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Lifted E350 van and trailer for sale...


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Trailer is an MTI which is built in Northern IN.  This isn't a cheap knock off Pace built with smaller box tubing and crappy paneling...




-18' with 2' being the V-Nose.  7' wide...

-Two tone paneling with a chrome panel separating them.

-Side WIDE door and ramp door in back with assisted spring.

-Interior basic lights.

-White wall panels inside.

-Flat top roof

-STAINED black wood floor.  Staining like in the van allows there to be no visible scars like paint can result.  And no chipping...

-Cabinets in the front, closet style for suits.

-Aluminum side cabinets on the passenger wall side.

-Tool base bolted to cabinet counter top.  I use a roll in and out tool cabinet that gets secured in the trailer during the races.

-E-Trac front, mid and rear.

-Pitbull TRS BASE ONLY.  This is on the passenger side over the axle.  I will be keeping the TRS system.

-TWO Pitbull removabel wheel chocks.  I will be taking the other two.

-Hanger system for things like extension cords, etc.

-It does show a Pit Posse tire carrier, but I am taking that as well.




Has some damage where someone did try and break in.  The fact I use cobalt locks helped, but probably hurt also...  Shows in one of the pics.  Not an issue, but there.  Also, when we moved into our current home, we had a lot of over growth and I got into a tree limb and broke a plastic corner on the rear driver side top.  Doesn't hurt anything, just looks bad in my opinion...  The roof vent took a hit from a walnut tree.  Is currently duct taped.  I will try and get replaced.  It's less than $20...



The Yamaha generator is not included and the Pitbull stands you see are also not included.  Nor the scooter in case someone asks.


If you buy both the van and trailer, I will include the receiver and load leveling bars.


Includes one spare tire/rim in black like the rest.  Will have new tires unless you want to reduce the price.


Pulls great, can haul four bikes easily and is well laid out in my opinion.  Has been a great trailer and will probably regret selling it.  I was really missing my last one and you always seem to miss having a trailer...


Not sure on price with this either.  I have been looking and seems with what is included and with what I paid, you'd be in for at least $6500.  Contractor 14' trailers are about $5-$6k...


Here are some pics:












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So, washed the van today and thought to take some pics.  

All the specs are still the same, but these are pics as of March 22nd, 2014...  Had a few people asking for interior pics and so, they are shown as well.

Interior shots first...



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I am willing to do $9500 for everything.  That price excludes the bench seats other than the one pictured which WILL be included.  Also excludes what was mentioned in the trailer description.


If breaking it down, $5500 for the van.


$4000 for the trailer.


That's it.

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Damn, this deal got sweeter in a butt fierce hurry! Wish I had funds to jump on this. Any luck finding a van Brian? We're still hunting for ya now and then

Edited by Hellmutt
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Damn, this deal got sweeter in a butt fierce hurry! Wish I had funds to jump on this. Any luck finding a van Brian? We're still hunting for ya now and then



My fingers are double crossed for one I found and I know the owner.  I don't want to jinx it because it is too sweet a deal and i have horrible luck...  Probably jinxed it just replying...

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I am willing to do $9500 for everything.  That price excludes the bench seats other than the one pictured which WILL be included.  Also excludes what was mentioned in the trailer description.


If breaking it down, $5500 for the van.


$4000 for the trailer.


That's it.



Just a note.  $5500 for the van excludes the bench seats and wheels/tires.  We can negotiate if needed and maybe I will bend, but that's rock bottom.  Been offered $5k all day and almost too frequently so, $5500 should be an easy sell.


The trailer at $4000 will include two good tires and two that need replaced.  Tires are at full pop, $85 each.  So, still a good deal.

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