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Mini prepping. (Covid-19 thread)


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lol, some cheap mask reduces virus by 65%. Yes, if you get the right one, that's possible. Unfortunately there is a wide variety, from an even wider number of producers, mostly foreign sourced, and they mostly all look the same. For a while 50% to 100% of any mask sold were rejected when tested for government purchases. The actual effectiveness can range from 0-5% up to a rare maximum of 65%. So true, but it's a gamble. As well as the price has been jacked up 5 to 10 times what they used to sell for, which is annoying.

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Annie Glenn recently died of Covid 19 in a nursing home at 100 years old. This is a tragedy, once again I'm not a doctor, but for some reason at 100 years old there may have been other medical conditions for her demise. If this terrible Covid 19 pandemic hadn't occurred she could have lived another 20, 30 of 50 years. There may be some Covis 19 misrepresented deaths in the statistics.   

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I know this thread is mainly for us to have fun and poke at each other with things and I like to think mostly in mutual respect and love but... please don't end up like this dude. 


I didn't know him personally, and I like to think you guys know better than to do the shit he was doing but this guy was younger than me (and younger than the vast majority of the people I know here) and it only took a couple days for things to go hell.  I'm assuming he had other things going on that made him particularly susceptible to the symptoms.

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Covidiot is now basically an accepted scientific term to describe people with a low cognitive ability. Guessing they have been reading this thread.



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On 7/10/2020 at 9:53 PM, Tpoppa said:

On average over 7,000 people die in the US every day.  Total deaths, not just Covid.  The way they count Covid Deaths is extremely misleading.


As I understand it, we have the opposite problem too - a sudden rise of people dying at home of 'natural causes' that don't get tested for covid.


The only thing we can agree upon, in this respect, is that our data is not 100% reliable.

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I was reading a news article yesterday about companies increasing demanding masks, and there was admittedly well-researched comment at the bottom with numbers of births, deaths, co-morbidities, age etc in which the commenter concluded that by allowing old people and those who are otherwise sick to die, that America will actually come out better with a statistically younger and healthier population.

Now, I love my guns n' titties as much as the next guy, but that's just horse shit IMO.




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Our local Wendy's has a sign up saying; "Although Wendy's policy is to wear masks, many of our staff have doctor's notes exempting them."  About half the staff did not have masks on.

Does anyone know of a medical condition where a person should NOT wear a mask while working within a foot or two of other people for several hours, where it's safe for them to work with food, and that cannot be otherwise accommodated for by having that person person non-customer and non-food work?    And that would afflict half the the staff?   (4 of 8 people)

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1 hour ago, Scruit said:

I was reading a news article yesterday about companies increasing demanding masks, and there was admittedly well-researched comment at the bottom with numbers of births, deaths, co-morbidities, age etc in which the commenter concluded that by allowing old people and those who are otherwise sick to die, that America will actually come out better with a statistically younger and healthier population.

Now, I love my guns n' titties as much as the next guy, but that's just horse shit IMO.




We actually have a person in this thread that agrees with that bullshit.

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4 minutes ago, snot said:

Toilet paper is dwindling down again....

Our local store has a limit of 2 packs per person and only has 4-packs in stock, not the bigger 12+ multi-packs. They are fully stocked with 4-packs, but it definitley slows down the rate at which the store can be cleared out.


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We are out of paper towels and plates at 2 of our local stores. No rubbing alcohol or peroxide and hand soap is gone, again. We never had wipes or sprays come back.


We also have another illness in the area, Cyclosporiasis.

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On 7/18/2020 at 9:56 AM, Scruit said:

I was reading a news article yesterday about companies increasing demanding masks, and there was admittedly well-researched comment at the bottom with numbers of births, deaths, co-morbidities, age etc in which the commenter concluded that by allowing old people and those who are otherwise sick to die, that America will actually come out better with a statistically younger and healthier population.





I can imagine insurance companies finding that appealing.  Similar to when they were pushing to remove air bags from cars, because it was creating more injured people than dead people, thereby increasing their costs/claims.

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