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my bikes new resting place


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Originally posted by WebNinja:

Your girlfriend rocks if she doesn't give you shit for that.

its my fiance...and she doesnt care at all.

we are looking into gettin her a bike as well... she wants to store it inside too lol.


and i ahve a garage.. but not heated.. hence why its in the house till atleast warmer weather

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sweet bike. When my dad managed a condo he rented to these bikers who literally did BURN-OUTS in every room of the house and up/down the stairs. My dad didn't check in regularly, and needless to say, by the time he did, the place was a wreck. This was back in the 80's tho.


OT: Got any more pictures of your woman? I take it that's her in the sig/pic? ::gets ready to duck from flying objects if not::

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