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unOFFICIAL FALL Epic Ride - Saturday September 27


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The spring groups have been the more active groups

but we only have ~ 40 riders at most of the rides.


At our current level of participation, how it is done

now,  may be the best way to do it. 


Do we want to increase the interest? 


Do we want an event that grows, that riders of

differing styles can appreciate and have a desire

to participate in, and that offers the social interaction

that may attract their non-riding spouses and children

so they can also be a part of what their wife/husband/

significant other enjoys without feeling as though they

are abandoned for another weekend of their biking

family member's activity?


Do we want it to be a family-friendly event where all are

made to feel welcome?  I don't know. 


I tend to dream big.  I like the idea of it growing into

something a community can look forward to coming

to their town or village, with positive press and a

mention, in a positive light, on the television news.


Sure, the logistics behind something like this can be

huge, and way beyond my capacity to implement.  But

I can see it becoming a reality within the next five years.


Professional services would probably be needed,

possibility law enforcement presence, many people in

support capacity for tasks needing done (maybe some

of those non-riding family members), a food vender,

and more.


I like the idea of it.  Would it have the atmosphere, I 

would have a strong desire to return to, the following

year?  It could be guided in that direction.  Today, you

bring with you a small compliment of motorcyclists

from the western part of the state.  In five years you

may see behind you a formation of 140 from Indiana,

alone.  Who knows?  But, with no vision, we will continue

to have what we currently have, with marginal growth

at best.  


Maybe we like it that way.  I don't know.  We can keep

it warm and fuzzy.  I have no problem with that.  I am

not the voice of this motorcycling community.  We were

asked about our feelings on going LLC, and we were

asked our ideas on improving "the ride".  These are

my ideas alone.  Perhaps there are a few that would

line up behind this idea, or perhaps the nay-Sayers

are chomping at the bit to speak their minds about

how far out in left field they think I am.  No worries.

I'm just one man with a vision of a possible future for

where this thing can go. 

If people are willing to stay over night I can see one big

ride and then people can do whatever. 


I can see a particular ride being the main featured

attraction.  With that, I can also see private rides, by

invitation only, cruiser rides, scooter rides, ice cream

rides, etc.  Upon return, I can see a group going to

Old Man's cave, other local attractions, or trickling

off on their own, to explore what awaits them. 


I can imagine it becoming a festival, not a carnival or

three-ring circus.  I vision a professional and well

organized event, appealing to all.




Why don't you start a new thread and have a vote?

Then you can see the real interest in doing small

random group rides including night. 


I was thinking of planned activities, as opposed to



As for a vote?  I already know that the

most vocal of us will have their say, the quite

ones will remain quiet, though their opinions are

equally valid, and some will simply jump on the

bad wagon of which opinion seems the most

popular at the moment of their viewing.  Others

will have no opinion at all, and will just go with

the flow.  Then there will be those who like to

stir the pot just to make it stink.  Not to be left

out are those who will read only a small portion

of what has been written, receiving a ten percent

bit of information, and using only that to form

a 100% opinion.  Before opinions are formed,

questions should be addressed.  Many answers

will be unknown at such an early stage.  Growing

pains should be expected and intelligently dealt



I may not be the one to play a leadership role in

the ideas in my head, but I have no problem with

offering a roughly drawn map, standing behind

those in the lead, and saying, "Take us there."


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Do we want it to be a family-friendly event where all are

made to feel welcome?  I don't know. 


I tend to dream big.  I like the idea of it growing into

something a community can look forward to coming

to their town or village, with positive press and a

mention, in a positive light, on the television news.


Sure, the logistics behind something like this can be

huge, and way beyond my capacity to implement.  But

I can see it becoming a reality within the next five years.


Professional services would probably be needed,

possibility law enforcement presence, many people in

support capacity for tasks needing done (maybe some

of those non-riding family members), a food vender,

and more.


I personally wouldn't attend something like that.


I can sit and drink, eat socialize with friends, family, and neighbors anytime I want.  But my friends, family, and neighbors don't ride.  When I get the bike out to get together with other riders...I want to ride...the rest is secondary.


On a multiday ride, like a WV out-n-back, I'll get a steak and get crazy at the bar after each days riding is done.  But the riding is the reason I'm there.  


