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Mini prepping. (Covid-19 thread)


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5 hours ago, CJ74U2NV said:

IIRC, the ENVO N95 can present a 100% seal.  Those and all the way up to a hazmat suit.  
EDIT ON MASKS:  Removing and disposing of a mask is more dangerous from a virology stand point than just wearing it around.  It's the same for any contamination protections.  And if someone spits in your face (or blows droplets in your face) the virus will enter via your eyes which renders the mask useless.  But again, if the mask were effective, we wouldn't need social distancing or restrictions/closings for businesses.  

I'm not the one moving goal posts.  Your closure list can be found here:  https://coronavirus.ohio.gov/wps/portal/gov/covid-19/responsible-restart-ohio/continued-business-closures/continued-business-closures

  • Older adult day care services and senior centers. (Will be permitted to open Sept. 21.)
  • Adult day support or vocational habilitation services in congregate settings. (A congregate setting is defined as a single location where more than 10 people are present in confined space.)
  • Rooming and boarding houses, and workers’ camps.
  • Certain entertainment/recreation sites.
  • Includes:
    • Auditoriums, stadiums, arenas.
    • Performance theatres and indoor concert and music halls.
    • Parades, fairs, festivals, and carnivals. (Junior fair activities at county fairs are permitted with 10 p.m. curfew.)
    • Certain spectator sports, sports tournaments, and organized recreational sports leagues. (Skills training, practice, and scrimmages for all sports is permitted. Non-contact and limited-contact sports are permitted. Batting cages, bowling alleys, tennis facilities, and golf courses are permitted to open.)
    • Some public and private pools. (Public pools and club pools regulated by local health departments are permitted to open. Use of swimming pools for single households also is permitted.)

I've looked up the numbers and have provided several sources.  All I've gotten in return is chest beating egos and irrational backtracking.  Right "broseph"?

So you're capable of looking up stuff and believe the info presented on the leftist science site but not the why? How do you pick and choose what to believe of this dastardly leftist science/black magic?! 

As for the things that are closed, let's talk about that. Can you do a quick search for "covid deaths nursing home" and tell me what you get?  It might provide an answer as to why they might be "closing" anything where large numbers of those susceptible to complications from covid-19 gather in close spaces, they tend to catch it, spread it to each other and die? Do any of those places/businesses on that list sound like maybe what I just described could happen? That's just one way you can figure out why some of these things like closures and restrictions may be happening.  And one last time, because I know I told you this before but you seem to ignore the salient points of anything at all: I was not a fan of how the closures took place, and I would probably have favored a strict isolation of those at risk and let those who want/willing to risk it for money/livelihoods sign a bunch of waivers and get to living life with some restrictions.  But maybe if I knew the things those leftist sciencey witches at the head of state and federal government knew, maybe I wouldn't? I dunno.

Ok, you keep going on about how you did the research and know the numbers and cited the sources... If you took any of this shit seriously, you would know that just about any peer reviewed health and medical research shows that masks work to reduce the spread of covid (containment of droplets, discussed in the very article you posted) and how the fact that people infected with it can spread it without knowing they have it (asymptomatic spread) and why social distancing is important (reducing concentrated exposure to respiratory droplets) and why we need to keep it from spreading for the sake of those who are at risk (read literally any article breaking down the mortality rates by age and comorbidities). And I asked before, but seriously, look up the mortality rate again.  I mean, I know you already did but your chest beating ego just can't handle it, but I just want you to read the numbers and compare it to what you believed this whole time.  If you read the data and the science behind the spread and can cite it (except, you know... the parts you had wrong up until now) but you still think masks while in groups in close quarters is just too much damn trouble?  What exactly are you reading?

The one who is finally catching up to the plot is you.  It's ok to be wrong, we are all wrong sometimes.  It is NOT ok to find out you're wrong and yet keep spreading the wrong information while knowing the CDC and every other health resource disagrees with you after dedicating all their resources to solve this thing since the pandemic started.  You don't like being told you're wrong by some stranger on a bike forum, fine.  I wouldn't believe me either, why would you, so many hurtful words were said.  Go ask a doctor or a nurse.  Ask an ICU nurse if you should wear a mask.  Ask them to explain how masks work or don't work.  Email any of those people cited in the CDC write ups or that video I posted showing how respiratory droplets spread during even quiet conversation.  What is to be gained by lying to you?

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11 hours ago, jbot said:

So you're capable of looking up stuff and believe the info presented on the leftist science site but not the why? How do you pick and choose what to believe of this dastardly leftist science/black magic?! 

