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6 year old riding a Harley

Strictly Street

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Seen this on FB last weekend, PISSES ME OFF! and the comments that people were putting on the "biker or not" FB page were PISSING ME OFF! even more. I was shocked on how many people thought this was okay. 

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It is not OK in my eyes, but it is also not my kid nor are they my kin........none of my business if they want to be foolish. It is all fun and games until stupidity gets you or someone you love hurt or worse.

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Looks fine to me. Harley's are easy to keep straight. I remember sitting on my dads lap as I worked the steering wheel going down mountains. I let my kids steer and do the controls on bikes. I rode small wheelies with them on board. I never dropped them on their head.

As with anything, you make choices.

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I don't see a problem aside from lack of gear... Kid had fun, nobody got hurt, building great memories with his dad... The only gear I ever wore on my dad's bike was a 3/4 helmet and I turned out just fine.. Not sure what's with all the comments about the kid not having a chance, because I turned out just fine, and my dad was a great parent to me.

Judge all you want, but it's his kid and his decision. It's not like it's hard to ride a cruiser in a straight line.

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Seen this on FB last weekend, PISSES ME OFF! and the comments that people were putting on the "biker or not" FB page were PISSING ME OFF! even more. I was shocked on how many people thought this was okay.

Seriously? It "pissed you off"? Why? Your kid? Your bike? Someone you know? No? Oh OK. Real awesome reason to be pissed. It has no affect on you what so ever. Disagree with it all you want, that's fine, you have an opinion. But to let something that has no affect on you and never will piss you off is just stupid to me. To each their own, but I kinda feel like people need to start worrying about themselves more often and stop worrying about what other people choose to do.

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Seriously? It "pissed you off"? Why? Your kid? Your bike? Someone you know? No? Oh OK. Real awesome reason to be pissed. It has no affect on you what so ever. Disagree with it all you want, that's fine, you have an opinion. But to let something that has no affect on you and never will piss you off is just stupid to me. To each their own, but I kinda feel like people need to start worrying about themselves more often and stop worrying about what other people choose to do.

If you seriously don't see the problem here there is no point arguing I guess. It is everyone's business when a childs safety is being disregarded, they don't know any better to make smart decisions for themselves. Apparently some parents can't do it for them either. I guess we can just all look the other way and let Darwin's theory take over and just sort this out in a quicker manner.
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Maybe we should make more laws and regulate everybody for every decision that we don't find acceptable on a personal level.

I'm sure there's people who get just as upset about parents who let their kids shoot gun. Should that not be allowed either? Or is it OK since you don't see a problem with it? It's the same thing in my book.

As a parent, you have to make decisions you deem acceptable for your kids. There are risks involved in every activity. Kids motox, racing, shooting guns, cooking, football, boxing, mma, whatever... Everything had risks. It's not your job to decide what risks are acceptable for other people's kids.

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Oh look there is a kid that is starving to death, there's is another that the parents let them shoot heroin, an oh look there is a parent that sexually molesting their child. Not my kid? Noone i know? I should just look the other way because it dosnt pertain to me. I find these behaviors wrong but apparently they don't and it's thier kid so it's all ok i guess. They are just silly laws anyway.

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Oh look there is a kid that is starving to death, there's is another that the parents let them shoot heroin, an oh look there is a parent that sexually molesting their child. Not my kid? Noone i know? I should just look the other way because it dosnt pertain to me. I find these behaviors wrong but apparently they don't and it's thier kid so it's all ok i guess. They are just silly laws anyway.


That's one hell of a leap you make.

You must be against gay marriage too because if gays can marry them what would stop people from marrying their 5 year old daughter or a lama?

Some weird logic you have.

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If you seriously don't see the problem here there is no point arguing I guess. It is everyone's business when a childs safety is being disregarded, they don't know any better to make smart decisions for themselves. Apparently some parents can't do it for them either. I guess we can just all look the other way and let Darwin's theory take over and just sort this out in a quicker manner.


When I first saw the video, I was with 2talltim and couldn't believe some dad would risk his kid or his own life so arrogantly and ignorantly.


Maybe we should make more laws and regulate everybody for every decision that we don't find acceptable on a personal level.

I'm sure there's people who get just as upset about parents who let their kids shoot gun. Should that not be allowed either? Or is it OK since you don't see a problem with it? It's the same thing in my book.

As a parent, you have to make decisions you deem acceptable for your kids. There are risks involved in every activity. Kids motox, racing, shooting guns, cooking, football, boxing, mma, whatever... Everything had risks. It's not your job to decide what risks are acceptable for other people's kids.


Then I remembered a video of Justin Lee at age 5

in ways I still personally can't.  What you see on that video is a pre-schooler controlling two 600mm carbon fiber blades spinning at 2000 RPM, which can easily maim and kill, deftly carrying out complex and challenging aerobatic moves just a hundred feet or so from fellow pilots and spectators.


What's the difference?  Both fathers are close by and have (presumably) watched their children closely for years enough to determine their capabilities.

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That's one hell of a leap you make.

You must be against gay marriage too because if gays can marry them what would stop people from marrying their 5 year old daughter or a lama?

Some weird logic you have.

I'll agree i made a huge leap into being absurd but my point was some people need laws and rules to tell them what is right and wrong, most of us don't. I can just think of at least a dozen ways that this could have gone wrong and i was told that my emotion that I had viewing this was unfounded. I never said i was going to petition that this guy go to jail, or that we should find and lynch him, I just said it pissed me off, which it does. 

Edited by 2talltim
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What if the kid has been riding for several years already on small bikes and already has an understanding of how it works... I'd say solo riding on a ttr is more dangerous than controlling the handlebars of a harley in a straight line. Are you against kids riding bikes period? I'm just dumbfounded as to why this is so upsetting.

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Everyone puts their children at risk.

Whether it's taking them on a motorcycle, driving with them in the car after you've had a couple of beers, or something as mundane as letting the smoke detector battery go dead.

It's just a matter of which risks you take consciously, and which don't occur to you.

...now excuse me while I check my smoke detectors.

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Nevermind doesn't matter. I have enough to worry about in my own life, no need to worry myself about a video of a guy and his kid having a little fun on a motorcycle. Ymmv, but I choose to not concern myself with trivial shit. Have fun saving the world from heroin shooting child molesters.

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