I prefer simple to elaborate.

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A lot more members would vote vs post. Right now Doc and Derek are looking into options for the ride. Starting a poll may help them and others decided what they would like. It would also keep this tread for this ride vs a mess of opinions and ride experience.

Not all the members will view a thread dedicated to a past date and ride.

As far as several rides and activities you need volunteers to help with leading, sweeping, etc. We have a hard time now with leads and sweeps.

I doubt the major has spoke up, I see different riders at each event most of which have not chimed in.

Just my .02

Edited by snot
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My proposal would be to keep the Epic Ride as is, and create a new event.

The answer.

No reason so change epic ride when it is functioning just fine and clearly draws enough attendants.

Just start a new event to incorporate all the new aspects everyone comes up with. Epic ride is simple and I like it for that.

Edited by claine650
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A lot more members would vote vs post. Right now Doc and Derek are looking into options for the ride. Starting a poll may help them and others decided what they would like. It would also keep this tread for this ride vs a mess of opinions and ride experience.

Not all the members will view a thread dedicated to a past date and ride.

As far as several rides and activities you need volunteers to help with leading, sweeping, etc. We have a hard time now with leads and sweeps.

I doubt the major has spoke up, I see different riders at each event most of which have not chimed in.

Just my .02

I believe this Epic Ride is already close to maximum capacity for fun and folks. It's "this close" to becoming unmanageable. I know that I would steer clear of any large crowds and gatherings, but I'm hardly one to use as a benchmark. When I would go on the OR Gap trips, I would leave the cabin early and come back late... and just sit on the porch and think about the next day's ride. I didn't hang out with the party crowd, because that's not my thing. Folks were having wicked fun, though. Lots of stories and memories were made every night.


My proposal would be to keep the Epic Ride as is, and create a new event. That way, you're less likely to discourage riders like myself and Tpoppa and you'll open the door for riders that enjoy spending time with their families. Don't get me wrong, I love my wife and son, and I love spending time with them. However, last Saturday was my first "vacation" in a long time. I was lucky to get away for the day and Lyndse was kind enough to cover my shift at home. That doesn't happen with any regularity, so 500 mile days are my way of blowing off steam. The Epic Ride isn't something that would usually interest me, but the few I've attended have been quite enjoyable.


I've put less than 1500 miles on my Multistrada this season.. and 1000 of those miles were on both Epic Rides. Don't take that away from me, man. That's just mean. :(

The answer.

No reason so change epic ride when it is functioning just fine and clearly draws enough attendants.

Just start a new event to incorporate all the new aspects everyone comes up with. Epic ride is simple and I like it for that.


Points, all well taken.  I thank you from the depths of my heart.

I posted here, because ideas were asked for, here.


A separate event is certainly not out of the question, and may

be necessary for legal, or other reasons.


I also like what we have, among ourselves, just as you do.  It

is a "family" affair in that we have, what seems to me, a core of

individuals that are the glue that keeps this community thriving.


Don't change what we have.  Make what is newly created, a

separate event in itself.  Check.



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I personally wouldn't attend something like that.

I can sit and drink, eat socialize with friends, family, and neighbors anytime I want. But my friends, family, and neighbors don't ride. When I get the bike out to get together with other riders...I want to ride...the rest is secondary.

On a multiday ride, like a WV out-n-back, I'll get a steak and get crazy at the bar after each days riding is done. But the riding is the reason I'm there.

I prefer simple to elaborate.


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I believe this Epic Ride is already close to maximum capacity for fun and folks. It's "this close" to becoming unmanageable. I know that I would steer clear of any large crowds and gatherings, but I'm hardly one to use as a benchmark. When I would go on the OR Gap trips, I would leave the cabin early and come back late... and just sit on the porch and think about the next day's ride. I didn't hang out with the party crowd, because that's not my thing. Folks were having wicked fun, though. Lots of stories and memories were made every night.

My proposal would be to keep the Epic Ride as is, and create a new event. That way, you're less likely to discourage riders like myself and Tpoppa and you'll open the door for riders that enjoy spending time with their families. Don't get me wrong, I love my wife and son, and I love spending time with them. However, last Saturday was my first "vacation" in a long time. I was lucky to get away for the day and Lyndse was kind enough to cover my shift at home. That doesn't happen with any regularity, so 500 mile days are my way of blowing off steam. The Epic Ride isn't something that would usually interest me, but the few I've attended have been quite enjoyable.