As for the things that are closed, let's talk about that. Can you do a quick search for "covid deaths nursing home" and tell me what you get?  It might provide an answer as to why they might be "closing" anything where large numbers of those susceptible to complications from covid-19 gather in close spaces, they tend to catch it, spread it to each other and die? Do any of those places/businesses on that list sound like maybe what I just described could happen? That's just one way you can figure out why some of these things like closures and restrictions may be happening.  And one last time, because I know I told you this before but you seem to ignore the salient points of anything at all: I was not a fan of how the closures took place, and I would probably have favored a strict isolation of those at risk and let those who want/willing to risk it for money/livelihoods sign a bunch of waivers and get to living life with some restrictions.  But maybe if I knew the things those leftist sciencey witches at the head of state and federal government knew, maybe I wouldn't? I dunno.

Ok, you keep going on about how you did the research and know the numbers and cited the sources... If you took any of this shit seriously, you would know that just about any peer reviewed health and medical research shows that masks work to reduce the spread of covid (containment of droplets, discussed in the very article you posted) and how the fact that people infected with it can spread it without knowing they have it (asymptomatic spread) and why social distancing is important (reducing concentrated exposure to respiratory droplets) and why we need to keep it from spreading for the sake of those who are at risk (read literally any article breaking down the mortality rates by age and comorbidities). And I asked before, but seriously, look up the mortality rate again.  I mean, I know you already did but your chest beating ego just can't handle it, but I just want you to read the numbers and compare it to what you believed this whole time.  If you read the data and the science behind the spread and can cite it (except, you know... the parts you had wrong up until now) but you still think masks while in groups in close quarters is just too much damn trouble?  What exactly are you reading?

The one who is finally catching up to the plot is you.  It's ok to be wrong, we are all wrong sometimes.  It is NOT ok to find out you're wrong and yet keep spreading the wrong information while knowing the CDC and every other health resource disagrees with you after dedicating all their resources to solve this thing since the pandemic started.  You don't like being told you're wrong by some stranger on a bike forum, fine.  I wouldn't believe me either, why would you, so many hurtful words were said.  Go ask a doctor or a nurse.  Ask an ICU nurse if you should wear a mask.  Ask them to explain how masks work or don't work.  Email any of those people cited in the CDC write ups or that video I posted showing how respiratory droplets spread during even quiet conversation.  What is to be gained by lying to you?


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4 hours ago, CJ74U2NV said:

Government is lying to people about covid.  It's not as deadly as you think.

It's that "herd mentality".  You are right in that the Government is lying to people about Covid as tRump is the #1 Government man.  If you live in Germany it's not as bad as it is here. If tRump would taken leadership & followed a plan similar to Merkel's we would be looking at 60,000 deaths instead of 200,000. Not using "alternative facts here".

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1 hour ago, jschaf said:

It's that "herd mentality".  You are right in that the Government is lying to people about Covid as tRump is the #1 Government man.  If you live in Germany it's not as bad as it is here. If tRump would taken leadership & followed a plan similar to Merkel's we would be looking at 60,000 deaths instead of 200,000. Not using "alternative facts here".

People don't follow the basic rules now, do you really think Americans would follow more rules? I don't, I think people would push back and there would be protest against more restrictions.

If we would follow basic rules we would not be in the mess we are. My grandparents taught me to wash my hands and cover my mouth when I sneeze or cough... I never stopped doing this.

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15 hours ago, jschaf said:

It's that "herd mentality".  You are right in that the Government is lying to people about Covid as tRump is the #1 Government man.  If you live in Germany it's not as bad as it is here. If tRump would taken leadership & followed a plan similar to Merkel's we would be looking at 60,000 deaths instead of 200,000. Not using "alternative facts here".

Most of the US deaths are from NY, a dumbocrat run state and city.  Most cases period are from dumbocrat run cities.  Trump was one of the first to call for travel bans from countries like China, before Fauci even recommended it.  

But nice try.

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Had this been handled like SARS/Bird Flu/Ebola, where we all lived with no restrictions, it would have been much better.  But democrats can't let a crisis go to waste and will do anything to promote their agenda.  Now when a viable vaccine is produced, many people will not get it due to the distrust they have for the people driving this pandemonium....er...pandemic.  

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5 hours ago, CJ74U2NV said:

Had this been handled like SARS/Bird Flu/Ebola, where we all lived with no restrictions, it would have been much better.

I would have just stopped here. 


5 hours ago, CJ74U2NV said:

Now when a viable vaccine is produced, many people will not get it due to the distrust they have for the people driving this pandemonium....er...pandemic.  

