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Keyboard Warrior - are you kidding me??


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I've been around several boards for a long time, and I've never EVER been honored with a "private message" like this:

Today, 10:08 PM

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'08 ZX14 (Blue) Join Date: Dec 2006

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Want to take this offline and talk about this over the phone and see what escalates from there? :wink:

You are the biggest ass on the board and you need taught some manners boy. (shame,shame):nono:

Pretty cool, huh?

Feel free to discuss...:D

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Oh Todd, you're such a coward it is cracking me up buddy. Look, you haven't even replied as I'm sitting here posting in your lame thread. Too big of a puss, so you wanted to go public. Oh, I've been on a roll with the 3 douchebags of the site the past 2 weeks. :cool:

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Well shooooooot.... while we're sharing PMs:

avatar865_32.gif NinjaNick user_online.gif vbmenu_register("postmenu_", true);


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'08 ZX14 (Blue) Join Date: Dec 2006

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Come get some? Yeah? No?

Let's hang out ASAP. You seem to talk a lot of shit to me. We're in the same state. You going to man up and do it to my face? Give me your number and I'll give you a call. Or maybe you want mine? (937) 307-8182.

You got some nerve to being a newbie on the forum for only 3 months and thinking your the smartest individual on the board. Maybe you're not so smart, because you sure keep running your mouth to me. I'd like to get a piece of you little boy. Shut-up or put-up!

TTYL little faggot.:rolleyes:


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'08 ZX14 (Blue) Join Date: Dec 2006

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Re: Come get some? Yeah? No?


Originally Posted by JRMMiii

You're too funny dude. You'll just have to check my reply in the forum. I don't know what 3 months on here has anything to do with anything. Because you find this site before me means I have to respect you or something? Please...

Like I said in the forum. Basically, I've got way too much to lose to get into any sort of 'trouble' with you. I tend to be fond of my career, all my possessions and life-choices I've made so far, I don't need anything that'll screw up my future.

I saw your posts in the AMA forum where you blew up and Yota removed them. I had a reply to it, but Yota took all of it down. I didn't realize you're so easily manipulated by some words. Get a grip dude, it's just TALK. :rolleyes:

Wow, you just showed you're a coward. Talk shit and hide. It's just talk? What the hell are you smoking? You're flesh and blood just like me behind that monitor. Talk is real in all forms, whether it be written, oral, or typed. You don't say anything you wouldn't say in person or you're a coward.

If you come to blows with someone doesn't mean anyone has to know about it. Idiots get in a scrap in public places.


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'08 ZX14 (Blue) Join Date: Dec 2006

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Re: Come get some? Yeah? No?


Originally Posted by JRMMiii

Yea, cause REAL men settle their difference by punching each other... we're not cavemen, Jesus. I'm a coward for walking away. It's pretty weak you're all worked up over this. You're 30 yrs old, GROW up. I'm not some white trash hick that gets into drunken brawls with people who talk smack. They're just words. If everyone felt like you felt, then being a smartass would get you just as much time in jail as assault, but it doesn't. So guess where the majority opinion lies? Idiots might scrap, but I'm far from an idiot. You wanna lump yourself in with that group...fine, be my guest. I'm sure not going to try and talk you out of it.

Cowards hide behind lawsuits. You talk shit and then run to the law to take care of it for you. You make me sick. :puke: It has nothing to do with being a man. You are the dumbest smart guy I know. I hope that BUSA bites you this season. Karma.


My final reply:

Whatever you say man... call me a coward, and you can brag to all your buddies how you totally talked down this noob squid on a motorcycle forum, and how you were gonna fight, but I back down. It'll make a great campfire story outside the double-wide.

I hope the busa bites me too? Wtf does that mean? Karma is a bitch, but I'm a pretty responsible rider...unlike the shit I've read you do. Whatever helps you sleep at night.


I'm done post whoring. :p

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