I've put less than 1500 miles on my Multistrada this season.. and 1000 of those miles were on both Epic Rides. Don't take that away from me, man. That's just mean. :(

Fuq I meant to + rep not - rep.. some one please add rep for me. My phone sucks!

I added rep to all your post on the thread :D

Edited by snot
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Like has been said, they key is that the Epic Ride is for riding, and we need a more social event.


I'd happily roll on down to Columbus to meet a group of Ohio Riders for a visit to Iron Pony, a ride to lunch somewhere, some go carts, another ride or activity, and some dinner.  all it would take is one person to organize that and people will show up, especially if there's either some decent roads around nearby, or some activities that'd allow us to socialize and meet each other while still having fun. Go karts, laser tag, titty bar, y'know, that type of stuff :D I'd say "A movie" but I don't really wanna get flamed OR made fun of even MORE for suggesting an OR meetup where we go to a movie ;)  Maybe there's a motor-related event to watch, or something.


The Epic RIDE is for riding, we just need a gathering event for people to meet.


Someone in Columbus chime in with ideas of what's nearby.  There have to be some local places that are worth the trip in, either to eat at or to do stuff, besides Iron Pony, which everyone on a motorcycle should visit at least once :)


Let's plan the 2015 Ohio Riders 1st annual gathering.

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Nobody fucks with my people with impunity. The guy apologized but only after he figured out he knew the people he pissed off. I would have much preferred that he didn't set out to mess with a group of riders and avoided an apology in the first place. I'm still a little smoked by the whole ordeal and mad at myself some for showing my ass a little.

I turned this ride into a two day event for myself after feeling really good when the event was over.

Route 739
Total average 41.2
Average moving 59.0
Trip timer 17:55
Time moving 12:31
Max speed 152

I pulled into Coshocton with moving average of 66.6. Tony and I pulled into the meet spot with moving average 65.9. We slowed down on the straights when riding together instead of my alone straight line speed. After the ride was over I had a moving average of 53.4. Tony led the fast group at a perfect pace for an organized event with unfamiliar riders. I have followed him around at a blistering pace when among known riders and would like to thank him for sacrificing his ride in the sake of the events integrity. I made my way to Caldwell and spent the night there with a total of 416 miles for the day but don't recall my average moving speed at that point. Had a great day riding some of my favorite roads and wasn't exhausted from riding all day to get to them from home.

Leave this event alone is my simple answer. I understand the inclination to make another event but this one should be left alone. Jack is correct that people might end up only consuming about 10% of the information to form an opinion about where they stand on the issue so I won't go into my long dissertation about the whys and how’s of leaving this alone. Your eyes would just gloss over at the wall of text before you. I do have multiple reasons though but none of them are important enough to sway a consensus.

Edited by Uncle Punk
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Like has been said, they key is that the Epic Ride is for riding, and we need a more social event.


I'd happily roll on down to Columbus to meet a group of Ohio Riders for a visit to Iron Pony, a ride to lunch somewhere, some go carts, another ride or activity, and some dinner.  all it would take is one person to organize that and people will show up, especially if there's either some decent roads around nearby, or some activities that'd allow us to socialize and meet each other while still having fun. Go karts, laser tag, titty bar, y'know, that type of stuff :D I'd say "A movie" but I don't really wanna get flamed OR made fun of even MORE for suggesting an OR meetup where we go to a movie ;)  Maybe there's a motor-related event to watch, or something.


The Epic RIDE is for riding, we just need a gathering event for people to meet.


Someone in Columbus chime in with ideas of what's nearby.  There have to be some local places that are worth the trip in, either to eat at or to do stuff, besides Iron Pony, which everyone on a motorcycle should visit at least once :)


Let's plan the 2015 Ohio Riders 1st annual gathering.



I would really like to see an Ohio Riders event at the

Motorcycle Hall of Fame, in Pickerington.  It's a museum

of motorcycles, with changing exhibits.  I love walking

through, oooing and awwwing all the different bikes on

display.  Evel Knievel's bike and helmet was there the

last time I visited, along with a jet bike, and several

antiques you will never see at a show. 


