools I huck around all day, every day. It is starting to take a toll and I need to be mindful of my personal well being. 

I had PF when I was in my early 20s. It isn't that bad, yet. It took PT and 3 cortisone injections to cure that spell. Not interested in another round. 

I used to have PF really bad.  It made me quit athletic sports.  I had a physical therapist diagnose the issue and give me some daily stretches.  They were similar to the ones listed on this webpage:


These excercises coupled with shoe inserts eliminated my PF.  I picked up running half marathons shortly after recovering.  I haven"t had issues in years, but I still use the inserts in all of my shoes & boots.


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On 2/4/2020 at 9:46 PM, snot said:

Still on the wagon, but just focused on getting stronger. 

My goal is to dead lift 300lbs and back squat 225 by the end of the year. 

Ok... Deadlift 1×2 @ 305; back squat 1×2 @215

I also hit 110 on my shoulder press for 1×2.

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Ironic that this thread get bumped back to the top. Just last weekend I decided to get back to it. Over the pandemic bullshit I have gotten lazy and packed on some weight. It's time to shed it again. I am 100 days from a spring break vacation with my family in Panama City Beach so that seem to be a good target goal date. l weighed myself last weekend and I was 262.8 lbs. Little recap several years ago i was 301lbs and lost all the way down to 223, i have been yoyoing between 230 and 240 for a couple years now. This year I packed on another 20lbs and it needs to go. My ultimate goal is to be at 230 lbs by vacation time, but will be satisfied with anything under 235. Ive been at it for a week already and will do a weigh in tommorow morning.  Going with what has always worked for me shoot for zero carbs and hope to keep them as low as possible(i know zero isn't possible but shoot for it and that keeps me really low). Also low fat and pack in the protein and fiber. In other words read labels and eat things that meet these criteria. I want to caloric intake under 2000 a day and up my activity levels a bit. This has always worked for me and usually never have fast regains, just slow ones when I get lazy. So! Here we go! I'll post a weight lose update every week starting tomorrow. 

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11 hours ago, Howabusa said:

I just read an article the other day that sustained weight loss hardly ever happens. Life’s too short, eat what you want. LOL

Life is even shorter if you do that. I really don't care what I look like but when I start feeling like crap and my energy isn't there it's time to do something. Me and the Mrs. have too much fun in life to have it come to screeching hault when we get old. I want to explore and be active well into my old age instead of saying "I'm too old for that". 

Edited by 2talltim
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24 minutes ago, Pauly said:

I used to keep in shape. Now I ride a Goldwing and wear a modular helmet. Pretty sure that means I have given up. :lol:


I just want to feel good and have energy. Spent too much of my youth being fat, tired and lazy. 

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16 hours ago, Howabusa said:

I just read an article the other day that sustained weight loss hardly ever happens. Life’s too short, eat what you want. LOL

I am actually planning on getting more active and walking like we used to. It has been kind of hard to do that for the last two years with my partner being in constant pain! Thankfully that will soon be over. She is doing great with the new knee.

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