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What makes for a good "Day Ride".


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What’s makes for a good “Day Ride”? This question was asked by my good friend and RAT PACK Pal Drew Faulkner in his latest Moto Adventurer Blog post. Good question Drew. When I go for a motorbike Excursion my normal rides are between 100 and 200 miles. I have done 300 to 400 mile rides in a day. I take a ride to Newberry, IN to visit my mother grave which is a 400 plus mile ride. I also take a ride to my old home town of Lebanon, IN a couple of times a year. Those rides are 300 mile plus rides. A lot of our group rides are 200 miles or more. Drew also wants to break down the ride as follows. How far is a good day ride? 100-400 miles works for me. How many hours in the saddle is “just right”? Depends on ride distance. Is it about the roads, or is it about the stops along the way? Both, I love backroads and stops for food, photos etc. Which is a better story, the awesome things you saw, or the unscheduled road-side repair you had to make on the way? The awesome things I see, unscheduled repairs ain't paying any rent. Is it the photos, the smells of the countryside, the flavor of local food, or the good company that joins you on the journey? All, of those things. Being the RAT PACK Historian I take a lot of photos. Exactly what do you look for in a “day ride”? Good weather, route, grub works for me riding solo, with one rider or a group ride. So what do you all think, what makes a good day ride?
You can find Drew's blog here if interested. https://motoadventurer.com

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Think you about covered it all. So the my answer to all of those things is, YES. It is all of those things. Every trip is different for me. 'm looking for that "Ahhhhhh" moment when all the cares in the world are gone and it's just you your machine and nothing else. Sometimes I find that on a trip around the block. Sometimes it's on a winding mountain road. Sometimes it's walking into a road side motel room after a great days ride. But I always find it.  

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When I can I like to go out on group rides.  Usually, the first leg is about 3 hours with a stop for lunch. After lunch, we take the long way home.   More often when there isn't an organized ride I just head NE out of Cbus until I get tired or bored.  Sometimes those ad hoc rides are great and sometimes my route choice sucks.  I'm too old for the "mach retard with no stops and scarf down a roller dog while pumping gas" trips.


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For me the perfect day ride is a twisty route of 200-300 miles on nearly new,clean pavement.But the thing that really makes for a great ride is when you're in the zone...hitting entry speeds perfect,shifting nice and smooth at the right rpm,the right lines that allow rolling on through the curves....basically just feeling at one with the bike and road.And to top it all off,a nice fall day when the trees are at peek color.

Like a fisherman that remembers that big bass...those are the days that keep me riding.You never know when you'll land another one.

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1 hour ago, Killer_kaw said:

I’m lucky to live right in the middle of the area a lot of you fellas ride hours to get to. For me it’s a Saturday or Sunday departure south at daylight. Almost always 0 traffic. Home for lunch. 

What I would do to ride down there and then be home for lunch. :lol:

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2 hours ago, BudDaytonRat said:

Thanks for the replies all. Did anyone check Drew's blog?

I did and since you ask (please don't take this the wrong way) I find blogs like this almost dumb. And it has nothing to do with subject matter, what he is doing is exactly what I do; Logging miles exploring the country and seeing new things and places. But I'm just not into blogging or diaries or documenting things. The stories he tells in the blog are the ones we like to tell by the fire or in a pub with good company and a drink in our hand and be able to reshare the trips of the past. Like I said don't take it the wrong way but it's just not my thing. I do like to hear about places and roads to ride but I want a very limited information so I can live it for myself. I don't want to read a detailed blog or story about a trip or route to only think "yup that's what he said it was" the whole time im riding it. Some guys on here like reading things like his so hell yea if that his thing keep it coming.

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Given my work and family life, I have few opportunities for a full day riding, but occasionally the stars and planets align and I get the treat.

Most of my typical rides are a quick 30 minute blast down the country roads near my house, after work before I go in.  Rippin' off a dozen good wheelies, listening to the dukes big V-twin singing near 10grand, just soothes the soul.

Once a week I have to make a 250 mile round trip to my employer's factory.  In the morning it's a 2hr drone on the freeway non-stop or I'll be late for the weekly morning meeting.  On the way home, if I don't have to hurry to one of my kids sporting events, I take the long and less traveled route.  Bliss.

A good solo day trip = 200-400 miles toward the least busy twistiest roads I can find.  No schedule, stop for food in a hole in the wall when I'm hungry.  Ride with hair on fire for a while, slow down and enjoy the scenery for a while.  If I can find a river or stream to stop by, rest and forget things for a while, that's a special treat.

Group ride:  Anytime I can ride nearly any distance with friends is good - I'm just glad to be out, and don't care where we go.

I haven't read your buddies blog yet, but I will.  I like to learn of new roads and destinations to check out.

Edited by Rodehard
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On 2/12/2018 at 10:46 PM, Rodehard said:

Given my work and family life, I have few opportunities for a full day riding, but occasionally the stars and planets align and I get the treat.

Most of my typical rides are a quick 30 minute blast down the country roads near my house, after work before I go in.  Rippin' off a dozen good wheelies, listening to the dukes big V-twin singing near 10grand, just soothes the soul.

Once a week I have to make a 250 mile round trip to my employer's factory.  In the morning it's a 2hr drone on the freeway non-stop or I'll be late for the weekly morning meeting.  On the way home, if I don't have to hurry to one of my kids sporting events, I take the long and less traveled route.  Bliss.

A good solo day trip = 200-400 miles toward the least busy twistiest roads I can find.  No schedule, stop for food in a hole in the wall when I'm hungry.  Ride with hair on fire for a while, slow down and enjoy the scenery for a while.  If I can find a river or stream to stop by, rest and forget things for a while, that's a special treat.

Group ride:  Anytime I can ride nearly any distance with friends is good - I'm just glad to be out, and don't care where we go.

I haven't read your buddies blog yet, but I will.  I like to learn of new roads and destinations to check out.

There's a nice "little" river right about here that's a typical stop when we ride around in seo. 




What makes a good ride for me is:

1. Everyone brought their bike home the same way it left the garage or better.

2. A nice quick pace on some twisties. (But not so much as to interfere with the next point.)

3. No oh-shit moments.

4. My senna doesn't die. :lol:

Edited by TimTheAzn
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10 hours ago, Wojo72 said:


Tim sounds perfect?  That sounds a tad gay.

Image result for Gay meme


Ah.....the ride description sounds perfect, just to be perfectly clear.

No sword fighting for me, and "exit only" are a few of the concepts I adhere to strongly.

That being said, what a man does in the privacy of his own home, with another man, a goat, and a midget is none of my business!

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Had a good 150+ mile ride today.  Some roads still covered in crud, but mostly good.  Had to hit some gravel roads due to a flooded road closure.  Got a little cooler than I expected, down to 37.  Glad i brought the heated gloves!

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When the Wizard of February gets rid of most of the road salt and grants one an almost 50 degree sunny day. What do you Do? You take a 107 mile motorbike Excursion, you get the tag for our Pack's MOTO Tag game. The tag was a a Veterans Memorial for all the Services. I did this ride Sunday, The Veterans Memorial is just west of Shandon, OH.  




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On 2/17/2018 at 9:00 PM, Rodehard said:

Ah.....the ride description sounds perfect, just to be perfectly clear.

No sword fighting for me, and "exit only" are a few of the concepts I adhere to strongly.

That being said, what a man does in the privacy of his own home, with another man, a goat, and a midget is none of my business!

...Unless it's YOUR goat!

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