Plus, it's in Casper's back yard.  We may even get him

out of the house, kicking and screaming, I'm sure, to

grace us with his presence for five or maybe even six

whole minutes, providing it's sunny and over 70 degrees.


They have large enough grounds to accommodate a 

number of riders having a picnic, in a very nice

"park like" setting.  I'm sure they would be delighted to

have us.




Here's their link:




Don't cheat yourself out of checking them out.



Aaaaa..........maybe a different thread for this talk would be best.




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Nobody fucks with my people with impunity. The guy apologized but only after he figured out he knew the people he pissed off. I would have much preferred that he didn't set out to mess with a group of riders and avoided an apology in the first place. I'm still a little smoked by the whole ordeal and mad at myself some for showing my ass a little.

I turned this ride into a two day event for myself after feeling really good when the event was over.

Route 739

Total average 41.2

Average moving 59.0

Trip timer 17:55

Time moving 12:31

Max speed 152

I pulled into Coshocton with moving average of 66.6. Tony and I pulled into the meet spot with moving average 65.9. We slowed down on the straights when riding together instead of my alone straight line speed. After the ride was over I had a moving average of 53.4. Tony led the fast group at a perfect pace for an organized event with unfamiliar riders. I have followed him around at a blistering pace when among known riders and would like to thank him for sacrificing his ride in the sake of the events integrity. I made my way to Caldwell and spent the night there with a total of 416 miles for the day but don't recall my average moving speed at that point. Had a great day riding some of my favorite roads and wasn't exhausted from riding all day to get to them from home.

Leave this event alone is my simple answer. I understand the inclination to make another event but this one should be left alone. Jack is correct that people might end up only consuming about 10% of the information to form an opinion about where they stand on the issue so I won't go into my long dissertation about the whys and how’s of leaving this alone. Your eyes would just gloss over at the wall of text before you. I do have multiple reasons though but none of them are important enough to sway a consensus.


wish my go pro was on your bike :D that would have made an epic video,  who was it.. any one we might have met? what was he trying to do? did you chase him till he gave up :D ?  plz tell a story to entertain those who are stuck at work for the 36 hour straight

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Nobody fucks with my people with impunity. The guy apologized but only after he figured out he knew the people he pissed off. I would have much preferred that he didn't set out to mess with a group of riders and avoided an apology in the first place. 

I spent a little time thinking about this the next day.  That wasn't a 'by chance' encounter on the road.  Our route was posted and he just followed it backwards until he saw us, I think it was on 56.  He knew we were turning onto 691N.  Then he 'just happened' to show up at the meet spot after the ride in his van.


If he wanted to ride with us he could have just showed up at the starting point and been part of the preride talk.  But he seemed like a bit of a broken arrow that was looking for a race on the street.  It was kind of a strange encounter.  I'd guess he's still reading this thread.

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I spent a little time thinking about this the next day.  That wasn't a 'by chance' encounter on the road.  Our route was posted and he just followed it backwards until he saw us, I think it was on 56.  He knew we were turning onto 691N.  Then he 'just happened' to show up at the meet spot after the ride in his van.


If he wanted to ride with us he could have just showed up at the starting point and been part of the preride talk.  But he seemed like a bit of a broken arrow that was looking for a race on the street.  It was kind of a strange encounter.  I'd guess he's still reading this thread.


I'd sure like to hear the details of this story.

I'm on the edge of my chair.





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Gimme a clue... What was he riding? :)

It was an older 600 SS, maybe a GSXR


I'd sure like to hear the details of this story.

I'm on the edge of my chair.


I tell what I know from my perspective.


My only goal for the day was that no one crashed behind me.  This always worries me when riding with unfamiliar riders or when on unfamiliar roads.  This was both.  So we had the preride talk and discussed a specific pace and I was going to stick to that. 


On 56 we passed this guy going the other way.  He waved like he knew who we were.  I figured he was someone who was supposed to be in our group that day but was just running too late to be a the starting point.  After a few miles he passed me a a straight (See the video B Mac posted).  Inside my helmet I'm thinking who the f is this jackass...I'm trying to lead this organized group and now there's a turd in the punch bowl.   So, he passed a car and I didn't.  Instead, I slowed and stayed behind it for a couple minutes, I thought that was the last we'd see of him.  When we picked up the pace again he was riding slow in the road waiting for us.  I'm thinking here we go again.  I can tell he's trying to bait me to race him, which isn't going to happen especially with a group that discussed a specific pace.  He takes off again, and I didn't...I'm still thinking he might just go away.  


