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Fatal Motorcycle Crash

RC51 John

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Quoted from Desmohio...

Bill Culp was involved in a fatal crash this morning on his way to his new position with the Army National Guard, while riding his Ducati. Bill was doing two things he loved the most: riding his Ducati and serving his country. Bill surved 18 months in Iraq and would have returned the next day, if needed.

Bill is survived by his wonderful wife Ester.

Bill Culp lived his life in total integrity, compassion, and love of country..

I would like as many people as possible to please show up for a ride when we do it for bill. It will most likely be to his funeral, or maybe something the night before.

Road is still closed. The driver of the mini van was a 17 yo male. :nono:

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Taken from DesmOhio:

Bill Culp was involved in a fatal crash this morning on his way to his new position with the Army National Guard, while riding his Ducati. Bill was doing two things he loved the most: riding his Ducati and serving his country. Bill surved 18 months in Iraq and would have returned the next day, if needed.

Bill is survived by his wonderful wife Ester.

Bill Culp lived his life in total integrity, compassion, and love of country..

George Morrison


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she didnt see him because she didnt look, end of story. I think we all need to remember this and take the time to educate drivers out there. I will definately do my part and remove the mirror of the next person that does not see me, maybe that little wake up call will save someones life.

RIP Bill I am sure there are plenty of DUCS in heaven, my thoughts are with you and your family

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I fucking hate soccer mom vans. Cell phones and soccer moms scare the shit out of me. These fucking people need to get there heads out of they're asses and stop killing innocent people.

R.I.P Bill

Thoughts out to the family and friends of this rider.

One thing I must say, though. It is easy to get pissed and be upset. However, the minivan driver isn't a murderer. It was a lack of attention for sure, but how many of us have done the same thing? How many of us have ridden on occasion recklessly and gotten away with it? How many of us have done something rather stupid like drank too much and driven home and gotten away with it? How many of us have gone somewhat "postal" and had road rage get the better of us w/o concern to others around simply to prove a point?

There's a lot to everything that happens in life. Calling the driver a murderer is a little uncalled for. They weren't out hunting for motorcyclists and trying to kill or hurt them. I know it sucks. Trust me, I drive 48K miles plus a year. I've had my share of stupid people who don't think or are so immersed in what they are doing, they aren't paying attention to their driving.

Not taking the min van driver's side, but step back and as the one poster stated, it's a bitch to turn left at that intersection... Bikes are tough to see at times. We all know that. It's what we sign up for being an enthusiast...

God Speed to the fallen rider...

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Thoughts out to the family and friends of this rider.

One thing I must say, though. It is easy to get pissed and be upset. However, the minivan driver isn't a murderer. It was a lack of attention for sure, but how many of us have done the same thing? How many of us have ridden on occasion recklessly and gotten away with it? How many of us have done something rather stupid like drank too much and driven home and gotten away with it? How many of us have gone somewhat "postal" and had road rage get the better of us w/o concern to others around simply to prove a point?

There's a lot to everything that happens in life. Calling the driver a murderer is a little uncalled for. They weren't out hunting for motorcyclists and trying to kill or hurt them. I know it sucks. Trust me, I drive 48K miles plus a year. I've had my share of stupid people who don't think or are so immersed in what they are doing, they aren't paying attention to their driving.

Not taking the min van driver's side, but step back and as the one poster stated, it's a bitch to turn left at that intersection... Bikes are tough to see at times. We all know that. It's what we sign up for being an enthusiast...

God Speed to the fallen rider...

I don't think anyone mentioned the word 'MURDER', but causing the death of someone accidental or not is still killing them.

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This is a VERY unfortunate story and I will be praying for the ones left behind. I will also let some of my church family know so we can pray as well.

We also need to consider this young KID as well. Not one of us can say we haven't been pre-occupied by something that made us less than optimal drivers. Its so easy to throw stones when we ALL live in glass houses. This young boy needs our prayers as well. He is going to be living with this guilt the rest of his life. I will be praying for him and his family as well. Two families have been affected by this tragedy.

I can remember not so long ago when I was merging onto east broad street from 270. I looked in my blind spot...did EVERYTHING I was supposed to do and did NOT see the little 250 behind me. When I looked in my rear view mirror that dude (about 250# on a little shadow or something like that) was giving me the finger. He was dressed in all black and I honestly do not know how I could have missed him. Point is....people do NOT see us. Its very unfortunate. People get hurt and even die. If I had hurt that gentleman (who I might add followed me home and cussed me out requiring me to notify police) or even killed him I wouldn't have been able to live with myself. And the sad thing is....my intention was never to be a careless driver or to injure someone. Accidents happen. That's why they are called accidents.

I pray that Bill's family and this young kid's family have a peace that passes all understanding that only Jesus can give. I pray that it reigns in each and everyone of their lives tonight. Lord thank you for comforting them in their time of need!!!! Amen!!!

she didnt see him because she didnt look, end of story. I think we all need to remember this and take the time to educate drivers out there. I will definately do my part and remove the mirror of the next person that does not see me, maybe that little wake up call will save someones life.

RIP Bill I am sure there are plenty of DUCS in heaven, my thoughts are with you and your family

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Sorry to hear that. The Desmohio guys are safe riders. You have squids riding all day long with flip-flops and no helmet and get by just fine. You got a guy who is wearing a helmet and gets killed. Doesn't seem like he was doing a thing wrong.

The guy goes over to the hell-hole of Iraq and comes home to get killed by a 17 year old in a mini-van. Sometimes life just doesn't make sense. Godspeed Bill.

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Geez, my coworker was just telling me that his neighbor's brother was killed on Gender Rd this morning and his wife had to watch the kids so that the sister could go ID the body. What a horrible thing.

I am so sorry for his family and friends. :(

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Im not calling any one a murderer. All im saying is that these dip shits need to remove they're heads from there asses and "look twice, motorcycles are everywhere". And I also drive for a living and deal with these dumb drivers everyday. Ive been hit in my tow truck twice, with my beacons and flashers on. Point is that these people suffering from "HUA" (Head Up Ass) syndrome, need to get a cure for it, or hang up there keys and call it quits.

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