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Mid-O on Tue/Wed


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Riding starts at 9:00 and ends at 5:00.

I should have been more specific with my question.  I want to be there from 9-11:30, I would guess there's a specific time frame for each of the groups? 

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Lowcel, I know who you are, had a good time riding with you and some other new faces today, just not sure sometimes how you'll fit in a new group of riders.


The riders today seemed to be great group of riders and the people that run Mid-Ohio seemed to be class acts, I will definitely be back again!!!

Edited by Chuck Clay
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Had a blast today in "I" group.......weather was perfect !!!!!!!!

yes, we all did too! Getting a whole day to ride was a treat (was expecting the day cut short due to weather). very few guys riding in each of the groups made for some fast lap times. I think we all had personal bests today. even the brand new 21 yo novice guy bumped to I group his very first track day.


I ride slower on the street now than I ever did before.

me too. and I was a real hooley. now I barely even ride the bike to work.


Almost always the case. Fastest guy on the street, slowest on the track. Slowest guy on the street, fastest guy on the track

i'll buy that.

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I ran well in the morning but in the afternoon I couldn't hit an apex to save my life. I was so tired I skipped the final session. I haven't been able to do anything physical for a few weeks plus I had a heart cath last Tuesday that I'm still a bit sore (and very bruised) from. That's what I'm blaming it on. :D

Edited by lowcel
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Almost always the case. Fastest guy on the street, slowest on the track. Slowest guy on the street, fastest guy on the track

I am the exception to that rule...slowest on the street, slowest on the track.

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If you were there today between 9:30 and 11:30, let me know what your bike looks like and I'll see if I got any pics of you.  I talked to Brandon and Mike today :) 

Here are a few I got of them/their bikes.  This was fun, I'll probably make another trip sometime before the end of summer.











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Well today kinda sucked for me. I came really close to getting taken out by two riders colliding right next to me at the end of the back straight in the first session right as I was about to turn in. Luckily I looked over to see the two bikes and riders coming bouncing by and was able to keep braking until I could avoid them.

Then at the end of the third session I lost the front end midway through the carousel. Not sure what happened as I don't remember doing anything out of the ordinary, but I checked out where I hit and it was right in the middle of the indy car rubber patch. I'm going to just blame it on that. It really sucks that the bike was too damaged to get back on the track as the weather was turning out perfect.

I'll likely have it fixed for the twilight on Aug 24th.

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Well I see Brandon listened to me and put the N sticker on the blue tape, that other guy is going to have fun getting his off his windscreen without scratches.

I used goo gone.... lesson learned.

On another note I see a 300 was there. She should of removed the fuse for the lights.

Edited by snot
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Well today kinda sucked for me. I came really close to getting taken out by two riders colliding right next to me at the end of the back straight in the first session right as I was about to turn in. Luckily I looked over to see the two bikes and riders coming bouncing by and was able to keep braking until I could avoid them.

Then at the end of the third session I lost the front end midway through the carousel. Not sure what happened as I don't remember doing anything out of the ordinary, but I checked out where I hit and it was right in the middle of the indy car rubber patch. I'm going to just blame it on that. It really sucks that the bike was too damaged to get back on the track as the weather was turning out perfect.

I'll likely have it fixed for the twilight on Aug 24th.

Hope you had no issues from the slide. You were already off track when I pitted. I should be at the that twilight as well. Hope to see you out there.

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Let me know if you guys get dinner tonight. I might be in depending on what time :)

Should have text you when we left the track to see if you were still near by, didn't think about it sorry. Service kind of sucked for dinner anyway. Edited by 2talltim
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