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Ride Saturday 10-10


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@durk had a great time today. I know @Skinny guy and I both made it home okay. Unfortunately, Thor high sided at the 800-22 split and is under observation at the hospital with a concussion. It appears that the he going to be okay. He called me from the hospital while I was still making my way home. Just a total freak accident.

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9 hours ago, Pauly said:

What happened, or does he not remember yet? 

We split the group at 800 and 22. Looked like he got confused about which way he was going and tried to slow late to turn left onto 800 N. Locked up the back tire and got sideways and released it while sideways. The tire caught and tossed him from the bike. I watched the whole thing happen as it was right in front of me. He doesn't remember much from the accident. He says he vaguely remembers locking up the rear.

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1 hour ago, Pauly said:

Damn. Hope hs isn't too shaken and heals quickly. That sucks. 

He's says it was pretty scary for him. No doubt. He's a little down about his bike and itching to get it sorted out so he knows he'll be back on two. Kid is young, he'll heal fast. 

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12 hours ago, durk said:

@Muckles thanks for the update. Glad you and @Skinny guy were around to look out for Thor. Sorry I was not around to help. I just assumed you all followed Pete instead of me. I’m glad you both made it home safe and Thor is home now. 

@durk no worries, happened as we were splitting up I would have assumed the same thing. Just goes to show you can't ever let up your focus while riding. It is hard to imagine that this is where it happened after thinking about how the rest of the ride went. Definitely glad he doing well...I talked to him on and off all day yesterday. 

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