Although, I do fall into this category. Maybe I should continue to just stick to posting rides and riding. :dunno:


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27 minutes ago, jschaf said:

Covid deaths per million population:  South Korea 7, Japan 12, Germany, 113, USA 613.  But of course, it's fake news & the deep state radical left is controlling the numbers & all the Democrats are pedofiles & so on & so forth.

The stats are a factor of how many tests are being performed and how they are counted.

Do all those countries categorize anyone who dies that happens to have Covid as a Covid deaths to inflate the numbers for a number of reasons including political? 

In the US, if you die in a car crash and test positive for Covid you are a Covid death.  George Floyd is counted as a Covid death.

Also, if you test positive and take additional test to confirm, all the test are counted as individual Covid cases.

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51 minutes ago, Tpoppa said:

The stats are a factor of how many tests are being performed and how they are counted.

Do all those countries categorize anyone who dies that happens to have Covid as a Covid deaths to inflate the numbers for a number of reasons including political? 

In the US, if you die in a car crash and test positive for Covid you are a Covid death.  George Floyd is counted as a Covid death.

Also, if you test positive and take additional test to confirm, all the test are counted as individual Covid cases.

Citations?  People keep parroting those things, but no where that I've found definitely says any of that.  But I guess if you hear it enough times and you're willing to buy into confirmation bias, it's gotta be true.  🙄

If you die from a car crash, your death is a car crash fatality.  They will test for Covid for contact tracing purposes of the first responders, but your death is NOT statistically counted as a Covid death. 


Because not everyone who gets COVID-19 dies from the disease, Gilson said that a repeated stumbling block in the county's testing has been getting the public at large to understand the extent of the disease.

“It would be foolish, I think we would all agree, if somebody died in a car accident who had tested positive for COVID-19, and we would say that's a COVID-19 death. That's a car accident death," he said. "That's not a COVID-19 death at all. And we're not hiding the prevalence of the disease by saying, yes, they had COVID-19, but this wasn't a COVID death.”

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39 minutes ago, Disclaimer said:

Citations?  People keep parroting those things, but no where that I've found definitely says any of that.   But I guess if you hear it enough times and you're willing to buy into confirmation bias, it's gotta be true.  🙄

Here you go shit head 



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1 hour ago, Disclaimer said:

Citations?  People keep parroting those things, but no where that I've found definitely says any of that.  But I guess if you hear it enough times and you're willing to buy into confirmation bias, it's gotta be true.  🙄




Hey Shit head, here is a citation directly from the CDC



The data represent laboratory test totals—not individual people. 

The number of positive tests in a state is not equal to the number of cases, as one person may be tested more than once.


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1 hour ago, Tpoppa said:

Keep up, skippy.  That was April.  May update.



“There are also some additional deaths that happen in someone who happened to be COVID positive, but where the COVID infection had nothing to do with the deaths,” she said. “So we are at IDPH trying to remove those obvious cases where the COVID diagnosis was not the reason for the death. If there was a gunshot wound, if there was a motor vehicle accident, we know that that was not related to the COVID positive status.

Again, you sticking by your, "bUT iTs CouNTeD eVeN iF It WuZ Uh cAR CrASh!!!11!!"?

Oh, and the second link -- now you're changing the subject from Covid DEATHS, Covid CASES, and Covid TESTS... nice attempt to conflate different things.  YOU said test = cases.  I didn't. 

1 hour ago, Disclaimer said:

Also, if you test positive and take additional test to confirm, all the test are counted as individual Covid cases.

And clearly, they're not.  Disclaimed as such by your own link.

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Because people who are obese, have diabetes, cystic fibrosis, congenital heart disease, cancer, etc...  get covid which pushes them over the rainbow bridge.  Covid will be listed as what killed them.  Not the fact that every time they walk past a graveyard people chase them with shovels.  Nope, covid killed them.

Now they were able to keep hanging on because most other things that would have pushed them over the edge were known and they were able to stay away from them.  But an otherwise non-fatal disease killed them because they were pretty close to dead anyways.  Now if a common cold pushed them over the edge, typically a medical examiner would list complications from ..... and all the underlying symptoms would be listed.  Now, it's just covid.  In most jurisdictions, medical examiners have the final say on what the cause of death is.  If the ER doc says you died from a being choked to death, the medical examiner can change it to covid...like George Floyd.  No one knew he had covid until after he was dead, so it was likely a very insignificant contributory factor in his death.  A more likely contributing factor would have been the drugs in his system.  But this method of listing a cause of death, and the inconsistencies of it, lead to all the disbelief by the non-sheep types.  

People don't wear masks because they're afraid of covid.  They wear masks because they're afraid of the government.  If they were really afraid of covid, they wouldn't leave their house.  

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