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holy mother of god ... car hit deer


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Originally posted by 1Lthalsvt:

wow, wonder what was going through the drivers mind while he/she was splattered w/ deer innerds graemlins/puke.gif

i would imagine if this is real that the deer pieces went through this persons face/mind along with some glass at least,
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Guest Cougar_55555
Originally posted by Awfulcanawful:

I'm pretty sure the inside of the car has to be fake. Come on did it perfectly cut out the liver behind the seat?

Wierd shit happens at high speeds.


What I dont understand is how there are still two whole looking halfs of a deer, yet all the gibs managed to go inside..

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Nope, I think it's fake, though, admittedly, I'm no expert in blood splattering. But, a few things stand out:


1) Too much blood inside the vehicle, not enough on the outside around the deer. What, after the deer was sheered in half and the two pieces fell to the ground, it just stopped bleeding?


2) Too much blood and guts inside too many parts of the car. Come on, that deer wasn't that big.


3) That blood was too red. Unless it was all frozen solid, and it froze on impact, then it's too red. Dried blood is dark maroon, almost brownish - the red inside the vehicle was too vibrant.


Just my skeptical $0.02.

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