When we get to 691 he was there again.  So, I figured we need to chat for a minute.  It was something like this:


Me - Are you supposed to be in this group?

Him - No [he made some kind of condescending comment that I don't quite recall]

Me - We're riding a specific pace.  If you want to ride with us then get in the back.  If you want to ride quicker go right ahead but I'm not taking this group any faster.


He tried to tell me something about how long he's been riding, but by that point I was no longer interested in him or what he had to say.  I made it clear that we weren't going to ride with him.


I think UP spoke to him also, but not sure exactly what was said.


We didn't see him for the rest of the ride.  Back at the meet spot, just like herpes, he shows up again, this time in his creeper van.  UP was cordial enough to at have least have dialogue with him, but it didn't sound like a particularly friendly conversation.  I walked away, because I do not suffer fools gladly.


All in all a strange encounter.

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Thanks Jack.

I do like the idea of going to the museum, I think it would be cool to put up a group photo inside on the wall. We could do something like that mixed with some of Jacks ideas. As a separate meet and play.

Edited by snot
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Just my two bits on the conversation - I'm new but have run a non-profit organization for several years with 210 members and this has some similarities. Your current event is unique and seems very enjoyable for the participants. You don't want to mess with that secret sauce, only tweak it from time to time to keep it interesting. A totally separate event could be just what the doctor ordered but you don't want to come out of the gate with a major event. They have a higher probability of failure and the tendency to leave a very bad taste in the mouths of those that put in the most work to put them on. Maybe start with some smaller regional social events to see how much actual interest you have. If those take off you can then consolidate into a larger event. Among "biker groups" this one seems unique. You want to keep that; whatever "that is". Most social organizations like this are one personality blow-up away from becoming defunct. Ok, back to your regularly scheduled programming. 

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Thanks Jack.

I do like the idea of going to the museum, I think it would be cool to put up a group photo inside on the wall. We could do something like that mixed with some of Jacks ideas. As a separate meet and play.

I like the idea of sneaking a photo into the museum and making it seem like part of the display.

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So, I've been following this thread since inception and I must confess...I am the ghost rider! Not really. I'm not that fast. I debated several times about joining this ride, but my introverted retardedness kept me from it. As a one-man wolfpack I'm not really a "joiner". I ride almost exusively solo. Im the guy who donates to Down Bikers and ABATE, but never attends the events. When I first got the bike, I had decided that it was in my best interest to ride alone and also de facto at my own pace. Most riders I know here are either squids, or pirates, neither is a group I'm really interested in riding with. I do understand that it puts me at risk of going down and not having anyone to offer assistance. I am a cautious rider but do enjoy a bit of hoonage from time to time.

I almost overcame my social awkwardness for the sheer fact that I think I have come as far as I can in terms of learning on my own. I feel like I need to get some moto-culture from more experienced riders, and I can find it in a group ride such as this. I'm actually a bit ashamed of myself for not jumping in. SEO is my neighborhood and I have been spending the last two seasons trying to ride every desirable...and some not so much route in the southeast. Each time I explore a new twisty road I can't help but to feel privileged to be so near so much great riding! This past Friday I rode most of RT 260 down in Washington county...pure cornering bliss. What I'm getting at is that I know my way around down here and depending upon pace, can easily lead a group without getting lost...and by lead I mean I know where to go. But there is a little more to leading a group that just knowing the route from what I have read here.

I found OR via google search of "Ohio motorcycling" or something to that effect. I liked the humor and rapport of the site, so I hung around. I enjoy reading the discussions an occasional spats between members...usually its Mags vs the world threads that are quite stimulating to read. The other forum that I frequent doesn't allow this tomfoolery and can be a bit dry at times. Thanks for not neutering the forum of shenannigans Casper!

Anyways, this is my trying to get past my inhibitions and come meet you folks at one of the rides...preferably in SEO. I am never coming to the track as I have a fear of buttrape.

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